36THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYtion commission, Indianapolis.Gray, James Hite, la St. Anne, 111.
1898-1900 principal of high school. Rock-field
1900-1903 superintendent ofschools, Earl Park
1903-1904 principalof high school, Union City
1904-1905student, Indiana University, received A.B. degree
1905-1908 principal of highschool, Rensselaer
1908-1911 principalof high school, Huntington
1911-1912graduate student. School of Education,University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.
1912-1913 principal of high school, Mar-shalltown, Iowa
1913 superintendent ofschools, Vinton, Iowa
1926-1926 superintendent of schools, St. Anne, 111.
nrsince 1926.Grover, Ella, pa 1431 First Ave., TerreHaute
1898-1899 taught at Syracuse
1899-1929 principal Hook School, TerreHaute.Groves, John D., pa Rome
1898-1900teacher and principal high school, Vincennes
1900-1929 farmer and represented Perry and Spencer counties. House ofRepresentatives, 1929 session of Legislature.♦Harman, Charles T.Harnischfeger-Strickland, Mrs....
taught several years inGibson county before graduation
1898-1900 teacher in city schools, OaklandCity
1900-1928 married in 1900, athome, not teaching.Harrah, Mary, la Fort Wayne
1898-1900 assistant in high school, Worthington
1900-1903 teacher of Latin andEnglish, high school, Linton
1903-1905attended Indiana University
1905-1908principal high school, Brownstown
1908-1910 teacher of Latin, high school,Lawrenceburg
lr 1910 teacher of Latin,high school. Ft. Wayne.Hatton, Israel, pa Plain field, taught fiveyears after graduation from the IndianaState Teachers Colle...
entered theministry and since that time held pastorates in Indiana cities including Reynolds,Indiana Harbor, South Bend, West TerreHaute, Indianapolis, Ros...
now pastor of the First M. E.Church at Plainfield.Hays-Owens, Mrs. Myrtle
pa Anaheim,Calif.
taught one year in Worthingtonbefore graduation
1898-1900 teacher ingrades, Kentland
1900-1902 private instructor
1902-1918 homekeeper andsubstitute teacher in grades, Worthington
married in 1902 to John Owens ofthe class of 1896
1918-1922 teacher ofEnglish and history, high school. Worthington
1922-1928 teacher of English,Union High School, Anaheim, Calif.
graduated from DePauw University,in 1896
attended Indiana University,summer of 1921.Henderson, Josiah D., nr.Henderson, J. L., la LaFontaine
1898-1901 principal schools, Wilbur
1901-1902 principal school, Hazel wood
1902-1904 principal Smith School, near Monrovia
1904-1906 principal GasbergSchool, near Monrovia
1906-1907 principal high school, Amboy
1907-1909superintendent schools, Amboy
1909-1913 superintendent schools. Van Buren1913-1918 superintendent schools, LaFontaine
1918-1928 principal LibertyCenter.Himelick, R. W., pa 232 Barton Ave.,Terre Haute
1898-1901 superintendentschools, Jonesboro
1901-1908 superintendent schools, Monessin, Pa.
1908-1910 student and instructor, IndianaUniversity
received A. B. and M. A.degrees
1910-1912 supervising principal,Indianapolis
1912-1914 superintendentTraining School, State Normal, RiverFalls, Wis.
1914-1916 principal Cleveland Normal School
superintendent ofschools. Ft. Wayne for several years
member of the State Board of Education
now owner and manager of theHome Furniture Co., Terre Haute.Hirsbrunner, John Gottlieb, pa Clare-mont, Cal.
1899-1901 principal gradedschools, Bloomingdale
1901-1903 principal high school, Dana
1904-1905 principal schools, Rosedale
1905-1909 principal high school, Rockville
1909-1915superintendent schools, Montezuma
received A. B. degree Indiana University1914
1915 supervisor Reserve townshipschools
lr 1928 teaching Webb School,Claremont, Calif.
Hirshbrunner, Mathilda
pa Claremont,Calif.
1899-1912 primary teacher, Rockville
1912-1913 on leave of absenceaccount of health
1913-1916 primaryteacher, Rocjcville
1926-1928 teacher,Rockville
1928-1930 retired and livingwith brother, John Hirshbrunner, Claremont, Calif.Hodge-Pearcy, Mrs. Carrie, ha Llano,Calif.
nr.Hodge, James Wesley, pa Cheney,Wash.
1898-1899 teacher in schools,Wallace, Idaho
1899-1907 principalschools Wallace, Kellog and Moscow,Idaho
1907-1908 student, DePauw University, Greencastle
1909-1913 principalFranklin School, Aberdeen, Wash.
1913-1917 county superintendent of schools.Grays Harbor county, Montesano, Wash.
1917-1919 director extension deportment.State Normal School, Cheney, Wash.
1919-1921 deputy county superintendentof schools, Spokane county. Wash.
1921-1929 principal junior high schooland instructor. State Normal School,Cheney, Wash.
(summer quarter)
received A. B. degree in 1926, Universityof Washington.Holton, J. W., ha Shelbyville
1898-1900 principal schools, Ohio Falls, 1900-1902 student, Indiana University
1902-1906 principal West Side Schools,Logansport
1906-1911 superintendent ofschools, Sullivan, and superintendent ofschools, Shelbyville
graduate studentColumbia University
deceased Jan. 7,1924.Hornaday-Clark, Mrs. Lula, pa 201 EastBroadway, Danville
1896-1898 teacherin country schools, Hendricks county
1898-1900 teacher in grades, Tipton
1900-1901 teacher in grades, Plainfield
1901-1904 teacher in grades, Indianapolis
married in 1904 to Judge JamesL. Clark
1904-1930 not teaching
home-keeper.Hussey, John S., pa Zionsville
1898-1900 teacher and superintendent ofschools, Atlanta
1900-1915 in hardwarebusiness
1915-1916 farmed and traveled
1916-1920 county superintendent ofschools, Boone county
1920-1927 secretary of young peoples reading circle
1927-1930 deputy state high school inspector.Inks, Ardelpha, pa 2800 South 7th St.,Terre Haute: 1898-1900 teacher in CruftSchool, Terre Haute...
1900-1928 teacherin city schools
1928-1929 not teaching.