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Showing 1 - 20 of 80 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( from s.e webst...
Showing 1 - 20 of 80 results

  • A street map of downtown Fort Wayne, Indiana from Archer Street to Jefferson Street and St Marys Avenue to Comparet Street. First overlay&#x...

    This image file is a 300 dpi, jpg2000 file, converted using Photoshop CS2 software from a 400 dpi, 24-bit, uncompressed TIFF image scanned&#...

    Archer Ave., Putnam St., Sixth St., Fifth St., Fourth St., Third St., Second St., First St., High St., Commerce Dr., Fairmount Pl., Pape...

    History Center Digital Collections

  • 38THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYPeterson, Jessie A., ha Evansville: nr.Petty, Elmer, pa 2301 South Maple St.,Sioux City, Iowa

    taught five years incountry schools before graduation

    1903-1907 teacher at Elwood, Swayzee andFrankfort

    190 7 graduated from IndianaUniversity

    1907-1922 teacher of historyin high school, Sioux City, la.

    1922-1929, engaged in the stationery business

    graduated from University of Chicago 1919.Polk, Dee, nr.Quigle, Edward A., la 1928, 3308 HunterBlvd., Seattle, Wash, nr.Rentschler-Hughes, Mrs. Alta O.,&#x...

    taught primary three years, Patricksburg, one year grades, Elwood, beforegraduation

    1898-1901 teacher of grades,Anderson

    1901-1903 teacher of grades,Marion

    1903-1905 teacher of grades,Indianapolis

    1905-1929 not teaching,homekeeper

    married June 28, 1905 toW. F. Hughes of the class 1896.Rhodes, Gertrude, nr.Scearce, Martha, pa Danville

    taughtthree years in township schools and primary grades, Mooresville before graduation

    taught a number of years aftergraduation in Indiana

    1916-1929 notteaching, homekeeper and assistant inpublic library.Schweitzer-Burford, Mrs. Charlotte B.,pa 1508 South 8th St., Terre Haute

    after graduation taught in grade andhigh schools, Waveland

    general assistant and assistant professor of English,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    1910-1930 dean of women, Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    1908-1910 student, University ofChicago

    A. M. Indiana University, 1929.Scott, Sarah, ha Terre Haute

    teacherof mathematics, Wiley High School,Terre Haute for a number of years andat time of her death

    the Sarah ScottJunior High School stands as a monument to her long years of service

    deceased Aug. 27, 1915.Shanahan-Dagcs, Mrs. Ellen, pa 929Pine St., Marysville, Calif.

    taught fourteen years before graduation

    1898-1903teacher in eighth grade and first yearhigh school, Cannelburg

    1904-1930, notteaching, homekeeper, married to Frederick Dages of Montgomery.S-.bel, L. Carrie, la Crawfordsville

    taughtcontinuously from time of graduation to1926

    taught in the schools of New Harmony, Huntington, Newport and Win-gate

    also North Bend, Oregon

    last position, teacher of Latin and English inthe Wingate High School

    lr living inCrawfordsville.Smith, Robert A., nr.♦ Spears-Broderick, Mrs. Retta E., ha Elkhart

    taught two years rural school before graduation

    taught one year inElwood and several years in Elkhart

    married in 1912 and manager of acafeteria

    died February 12, 1930.Stuart, Hattie, nr.Stuart, William, nr.♦Test, Alice, lr teacher of school ofRichmond until a few weeks before herdeath i...

    1898-1899 principal wardschool, Salem

    1899-1903 principal highschool, Lesterville

    1903-1904 student,Indiana University

    1904-1913 superintendent of schools, Webster and ClarkS. D.

    1913-1916 principal high school.Little York

    1926-1929 superintendentat Webster, S. D.Thornburg, Curtis A., nr.Tout-Boobar, Mrs. Katherine, nr.Turner, Edwin, pa Normal, 111.

    1898-1899 teacher in high school, Kentland

    1899-1900 principal schools. Oak Park

    1900-1902 teacher of science, highschool, Bedford

    1902-1903 teacher ofbiology, Logansport

    1903-1905 principalhigh school, Connersville

    1905-1906 didgraduate work in Columbia University,A. M. degree

    1906-1907 principal highschool, Connersville: 1907-1908 superintendent schools, Connersville

    1908-1929head of practice department, IllinoisState Normal University, Normal, 111.

    received A. B. degree, Indiana University 1905.Umbach, William H., nr.Underwood, Oscar B., nr.♦Wagner, Clyde L., ha Attica

    1898-1900superintendent of schools, Newport

    1901-1903 principal high school, NorthManchester

    1903-1905 principal highschool. Lead, S. D.

    1905-1906 receivedA. B., Indiana University

    1906-1907principal high school, Owensboro, Ky.

    1907-1909 superintendent schools, Attica

    deceased Dec. 10, 1910, accidentallyshot while hunting.Wasson-Hunt, Mrs. Helen P., la Rensselaer

    1898-1901 teacher in Veeders-burg

    since then married and not teaching.Week, Frederick William, la 1916 LaCrosse, Wis.

    1898-1899 principalschools, Matthews

    1899-1900 principalhigh school, Washington, 111.

    1900-1904taught in modern language department,Chicago, 111.j 1904-1905, student, IndianaUniversity

    1905-1906 Wm. Curtis HighSchool, Chicago, 111.

    1906-1913 instructor, University of Michigan

    1913-1916department of education and psychology,LaCrosse State Normal School, LaCrosse,Wis.

    lr 1916.Whiteneck-Brown, Mrs. Emma, pa1103 y2 Woodland Ave., Toledo, O.


    manager of laundry office.Wilson, Albert M., pa 3630 Shaw Ave.,St. Louis Mo.

    1898-1900 attended Indiana University

    A. B. degree 1900

    1900-1901 teacher of mathematics, highschool, Fairmount

    1901-1903 principalof high school, Covington

    1903-1904teacher of mathematics, Orchard LakeMilitary Academy, Orchard Lake, Mich.

    1904-1923 teacher of mathematics, Mc-Kinley High School, St. Louis, Mo.

    1923-1929 principal of Monroe HighSchool, St. Louis, Mo.: A. M. degree,Indiana University 1903

    attended University of Chicago summer terms 1904-1905

    University of Colorado, summerterm 1914, Columbia University, summerterms 1923-1924-1925.♦Wood-Tharp, Mrs. Lon, ha Farmland

    after graduation taught in Anderson,Muncie and Farmland

    married in 1910


    deceased Oct. 17, 1926.Woodmansee, Wilson Robert, la 1916Ripon Wis.

    lr teacher of mathematics,Ripon, Wis.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY203Thomas, Sadie M., A. B., pa 1633 Emerson St., Denver, Colorado

    1922-1929teacher, departmental social studies,Skinner Junior High School, Denver,Colo.Thompson, Catherine, B. S., ha PlazaHotel, Terre Haute

    pa East Chicago

    1925-1926 teacher physical education,West Plains, Mo.

    1926-1929 teacher,physical education, Harrisburg, 111.

    1929-1930 teacher physical education,East Chicago.Tonini, Marie V., 2P, pa 829 MonroeAve., Evansville

    taught rural schools,Spencer county and Newburg beforegraduation

    1925-1930 teacher, primarygrades, Evansville.Trotter, Raymond, A. B. , pa Columbus

    1917-1919 teacher history, high school,Gaston

    1919-1929 superintendentschools, Lyons

    1929-1930 teacher industrial arts, senior high school, Columbus

    A. M. University of Wisconsin in1928.Trotter, Ralph D., A. B., ha Columbus

    1925-1927 teacher science, Linton

    1927-1930 principal, junior high school, Portland.True, Thelma M., 2IG, ha Vallonia


    nr.Trueblood, Basil C, B. S., ha Salem

    paWatertown, Wis.

    1912-1920 teacher,manual arts and drawing, public schools,Watertown, Wis.

    1920-1929 director,vocation education, Watertown, Wis.Tuell-Moss, Mrs. Cecil, 2IG, ha Salem

    pa 1910 Park Ave., Alton, 111.

    1918-1919 teacher, country school, Salem

    1919-1920 teacher, grades, countryschool, Dugger

    1920-1921 teacher,grades, Dugger

    1921-1926 teacher,grades, Alton, 111.

    1926-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, married to Ora S.Moss.Upthegrove, Cecelia, 2IG, ha 624 GilbertAve., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1925-1930teacher, elementary grades, Booker T.Washington School, Terre Haute.Vaughn-Atterbury, Mrs. Margaret, A. B.,ha 523 South 7th St., Terre Haute...

    paKankakee, 111.

    1925-1928 teacher, English and music, high school, Pimento

    1928-1929 homekeeper, Kankakee, 111.Waffle, Eugene, A. B., ha 3 8 HudsonAve., Terre Haute

    pa Charleston, 111.

    1925-1926 graduate student, Universityof Chicago

    1926-1930 professor, English, Illinois State Normal, Charleston,111.

    received A. M. from University ofChicago, 1927.Wagner, Mrs. Victoria E., A. B.. ha2201 South Center St., Terre Haute

    pa3405 Gates Place, New York City

    lr1928 at home, not teaching.Walker, Burton, B. S., ha Columbus, paFronklin

    1925-1930 teacher, industrialarts, Franklin.Waldrip, Cliff O., A. B., ha Minonk, 111.

    pa same

    1914-1918 principal, Stillwell

    1918-1925 principal, Bourbon

    1925-1930 superintendent schools, Minonk,111.Walker, Eva Ruth, 2IG, ha Palestine,111.

    pa Connersville

    1925-1929 teacherelementary grades, Connersville.Wambaugh, Irma Mae, 2IG, ha Hymera,pa 650 Chestnut St., Terre Haute

    1925-1929 clerical work, Terre Haute.Wanner, Violette, A. B., ha 1936 North10th St., Terre Haute

    pa 1135 BuckeyeSt., Terre Haute

    1925-1926 and mathematics, high school,Shelburn

    1926-1927 teacher, music andmathematics high school, Bedford

    1927-1928 teacher, music and mathematics,Tangier

    1928-1929 teacher, music andart, Warren School, Terre Haute.Ward-Liston, Mrs. Mary E., B. S., haTrafalgar

    pa 14394 Cruse Ave., Detroit, Mich.

    taught in Whiteland before graduation

    1925-1927 teacher,music in grades, Lawrenceburg

    1927-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, marriedto Paul R. Liston.Weathers, Garret, B. S., pa 607 GaryState Bank Bldg., Gary

    taught twoyears rural and 9 years industrial artsbefore graduation

    1925-1927 vocationaldirector, city schools, Michigan City

    1927-1930 building contractor.Webster, Hazel, 2IG, pa Rosedale

    RFD A

    1923-1928 teacher, rural school,Newport

    grades at Diamond and Bridge-ton

    1928-1930 not teaching, at home.Webster, Lewis B., B. S., ha 2410 North7th St., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1900assistant in physics and chemistry, Indiana State Teachers College


    1900-1901 principal, schools,Bridgeton

    1901-1907 working in postoffice, Terre Haute: 1907-1929 teacher,botany, Wiley High School, TerreHaute.Weintraut-Fisher, Mrs. Estella, A. B., haWaldron...

    pa Pimento

    1925-1926 teacher, Latin, mathematics, history, Lyons

    1926-1929 teacher, Latin and history,Pimento.Weir-Aldred, Mrs. Grace, 2H.E., haCrawfordsville

    pa Vevay

    1925-1926not teaching, doing office work

    1926-1929 not teaching, homekeeper, married.West, Minnie Mae, A. B., ha 22 6 South13% St., Terre Haute

    pa RFD 2, Glen-wood

    1925-1926 teacher, Latin andEnglish, Pimento

    1926-1929 teacher,home economics, Gary.Williams, Ruth, B. S., ha RFD 2, Vincennes

    pa 1627 West 5th St., Gary

    1925-1929 teacher home economics,Gary.Wilson, Mrs. Edna R.( 2P, ha RFD E,Terre Haute

    1926-1929 critic teacher.Territorial Normal and Training School,Waimanolo, Oohu in Hawaii.Wilson, Ruth B., B. S., RFD A, TerreHaute

    pa same

    1925-1928 teocher,home economics, Fairbanks.Wilson, Margaret, 2P, ha Prairie Creek,pa 1404 South 7th St., Terre Haute

    1909-1913 teacher, elementary grades,Vigo county

    1915-1916 teacher, elementary grades, West Union, 111.

    1917-1918teacher, elementary grades, Oblong, 111.

    1919-1924 teacher primary grades,Prairie Creek

    1924-1925 teacher primary grades, Ft. Wayne

    1926-1927teacher primary grades, Richmond

    1927-1929 teacher primary grades, Greenwood School, Terre Haute.Winters, Agnes, 2IG, ha 917-144 St.,East Chicago

    nr.Wheeler-Hert, Mrs. Alice, 2M, haNoblesville

    pa Fostoria, Ohio

    1925-1927 teacher, music, high school, Marshall, 111.

    summer of 1927 teacher, music in Training School, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    1927-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, marriedto Lewis Hert.Whiteman, Russell, A. B., ha Scotts-

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • The April 2002 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the&...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • ^DSf 14-19-2840.6A. WANTED TO RENT525FIREPLACE WOOD, Dry Oak,77jath, unfurnish-560 per month.extension 16ENTER332-5125TRAILER SPACE630 Hillside DrivePhone 336-4650WANTED&...

    Unionville High School
    No subjects listed

  • 42THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYat home in Terre Haute

    1927-1929teacher in commercial department Mechanic Arts High School. St. Paul, Minn.

    received A. M. degree from WabashBusiness College, Terre Haute

    attendedPalmer School, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

    tookextension work in University of Minnesota.Servies, Edgar M., pa Colfax

    1896-1897teacher district school, Jackson township,Boone county

    1897-1900 principal highschool. Advance

    1900-1906 principalhigh school school, Jamestown

    1908-1910 clerk C. & E. I. R. R.

    1910-1911principal high Bchool, Advance

    1911-1921 county superintendent of schools,Boone county: 1921-1926 principal highschool, Jamestown

    1926-1930 principalhigh school, Colfax.Shirley, Cora, pa 655 Third Ave., TerreHaute

    1899-1903 teacher, English,three and one-half years at Alexandria

    1903-1929 teacher, reading, junior highschool, Terre Haute.Sneil, Bertha, nr.Stewart, Mary, nr.Stimson, Mary, pa 1003 South 3rd St.,Terre Haute

    1899-1901 teacher in thegrades, Terre Haute

    1901-1910 assistantLatin teacher, Wiley High School, TerreHaute

    1910-1916 vice principal and deanof girls, Wiley High School

    A. M. University of Wisconsin, 1910

    1927-1929dean of girls, Wiley High School, TerreHaute.Shults-Shock, Mrs. Blanche V., pa 700North 7th St., Lafayette

    1900 1904taught grades, Indianapolis

    1904-1929married, at home, not teaching.Stwalley, Ella, nr.Thomas, Sadie, pa Denver, Colo.

    1890-1302 tiiught grades at Alexandria

    1902-1904 taught grades at Indianapolis

    1904-1905 taught Indian school, White-river, Ariz.

    1905-1917 taught gradework, Denver, Colo.

    1917-1929 chairman social science department, SkinnerJunior High School, Denver, Colo.Turner, R. Quinn, nr.♦Vehslage, Anna, deceased 1905

    nr.Vinzant, Charles Edward, la Kentland:1899-1903 principal of schools, Anderson

    1903-1908 superintendent ofschools, Dunkirk

    1908-1909 A. B., Indiana University

    1909-1916 superintendent of schools, Kentland

    lr 1916.Walker, Ernest G., nr.Webb, Edgar, pa 393 seventh Ave., NewYork

    1899-1900 principal of ward school,Vincennes

    1900-1904 principal of highschool, Williamsport

    1.904-1911 publisher. Daily and Weekly Ledger, Attica

    1911-1914 manager for E. P. Duttonand Company, Publishers: 1914-1928agency assistant for Equitable Life Insurance Society of the United States,office ...

    1928-1930 director ofunit managers training offices NewYork

    president Indiana State TeachersCollege Alumni Association 1927.Webster, Lewis B., pa 2410 North 7thSt., Terre Haute

    1900 assistant inphysics and chemistry, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    1900-1901 principal of schools, Bridgeton

    1901-1907 working in post-office, TerreHaute: 1907-1930 teaching botany, WileyHigh School, Terre Haute.Weills, Olive, nr.Welch, Ella, nr.White, Isaac D., p...

    taughtthree years in Parke county before graduation

    1899-1900 teacher, St. Bernice

    1900-1901 teacher, Silverwood

    1901-1904 attended Purdue University, Medical College

    1904-1929 practicing medicine in Clinton

    received M. D. degreefrom Purdue in 1904.Williams, Oscar Harrison, pa Ohio StateUniversity, Columbus, O.

    1899-1902superintendent of schools, Windfall

    1902-1903 principal of departmentalgrades, Elwood

    1904-1905 principalhigh school, Alexandria

    1905-1903 headof department of history and civics inhigh school, New Albany

    1908-1914critic teacher, history, School of Education, Indiana University

    received A.B. from Indiana University in 1905:M. A. from Harvard University in 1912

    1915-1917 critic teacher, Indiana University

    1919—1924 state inspectorteacher-training

    1923-1924 associateprofessor, Depauw University

    1925-1928 professor education, DePauw University, Greencastle

    received Ph. D. degree from Indiana University in 1923

    member of Phi Delta Kappa

    graduateclubs, Indiana and Harvard Universities

    Indiana School Mens Club


    1928-1930 professor of education, Ohio State University, Columbus,O.Wilson, Clarence B., pa Aurora

    1899-1901 principal of schools, Dillsboro

    1901-1908 cashier State Bank, Dillsboro

    1908-1930 cashier. State Bank, Aurora

    attended Moores Hill College in 1888.Wilson, Lola, nr.Winn, Lola Moss Deardorf, nr.CLASS OF 1900Baxter-McLemon, Mrs. Elizabeth, nr.Brount, Willis M., nr.Bl...

    1900-1901 supervisor ofmusic, Princeton

    1901-1906 supervisorof music, Brazil

    1905-1929 supervisorof music, Ithaca, N. Y.

    teacher of summer session in Cornell University andauthor of several texts on music.Burke, Samuel, nr.Caldwell, James H., pa 16 Erwin Block,Terre ...

    1900-1901 teacher in highschool, Elwood

    1900 student Universityof Chicago

    1901-1902 principal highschool, Plainfield

    1902-1903 teacher ofLatin, high school, Cayuga

    1903-1905principal high school, Cayuga

    1905entered Indiana University in fall

    received LL. B. degree 1907

    1907-1929attorney-at-law, Terre Haute.C.em, John D., la 1916 Vigo county

    lr1916 farming in Vigo county.Coar, John R., la Fort Wayne

    1900-1904 ward principal, Elwood

    1904-1911ward and junior high school principal,Shelbyville

    1911-1922 ward principal,Fort Wayne

    1922-1928 supervisor intermediate and grammar grades and mathe-mtaics, Fort Wayne

    attended Universityof Wisconsin summers of 1907-1908-1909-1910.Cole, Charles A., nr.♦Collins, William J., received M. D. degree: deceased

    nr.Creek, Viola, nr.Cunningham, Elizabeth, la 2106 E. St.,Bakersfleld, Calif.

    1900-1903 teacher inintermediate grades, Russellville

    1903-1908 teacher of primary grades. Rose-

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed


    1886-1911 teacher inschools, Goshen

    1912-1913 traveled

    1913-1926 teacher in grades, ArmonaSchool, Kings county, Cal.

    1926-1927governess at Mishawaka Orphans Homefor Boys, Mishawaka.♦Morris-McKeever, Mrs. Emma, nr.Purdue, A. H., ha Nashville, Tenn.

    lrprofessor of geology at University ofArkansas for several years

    deceased1917.Rettger, Louis John, pa 638 Walnut St.,Terre Haute

    1886-1887 student JohnsHopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

    1887-1888 received A. B. degree, JohnsHopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

    1888-1889 graduate student and assistant in biology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

    1889-1890 instructor, Indiana University, Bloomington

    received A. M. degree in 1890

    1890-1891teacher of science, high school. SouthBend

    1891-1930 professor of physiology,dean of science, Indiana State TeachersCollege

    graduate student, Universitiesof Heidelberg and Berlin, 1895-1896

    Ph. D., Johns Hopkins University,Baltimore, Md., 1909

    member AmericanAssociation for the Advancement ofScience

    fellow, Indiana Academy ofScience

    member National EducationAssociation

    member National GeographicSociety

    associate member Terre HauteAcademy of Medicine.♦Shepardson, John E., lr 1916 supervisor of practice teaching, State NormalSchool, Los Angeles, Cal.Snyde...

    taughtfour years before and six years aftergraduation

    1916-1928 in retail clothingbusiness, the last five years deputy collector of internal revenue.Stokesberry, Eva M., la Oak Park, 111.

    1892-1894 teacher in country schools,Vermillion county

    1894-1895 teacher ingrades, Clinton

    1895-1904 teacher ingrades, Huntington

    1904-1925 teacherin city schools, Oak Park, 111.

    1925-1928 teacher of English and history,junior high school, Oak Park, 111.Tryon, Clara, nr.Whitaker, Lydia, pa 1451 South CenterSt., Terre Haute....

    taught primary workfor seven years after graduation

    1893became assistant in the Latin department of the Terre Haute High School

    1902 became head of the Latin department of Wiley High School

    in 1907taught in the Latin department of Spel-man Seminary

    1909-1912 assistant inLatin department of the high school atAtlanta, Ga.

    1912-1930 head of theLatin department, Wiley High School

    received A. B. degree from Indiana University in 1900.♦Whitaker, William J., ha 1451 SouthCenter St., Terre Haute

    after graduation taught school three years in Vigocounty

    in 1889 entered the law school ofthe University of Michigan

    since 1891practiced law in Terre Haute

    deceased1929.Wood, Anna, practiced medicine inTerre Haute for several years.Wright, Clara, nr.CLASS OF 1887♦Barth, Mary, nr, deceased 1889.Bateman, John ...

    lr 1916, salesman, Louisville, Ky.Blasdel, Mary S., nr.Bohannon, Eugene W., pa Duluth, Minn.

    1887-1888 principal schools, Brownburg

    1888-1890 student, Indiana University

    received A. B. from Indiana Universityin 1890

    1889-1891, principal schools,Plainfield

    1892 received A. M., IndianaUniversity

    1892-1893 principal highschool. Pekin, 111.

    1893-1895 superintendent schools, Rensselaer

    1895-1898student, Clark University, Worchester,Mass.

    1898-1901 superintendent training department State Normal School,Mankato, Minn.

    1901-1929 presidentState Normal School, Duluth, Minn.

    received Ph. D. Clark University 1912.Burdick, Myrtle, taught a number ofyears in city schools, Sullivan.Brunton, J. P., nr.♦Casper-Rhettes, Mrs. Ha...

    taught in Indianapolis for anumber of years.♦Chrisman, Oscar, ha Athens, Ohio

    1888-1889 principal ward school, Houston, Texas

    1889-1892 superintendentcity schools, Gonzales, Texas

    1892-1894 fellow in Clark University

    1896-1901 professor of psychology, Universityof Kansas: 1902-1926 head departmentof psychology, Ohio University

    1926-1927, teacher in Athens, Ohio

    1928retired and lived in Athens, Ohio

    received A. B., Indiana University 1888and A. M. in 1893

    Ph. D. University ofJena 1896

    deceased Feb. 27, 1929.Culbertson, Carrie, ha Washington, D. C,lr 1928 at home and not teaching.♦Dilling-Lawson, Mrs. Margaret, ha 1211Lincoln Ave.,...

    taught inCambridge City and Webster

    deceasedSept. 13, 1916. Wife of Elwood Lawson,former student, Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute, and engaged inshoe business, New Castle.Elliott, ...

    1887-1888 teacher inBrownstown

    1888-1894 teacher in public schools, Indianapolis

    1894-1895teacher, Girls Classical School, Indianapolis

    1895-1896 student, Indiana University

    1896-1904 teacher publicschools, Indianapolis

    1904-1915, principal, Irvington School, Indianapolis

    lr1928 secretary, Everitts Seed Store,Indianapolis.Garriott, Jennie, nr.Griffith-Williamson, Mrs. Anna, nr.Hardesty, Idoletta, pa Cincinnati, Ohio

    1889-1903 teacher city schools, TerreHaute

    1904-1905 student, Indiana University

    1905-1906 teacher English, highschool, Terre Haute

    1906 teacher ofhistory, high school, Portland

    1924-1929 teacher Withrow High School Cincinnati, Ohio.Love, Flora, pa 212 N. 21st St., Indianapolis

    1887-1891 teacher in training department, Indiana State Teachers College

    1891-1892 Leland Stanford JuniorUniversity, Palo Alto, Calif.

    1892-1894teacher in high school, San Diego, Calif.

    1896 graduated from Indiana University

    1896 received M. A. degree, Cornell University

    1897-1929 teacher English, high school, Indianapolis.Meehan-Cox, Mrs. Kate, ha RFD C, TerreHaute

    1887-1889 teacher in the grades

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • The March 2002 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the&...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The August 2003 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The June 2004 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the&#...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The June 2002 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the&#...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The January 2003 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of th...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library