40THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYhigh school, Wheatland
1902-1930practicing physician, Terre Haute.Hanny, Florence, nr.Hayward, Anna M., pa 706 South CenterSt., Terre Haute
1900-1903 supervisingprincipal, Central Building, Ironwood,Mich.
1904-1910 English, Central HighSchool, Evansville
1910-1920 English,Wiley High School, Terre Haute
1920-1929 supervisor of study, Wiley HighSchool, Terre Haute.Headley, William F., nr.Heaston, Ira B., pa 648 Henry St., Huntington
taught six years in county district schools and three years principalof township high school, before graduation
1899-1905 taught township school
1906-1929 abstractor, president of theJones Abstract Company, Huntington
the spring of 1890 and summer of 1895,attended DePauw University and Valparaiso University.♦Heath-Stockton, Mrs. Ethel A., deceased Oct. 1906.Hinkle ...
1893-1896 teacher of rural school, Knox county
1899graduated from Indiana State TeachersCollege
1899-1902 superintendent ofschools, Monrovia
1902-1904 superintendent of schools, Wheatland
1903 received A. B. degree from Indiana University
1904-1905 professor of science.State Normal School, Springfield, S. D.
1905-1911 professor of biology and geology. Central College, Fayette, Mo.
1910 received A. M. degree from Indiana University, 1911-1920 head of department of science, Central Union HighSchool, El Centro, Calif....
1920-1928 principal of high school and junior college.El Centro, Calif.*Hower, Ella, ha Hagerstown
deceasedin 1902
nr.Huston, W. Franklin, pa Cambridge, 111. Jnr.Hutton, Joseph Gladden, la Brookings,S. D.
1899-1900 instructor in psychology, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute
1900-1901 student, University of Chicago, and Woods Hole,Mass.
1901-1903 principal of highschool, Beardstown, 111.
1903-1908 superintendent of schools, Beardstown, 111.
1908-1911 assistant in geology. University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.
1911associate professor of agronomy, SouthDakota State College and associateagronomist, S. D. Agricultural Experiment Station in charge of soil investigations...
received B. S. degree from University of Chicago in 1908 and M. S.degree from University of Illinois in1910.Kahl, George J., nr.Kassebaum, Calia&...
1899-1900 teaching grades, Princeton
1900-1901 teaching grades, Anderson
1901-1902 teaching grades, Aurora
1902-1903 attendedIndiana University receiving A. B. degree
1903-1905 taught Latin and English, high school Aurora
1905-1912 headof English department, high school, Columbus
1912 in furniture business atAurora
1925-1929 taught in publicschools, Cincinnati, O., the West OakleySchool, Madison and Gilmore Streets.♦Kennedy, Thomas C, deceased
nr.Kessler, Mary M., nr.♦King, Walter Seott, deceased, Oct. 12,1921.Kirklin, Charles B„ pa RFD 6, Muncie
teacher in county schools before graduation
1899-1900 principal of CenterHigh School
1900-1906 teacher ingrades, Delaware county: 1906-1915principal of Center High School
1916-1929 retired on farm, Muncie, RFD 6 received A. B. degree from Indiana University in 1908.Lawrence, Alice, pa 1130 North 8th St.,Terre ...
taught in the countryschools of Clark and Crawford counties,Illinois High School, Rossville, 111.
primary, Marshall, 111, Vigo county, Ellsworth, Lost Creek, Seelyville and grades,Terre Haute, before graduation
1899-1918 teacher of grades, Terre Haute
1918-1929 retired on pension.Lindley, Robert T., nr.Little, Donn Alva, la Box 69, RFD 2,Fullerton, Calif.
1899-1900 taught inhigh school, Bloomfield
1900-1901 student. University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.
1901-1906 principal of high school,Worthington
1905-1906 field work, Fullerton Oil Fields, Fullerton, Calif.
1906-1907 worked in drilling well, Fullerton,Calif.
1907-1911 bookkeeper, Fullerton,Calif.: 1911-1912 gas engineer. Fuller-ton, Calif.
1912-1913 electrical lightingand refrigerating plant, Fullerton, Calif.
1913-1916 oil refining, Fullerton, Calif.
no report since 1916.Little, Rosemary, la 229 North NewJersey St., Indianapolis
1900- 1924taught in grades at Rossville, Larimore,N. D.
Cartersburg, Angola, Hammond,Anderson, Forest Park, 111.
1924-1925taught in high school, Adams county
1926-1926 taught junior high school,Huntington
1926-1927 taught highschool, Salem
1927 attended IndianaState Teachers College
1928 attendedJohn Herron Art School, Indianapolis.McCarty, Leslie, la Aledo, 111.
taughtfour years rural schools, Owen countybefore graduation
graduated from Indiana University in 1905, received A. B.degree
graduated from Wisconsin University in 1915, received A. M.
1915-1928 taught one year as principal ofhigh school, Hall
one year principal ofhigh school, Stillwell
one year principalof grade school, Marion county
fouryears superintendent of city schools,Brownstown
four years principal ofhigh school, Brainard, Minn.
six yearssuperintendent of city schools, Preston.Minn.
four years superintendent ofschools, Marshall, Minn.
four yearssuperintendent of city schools, Aledo,111.
graduate student, University ofWisconsin: one and one-half years worktoward Ph. D. degree. University ofChicago.McDonald, Stewart L., la Fort Collins,Colo....
Colorado Agricultural College
teacher in rural school, Seelyville, oneyear, and grades in Shelburn, one yearbefore graduation
1899-1902 principalof grade building, Fort Collins, Colo.
1902-1905 instructor in mathematics,Colorado Agricultural College ,Fort Collins, Colo.
1906-1928 head of mathematics department, Colorado AgriculturalCollege, Fort Collins, Colo.
attendedUniversity of Chicago five summers, B.S. degree
attended Columbia Universityone year and two summers, M. A. degree.McKee, Madge, pa Goodiand
taught two