THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY165er in junior high school, Brazil
1919-1920 teacher in high school, Tangier
1920-1921 teacher in high school, Black-Hawk
1921-1922 teacher in high school,Farmington, 111.
1922-1923 principalhigh school, Tangier
1923-1925 principal, Dana
1925-1926 superintendentschools, Dana
1926-1927 principal, WestBaden
1927-1929 principal of school,Pine Village
M. A. Teachers College,Columbia University, 1928.Legg, Mabel Eunice, A. B., ha Apt. 1,Kinsely, Terre Haute
pa same
1921-1923 teacher of grades, Davis ParkSchool, Terre Haute
1923-1929 teacherof general science, McLean Junior HighSchool, Terre Haute.Levine, Helen Catherine, 2IG, ha 1526West Indiana Ave., Elkhart
1921-1929teacher of grades, South Side School,Elkhart.Levine, Thelma Marie, 2IG, ha Elkhart
pa same
1921-1929 teacher of grades,Elkhart.Lyda, John W., A. B., pa 462 South 16thSt., Terre Haute
1911-1912 teacher ofgrades, New Albany
1912-1930 teacherelementary grades and junior highschool, city schools, Terre Haute
atpresent, teacher Booker T. WashingtonSchool, Terre Haute.McBrayer, Alice Ruth, 3N, pa 4 2G South19th St., Terre Haute
1921-1930 teacher grades, Davis Park School. TerreHaute
B. S. Indiana State TeachersCollege, 1927.McClung-Gray, Mrs. Gladys H., A. B.,pa 3826 Utah Place, St. Louis, Mo.
1929-1930 not teaching, homekeeper,married
for complete record see class1913.McCullum, Elmer G-, 3N, pa Jeffersonville
principal high school, Leavenworth
principal and superintendent ofschools, English
principal, ChesterStreet Building, Jeffersonville, beforegraduation
1921-1930 superintendentschools, Jeffersonville.McGuirk, Alice, 3N, ha 1610 North 8thSt., Terre Haute
pa same
1921-1923teacher of grades, public schools, TerreHaute
1923-1927 teacher of grades,Hook School ,Terre Haute
1927-1929teacher, mathematics, Woodrow WilsonJunior High School, Terre Haute.Mclntyre, Bessie Lee, 2IG, ha 210 NorthMadison St., Oakland City, pa Fayetteville,&...
1921-1922 teacher of grades,Petersburg, Va.
1922-1929 teacher ofgrades, Fayetteville, N. C.McKinney, Joseph, A. B-, ha Scircle-ville
taught two and half years ingrades of Clinton county, before graduation
1921-1924 teacher of science,Evansville
1924-1925 did not teach
1925-1926 teacher of science in BisbeeJunior High School, Bisbee, Ariz.
1926-1927 teacher in Imperial Private School,Ft. Honchuca, Ariz.
attended University of Arizona in 1926 working towarddegree.McWethy, Margaret, A. B., ha RFD 4,Box 204 Clinton: pa same
1921-1922grades, East Chicago
1922-1923 English, junior high school, East Chicago
1923-1924 Clinton
1924-1928 teacherEnglish senior high school, Clinton.Maish, Lavonne, B. S., ha Frankfort, paFairmount
1921-1923 teacher of homeeconomics, Moores Hill
1923-1929teacher of home economics, Fairmount.Mandeville, Mrs. Louise Wilson
2IG, haBrazil
pa 630 South 7th St., TerreHaute
1921-1924 teacher of grades,Davis Park, Terre Haute 1924-1929teacher of grades, Cruft School, TerreHaute: 1929-1930 teacher of music.Woodrow Wilson Junior&...
pa same
1921-1923 teacher of elementary grades, Judson
1923-1929 teachergrades, Rockville.Mehringer, Sarah, 2IG, ha Terre Haute
pa 1508 Woodley Ave., Terre Haute
1921-1922 teacher of elementary grades,Evansville
1922-1929 teacher of elementary grades, Terre Haute.Mehringer, Walter, A. B., ha 1508 Wood-ley Ave., Terre Haute
pa same
1921-1927 teacher of mathematics, Latin andphysics, Fontanet
1927-1928, student,University of Wisconsin
M. A. 1928
1928-1929 teacher of mathematics, Concannon High School, West Terre Haute.MeWhinney, Erma Ruth, A. B., ha 916North 4th St., Terre Haute
pa same
1921-1929 assistant in commerce, Garfield High School, Terre Haute.Miller, Harlan N., A. B., ha Cory
paElizabeth, New Jersey
1921-1925, teacher of English, history, public speaking,high school, Evansville: 1925-1926 graduate student, Columbia University
received A. M. degree in 1926
1926-1929head of department of social science,Elizabeth, New Jersey.Mitten, Lois, B. S., ha Coal City
pa 725North Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis
taught six years before graduation
1921-1924 teacher of home economics,Oxford
1924-1929 teacher of home economics in grades, Indianapolis
attended Wisconsin University, summer of1923.Mitten-Hochstetler, Mrs. Myra, B. S., haCoal City
pa 860 Mulberry St., Martinsville
1921-1922 teacher of home economics, high school, Connersville
1922-1929 teacher of home economics, highschool, Martinsville.Morris, John M., A. B., ha Bluffton, RFD8
pa 402 East Sutterfield St., FortWayne: 1911-1913 teacher districtschool, Wells county
1914-1915 teacher grades, Wells county
1915-1917 principal school, Fair Oaks, Jasper county
1921-1926 teacher mathematics, highschool, Oxford
1926-1930 teacher, mathematics, James H. Smart School, FortWayne
attended Teachers College, Columbia University summer terms, 1924-1925-1926-1927 M. A., in 1927
attendedUniversity of Chicago summer of 1928.Morris, Mary, 2IG, ha Shelbyville
taught in the Shelbyville schools from1907-1921 before graduation
1921-1929teacher of grades, Shelbyville.Muncie, Emery H., A. B., ha Brazil
1930 head department of history, Brazil
for complete record see class 1911.Newton, William Lee, A. B., ha NewGoshen
la 3432 Lowell St., N. W.,Washington, D. C.
1921-1922 did research work, Washington, D. C.
1922-192 3 attended George Washington University, worked on M. A. degree
1921-1924 chemist. United States Departmentof Agriculture
lr 1924.OHara, Katherine, 2IG. ha Tipton: nr.Oliphant, Hazel M., 3N, ha Pendleton:pa Moringside Apts., Colfax and William