66THE NORMAL ADVANCE.L. A. and A. A. Lovers.Not far from the city there nestles in a grove ofmaples, a little brick school house. Leadi...
the boys and girls have lostonce more the wanton freedom of the birds andthe summer
again they are made to feel thatlife has its straight and narrow way. With faithful eye and pencil, but with truant fancy, theyonce aga...
but all the happier, for they may swing anddangle, a remnant of the lost freedom of summerand an escape valve for repressed energy. Jus...
his thoughts are turning towardhigher and holier things.. He would not dareboldly and deliberately to look across that aisle,such action would be...
how few, older than he, wish success,wish fame, for self alone. They may not havedefined their motives even to themselves, but downdeep amon...
his mind was simply adriftamid the random pictures on the suburbs of hisconsciousness. Ever and again amid those pictures would occur the li...