On slide mount: Carraige House Propylaeum 154-58 E. 14th14th St (south) & east elevations
Schmidt-Schaf HouseThe Propylaeum1410 North Delaware Street1892The overall Romanesque Revival styles of this house is most evident around the doorway and...
carriage house
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
On slide mount: Carriage House; Schmidt Schaf House; 154-58 E. 14th St.South (14th St.) and east elevations
Schmidt-Schaf HouseThe Propylaeum1410 North Delaware Street1892The overall Romanesque Revival styles of this house is most evident around the doorway and...
carriage house
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
On slide mount: Former Carriage House; Schmidt Schaf House; 154-58 E. 14th St.South (14th St.) and east elevations
Schmidt-Schaf HouseThe Propylaeum1410 North Delaware Street1892The overall Romanesque Revival styles of this house is most evident around the doorway and...
carriage house
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
On slide mount: 1410 N. Delaware St. Schmidt-Schaf House (now Propylaeum)(South) & Delaware (East) elevations
Schmidt-Schaf HouseThe Propylaeum1410 North Delaware Street1892The overall Romanesque Revival styles of this house is most evident around the doorway and...
single-family dwelling
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection