THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY41years indistrict schools of Newtoncounty before graduation
1900-1901-1904 spring assistant at Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute
1902-1903 teacher of mathematics, Rockville
1904-1906 teacher of mathematics. Harvard, 111.
1908-1916 teacher of mathematics, Kewanee
substituted at StateTeachers College, Bemidji, Minn, andBrooks School for Boys, Indianapolis
attended University of Colorado, 1913,Washington State 1914, University ofWisconsin 1915, University of Cornell1917, University of Chicago 1921, University of...
1926-1929 notteaching, homekeeper.Madison-Wulfing, Mrs Caroline, laGary
1897-1898 substitute teacher, cityschools, Terre Haute
1899-1900 teacherof grades, Bluffton
1900-1901 teacherof grades, Montpelier
1901-1928 married summer of 1901 to G. E. Wulfingof Gary, director of industrial arts inGary city schools
not teaching, home-keeper.Mannon, Robert A., pa Rensselaer
taught in Jasper county, ten years before graduation.Maxwell, Howard H., nr.Morrow, Orville L., pa Fortville
taughtseven years grade school, Pennsylvaniatownship. Jay county
1899-1900 superintendent of schools, Pennville
1900-1903 principal of high school, McCords-ville
1903-1906 principal of high school,Fortville
1906-1912 member of Fortville school board
1916-1929 cashierFirst National Bank, Fortville.Nash, John M., ha Paxton
nr.Parker, Emily nr.,Payne, Alvin C, pa 2209 North 11thSt., Terre Haute
1899-1900 principalFairbanks
1900-1904 instructor in English, Vincennes University
1904 graduated from Wabash College with A.
1904-1905 principal, Lindenhigh school
1905-1908 superintendentof Orleans schools, Orleans
1908-1916superintendent of schools, Mooresville
1917 graduated from Columbia Uni-veristy with M. A. degree
1917-1920superintendent of schools, Nobles ville
1920-1921 director of Indiana StateTeachers College Training School, TerreHaute
1921-1930 professor of education, Indiana State Teachers College.Piety, James C, pa Chicago, 111.
taughttwo years in Prairie Creek township, oneyear in Otter Creek township and nineyears in Harrison township, before graduation
1899-1901 principal of wardschool, Terre Haute
1901-1902 student,Indiana University
1902-1903 teacherin high school, Terre Haute
1903-1904student at University of Chicago
1904-1929 teacher of algebra, solid geometryand trigonometry, Crane Technical HighSchool, Chicago, 111.
attended IndianaUniversity 1901-1902 and received A., Robert, nr.Porter, James D., nr.Rankin, Helen, pa 1653 North 8th St.Terre Haute...
1899-1904 primary teacher,Ft. Harrison School, Harrison township
Vigo county
1904-1930 principal ofRankin School, Terre Haute.Rehm, Nora C, nr.Reid-Siebert, Mrs. Mary Lyle, nr.Reifel, August J., pa Gas City
taughtsix years in country schools before graduation
1899-1902 teacher in a districtschool in Indiana
1902-1909 countysuperintendent of Franklin county
1909-1929 superintendent of schools, Brook-ville
1929-1930 superintendent schoolsGas City
attended Michigan University1913
Miami University 1925 and 1928.Reising, Frank T., pa Palmyra
1899-1901 taught grades at Corydon
1902-1904 taught grades, Carlisle IndianSchool, Carlisle, Pa.
1904-1908 taughtin high school and also principal atAlhay, Province, P. I. and Tarlac, P. I.
1909-1930 principal of high school atPalmyra.♦Reiter, Walter D., deceased
nr.Richman, George, pa Kempton
1899-1900 principal of Gem School
1900-1903teacher in high school, New Palestine
1909-1911 engaged in practice of law,Greenfield, with firm of Offutt and Rich-man
1911-1919 elected county superintendent of schools, Hancock county
1919-1923 postmaster, Greenfield
1924-1929 cashier. State Bank of Kempton,Tipton county
attended Butler College1902 and law school at Indianapolis
1907-1908 received LL.B. degree.Richers, William H., nr.Rittenhouse-Grimm, Mrs. Maude, pa 112West Monroe St., Delphi
1899-1900teacher in grades, Indianapolis
1900-1901 spent most of winter in California
1902-1904 teacher of primary grades,Rossville
1904-1929 married to L. C.Grimm
not teaching, homekeeper.Robards-Hickson, Mrs. Mae, nr.Robards-Hixon, Mrs. Kate
pa 2526North Alabama St.. Indianapolis
1899-1902 teacher grades, Alexandria
1902-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, married in 1902
attended DePauw University, spring term 1899.Robinson, Lulu Josephine, pa Evansville
1900-1904 teacher in public schools, In-dianapoliB
1904-1905 student in IndianaUniversity
1905-1910 teacher of English, high school, Princeton
1910-1929 teacher of English, high school,Evansville.Robinson, Telulah, pa State TeachersCollege, Bemidji, Minn.
1899-1903taught grades, Indiana State TeachersCollege Training School, Terre Haute
1903-1904 student, Leland StanfordUniversity, A. B. degree
1905-1913taught grades Indiana State TeachersCollege Training School, Terre Haute
1913-1914 traveled in Europe
1914taught grades in training school, TerreHaute
1926-1930 elementary criticteacher, Bemidji State Teachers College,Bemidji, Minn.♦Royse-Kidder, Mrs. Fidelia, la 25Hesketh St., Chevy Chase, M. D....
1899-1901 teacher of grades, Muncie
1901-1903 teacher of grades. Honey Creektownship, Vigo county
1904-1928 married
not teaching, homekeeper
deceased Nov. 8, 1928.Royse, Loren W., nr.Schnell, Henry S., ha Ft. Wayne
nr.Schuhardt, Lena, pa The Elms, SummitSt., St. Paul, Minn.
1889-1900 teacherat Alexandria
1900-1901 Illinois Agriculture and Manual Training School forboys, Cook county 111.
1901-1912 teacher of grades, Terre Haute public schools
1912-1916 teacher, departmental work,city schools, Minneapolis, Minn.
1915-1918 teacher at Lange School, TerreHaute
1918-1926 teacher in JacksonHigh School, St. Paul, Minn.