Search Results - (( from la haute ...
Search alternatives:people creating » people eating, people reading, people preparingbefore boarding » before board, before parking, before startinghaute before » have before, house before, haze beforeboarding _ » harding _ten people » men people, two people, end peoplecreating a » creating _place ten » place bean, place team, place defrom la » from l, from lake, from l.v
Showing 1 - 20 of 563 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( from la haute ...
Showing 1 - 20 of 563 results

  • This is an issue of We the People, an annual periodical published by the Indiana Constitution Day Committee.


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • This is an issue of We the People, an annual periodical published by the Indiana Constitution Day Committee.


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • This is an issue of We the People, an annual periodical published by the Indiana Constitution Day Committee.


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • This is sheet music is in the Country genre and was published from 1950 to 1951.

    Indiana State University Library

  • Folios of sheet music for playing piano from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collection...

    Indiana State University Library

  • One typed page including photograph of the Church of the Immaculate Conception; a brief history of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.

    ABASH VALLEY WP R O F I L E SA series of tributes to hometown people and events that have shaped our history.Saint Mary-of-the-Woods&#x...

    Vigo County Historical Society

  • THE NORMAL ADVANCE57BtogenesT Crjesfotut leakerMr. Cox (in agriculture class) : Mr. Allen,do you know how to milk?Allen: Not exactly,&#...

    I saw you with her.Stephenson (in training school) : Dora,distinguish between the human and animalfamilies.Dora: A brute is an imperfec...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 144THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYmathematics, high school, Madison.Shriner, Walter O., A. B. pa 1616 SouthCenter St., Terre Haute: 1917-1919 inmilitary service ...

    1919-1920 instructor in Indiana State Teachers College and Indiana State TeachersCollege Training School during summer

    1920-1921 received A. M. MichiganUniversity

    1921-1923 taught and supervised at Shaker Heights High School,Cleveland, Ohio

    1925-1928 Ph. D. AnnArbor, Mich.

    1928-1930 head department of mathematics, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute.Smith, Mary Emma, pa RFD E Box171, Terre Haute

    1917-1918 at home

    1918-1919 teacher at Glenn School

    1919-1923 at home

    1923-1924 teacherfifth and sixth grades, Seelyville

    1924-1927 teacher Lost Creek School, TerreHaute.Stepleton-Fancboner, Mrs. Gertrude, pa1232 Lake Ave., Wilmette, 111.

    1920-1922 teacher in Garfield High School,Terre Haute

    1922-1928 married Mr.Harry Fancboner

    supervisor of VillageGreen Playground, recreation departmentof Village of Wilmette in summer

    substitute teacher in physical training department and grades of Wilmette publicschools.Strasburger, Clara (Sister James Marie),pa Oldenburg: 1906-1916...

    1916-1918 attended Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute, received A. B.

    1918-1920teacher of English .high school, Otter-bein

    1920-1922 teacher of grades, Academy of the Immaculate Conception,Oldenburg

    1922-1924 teacher of English, Academy of the Immaculate Conception, Oldenburg

    1924-1925 teacherof English, high school, Cincinnati, Ohio

    1925-1926 A. M. Indiana University

    1926-1929 teacher of English, Academyof the Immaculate Conception, Oldenburg.Streever-Meyer, Mrs. Bessie, A. B. la2000 South 6th St.. Terre Haute...

    1913-1915 at home

    1915 attended IndianaState Teachers College

    1917 receivedA. B. from Indiana State Teachers College

    1917-1924 married, at home

    lr1924.Stuffins, Esther, pa 328 Grant St.,Evansville

    1917-1929 teacher of ungraded or special help room for pupilswho are irregular in work, or who havebeen unable to keep up in the work&#...

    1917-1919 principal highschool and teacher of science and English, Knox

    1919-1922 teacher of chemistry, Muncie

    1922-1923 received M. A.Teachers College, Columbia University:1923-1924 teacher of chemistry, Muncie

    1924-1928 professor of chemistry.Ball Teachers College, Muncie

    1928-1929 director of research and surveys,State Board of Education, Hartford,Conn.Tormohlen, Willard, A. B. pa Gary

    forcomplete information, see class of 1914.Troutman, Luther H., A. B. pa 1203North Ninth St., Lafayette

    1917-1920teacher of physics and chemistry, Brazil

    1920-1929 teacher of physics, Jefferson High School, Lafayette.Tucker-Lehman, Mrs. Sylvia R., pa New-point

    taught in Indiana from 1910-1914

    1914-1929 homekeeper, married,not teaching.Underwood, Maude I., la 578 WesternAve., Blue Island, 111.

    lr 1928 teacher oftypewriting and shorthand, Blue Island.111.Wade-Wilson, Mrs. Hortense, ha Posey-ville

    taught three years at Wades ville,intermediate grades, before graduation

    1917-1918 teacher of grades, Muncie

    1918-1919 teacher of grades, Stewartsville

    1919-1920 attended University ofChicago

    1921-1922 critic teacher. Bowling Green, Ohio

    1922-1925 teacher ofEnglish, Evansville

    1925-1929 at home,not teaching

    received Ph. B. degreeUniversity of Chicago 1920.Wampler, Letta M., pa 108 E. PortlandAve., Vincennes

    1917-1922 teacher ofmusic and art, grades, Tulsa, Okla.

    1922-1923 did not teach, at home

    1923-1924 teacher of home economics, Decker

    1924-1929 teacher of home economics, Vincennes

    1929 received B. S. Indiana State Teachers College.Ward, Esther E., pa 221 West 7th St.,Gary

    1906-1908 teacher of rural school.Liberty township, Hendricks county

    1909-1911 teacher of primary school,Belleville

    1911-1916 teacher primaryschool, Clayton before graduation

    1917-1924 teacher primary grades, Gary

    1924-1929 first primary, Froebel School,Gary.Warner, Winifred Louise, A. B. pa 1441South 7th St., Terre Haute

    1917-1921teacher of Latin and mathematics, highschool, Mooney

    1921-1928 teacher ofmathematics, Wiley High School, TerreHaute.Wells, May E„ la 613 First St., Huntington

    1917-1918 ticket agent, WabashRailway, Huntington

    1918-1923 withIndiana Pipe Line company

    1923-1924secretarial course, Pierce BusinessSchool, Philadelphia, Pa.

    lr 1924.Wheeler, Wm. H. ,A. B. pa Taylorville,111.

    1917-1927 principal Theodore Roosevelt High School, Alton, 111.

    1927-1930principal high school, Taylorville, 111.Wible, Clara R., ha RFD A, Terre Haute

    nr.Wiley, Edith W., ha RFD 8, Lebanon

    taught in township schools, Boonecounty 1915-1917 before graduation

    1917-1919 teacher of grades, Lebanon:1919-1921 teacher of grades, Jamestown

    1921-1929 teacher of mathematics,junior high school, Shelbyville.Williams, Helen L., A. B. ha 1424 South7th St., Terre Haute

    lr 1928 married,not teaching

    homekeeper.Wilson, Arthur W., pa Paoli

    1916-1917principal, Coal Bluff

    1917-1918 teacherof history and athletics, Hutchinson,Kan.

    1919-1920 teacher of history andscience, Hutchinson, Kans.

    1920-1921teacher of history and science, Lapel

    1921-1924 superintendent Paoli

    1924-1925 agent for Compton & Company

    1925-1928 principal Mitchell SeniorHigh School

    1928-1929 county superintendent, Orange county, Paoli.Wisely, Catherine Esther, pa 1318 North6th St., Terre Haute

    1917-1924 teacherat Sarah Scott Junior High School, TerreHaute

    1924-1925 teacher of home economics, Toledo. Ohio

    1925-1929 teacher at Rea School, Terre Haute.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 18THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYCruft School, Terre Haute.*Harter, Noble, deceased 1907.Hesler, J. W., nr.Hippensteel, Henry Sherman, la Auburn:1892-1895 principal o...

    1895-1896 student,Indiana University, A. B. degree

    1896-1897 graduate student, University ofChicago

    1897-1898 superintendent ofschools, Roann

    1898-1903 superintendent of schools, North Manchester

    1903-1905 superintendent of schools, Eaton,O.

    1905 A. M. degree, Earlham College, Richmond

    1905 superintendent ofschools. Auburn

    1899 summer student,Winona Lake

    1900 and 1907 summerstudent, Manchester College

    nr since1906.Hughes, S. A., nr.♦Keinn, Charles, deceased.Kelly-McGilvrey, Mrs. Mary, pa KentO.

    1892-1893 teacher in city schools,Terre Huute

    1893-1894 teacher in highschool, Paris, 111.

    married to J. E. Mc-Gilvrey, president of the Kent StateNormal College, Kent, O., in 1894

    1894 to present at home, not teaching

    received A. B. degree from Illinois University in 1899.Kern-Henry, Mrs. Mary, nr.King, Cyrus Ambrose, pa 387 East 5thSt., Brooklyn, N. Y....

    taught threeyears before graduation

    1892-1893 student at Indiana University, Bloomington

    1893-1896 principal of high school,Decorah, Iowa

    1896-1900 graduate student at Harvard University, A. B., 1897A. M., 1898 Ph. D.

    1900-1902 instructor in botany, Indiana University, 19021907 teacher of botany, Dewitt ClintonHigh School, New York City

    1907-1929 head of department of botany,Erasmus Hall Hijjh School, Brooklyn,N. Y.Knause-Bremen, Mrs. Alice, nr.♦Lamb, Alice, deceased.♦Lyon, Mabel, dece...

    pa Kent, Ohio

    1890-1891 assistant, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1891-1894principal, high school, Paris, 111.

    A. B.1895 Indiana University

    1895-1896 principal high school, Freeport, 111.

    1896-1899 assistant professor pedagogy andhigh school visitor, University of Illinois

    1899-1908 principal normal school,Cleveland, Ohio

    1908-1910 superintendent Cleveland City Farm School forBoys

    1910-1911 head department ofeducation, Western Illinois State NormalSchool

    1911-1912 acting presidentWestern Illinois State Normal

    1912-1928 president Kent State Normal College

    1928 retired

    1928-1930 PresidentNational Sabbatical Leave Association,Kent, Ohio.Mcintosh, Calvin F., la Worthington

    1895-1900 county superintendent ofOwen county

    1911 graduate, IndianaUniversity, A. B. degree

    1912-1913course in Purdue

    1914-1917 countyagricultural agent, Greene county

    1917-1919 assistant state supervisor, countyagency work, Purdue University

    1919-1927 member Federal Board VocationalEducation

    1917-1928 member of Indiana Public Service Commission, StateHouse, Indianapolis.Miller, Willard, nr.Moenkhaus, William J., pa Bloomington

    received A. B. and A. M. degrees fromIndiana University in 1894-1895

    graduate student of Harvard University andUniversity of Chicago

    received Ph. D.from University of Chicago in 1903

    since 1901 member of faculty of Indiana University and since 1908 professorof physiology

    member A. A. A. S.

    fellow Indiana Academy of Science

    memberAmerican Society National, AmericanSociety Zoologists

    Phi Gamma Delta

    Phi Beta Kappa

    Sigma Zi

    contributions to science journals on experimental biology.Moran, Daniel Joseph, pa 1218 VanBuren St., Hammond

    1892-1895 principal of ward school in Huntington

    received A. B. degree from Indiana University in 1897 and in 1898 receivedLL. B. degree

    1898-1929 practicing lawin city of Hammond.Moran, Katherine Maurice, pa 1247 West5th St.. Los Angeles, Calif.

    1892-1894principal of high school, Bourbon

    1894-1896 critic teacher, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1896-1904principal of Indiana State Teachers College Training School, Terre Haute

    1905-graduated from University of Chicago,Ph. B„ history and literature

    190,,-1908 critic teacher Indiana State Teachers College Training School. TerreHaute

    1909 Columbia University, A.M.

    1910-1916 teacher of history inAbraham Lincoln High School, LosAngeles, Calif.

    1916-1928 head department history, high school, Los Angeles,Calif.Neet, George W., pa Valparaiso

    1892-1893 teacher of Latin, Paris, 111.

    1893-1894 student, Indiana University

    1894-1898 superintendent of schools, Spice-land

    1898-1928 dean of education, University of Valparaiso

    received degreefrom Indiana University 1894.Powers, Delmar T., la Southport

    1892-1893 student in Butler College

    1893-1896 superintendent of schools, Haugh-ville

    1897 graduated from Indiana University

    1897-1898 superintendent ofschools, Paoli

    1898-1907 principal ofhigh school and superintendent ofschools, Rochester

    1907-1908 graduatestudent. Teachers College, ColumbiaUniversity

    1908-1912 associate professor of education, Teachers College,Louisiana State University, BatonRouge, La.

    1912-1913 graduate student,University of Berlin, Germany

    1914-1916 professor of philosophy and education, dean of Teachers College, Louisiana State University

    lr 1916.♦Randolph-Dodson, Mrs. Margaret, deceased.Roush,Thomas, nr.Rundell-Waits, Mrs. Minnie

    pa 514Dodge St., West Lafayette

    taught fiveyears in the country schools before graduation

    1892-1894, teacher of grades,Elwood

    1894-1930 not teaching, home-keeper, married to C. J. Waits of theclass of 1899.♦Seagley, I. B., deceased.Shoemaker-Cunningham, Mrs. Ora

    paPleasant Grove, Utah

    taught two yearsbefore graduation

    1892-1896, teacher ofgrades, Columbia City

    1896- 1905 principal of grades, Huntington

    1906-1907teacher of grades Syracuse

    1907-1910superintendent schools, Riverton, Neb.

    1910-1911 teacher of English, highschool, Red Cloud, Neb.

    1911-1928, headof English department and principal ofhigh school, Provo, Utah

    A. B. Brigham

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY41years indistrict schools of Newtoncounty before graduation

    1900-1901-1904 spring assistant at Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    1902-1903 teacher of mathematics, Rockville

    1904-1906 teacher of mathematics. Harvard, 111.

    1908-1916 teacher of mathematics, Kewanee

    substituted at StateTeachers College, Bemidji, Minn, andBrooks School for Boys, Indianapolis

    attended University of Colorado, 1913,Washington State 1914, University ofWisconsin 1915, University of Cornell1917, University of Chicago 1921, University of&#...

    1926-1929 notteaching, homekeeper.Madison-Wulfing, Mrs Caroline, laGary

    1897-1898 substitute teacher, cityschools, Terre Haute

    1899-1900 teacherof grades, Bluffton

    1900-1901 teacherof grades, Montpelier

    1901-1928 married summer of 1901 to G. E. Wulfingof Gary, director of industrial arts inGary city schools

    not teaching, home-keeper.Mannon, Robert A., pa Rensselaer

    taught in Jasper county, ten years before graduation.Maxwell, Howard H., nr.Morrow, Orville L., pa Fortville

    taughtseven years grade school, Pennsylvaniatownship. Jay county

    1899-1900 superintendent of schools, Pennville

    1900-1903 principal of high school, McCords-ville

    1903-1906 principal of high school,Fortville

    1906-1912 member of Fortville school board

    1916-1929 cashierFirst National Bank, Fortville.Nash, John M., ha Paxton

    nr.Parker, Emily nr.,Payne, Alvin C, pa 2209 North 11thSt., Terre Haute

    1899-1900 principalFairbanks

    1900-1904 instructor in English, Vincennes University

    1904 graduated from Wabash College with A.

    1904-1905 principal, Lindenhigh school

    1905-1908 superintendentof Orleans schools, Orleans

    1908-1916superintendent of schools, Mooresville

    1917 graduated from Columbia Uni-veristy with M. A. degree

    1917-1920superintendent of schools, Nobles ville

    1920-1921 director of Indiana StateTeachers College Training School, TerreHaute

    1921-1930 professor of education, Indiana State Teachers College.Piety, James C, pa Chicago, 111.

    taughttwo years in Prairie Creek township, oneyear in Otter Creek township and nineyears in Harrison township, before graduation

    1899-1901 principal of wardschool, Terre Haute

    1901-1902 student,Indiana University

    1902-1903 teacherin high school, Terre Haute

    1903-1904student at University of Chicago

    1904-1929 teacher of algebra, solid geometryand trigonometry, Crane Technical HighSchool, Chicago, 111.

    attended IndianaUniversity 1901-1902 and received A., Robert, nr.Porter, James D., nr.Rankin, Helen, pa 1653 North 8th St.Terre Haute...

    1899-1904 primary teacher,Ft. Harrison School, Harrison township

    Vigo county

    1904-1930 principal ofRankin School, Terre Haute.Rehm, Nora C, nr.Reid-Siebert, Mrs. Mary Lyle, nr.Reifel, August J., pa Gas City

    taughtsix years in country schools before graduation

    1899-1902 teacher in a districtschool in Indiana

    1902-1909 countysuperintendent of Franklin county

    1909-1929 superintendent of schools, Brook-ville

    1929-1930 superintendent schoolsGas City

    attended Michigan University1913

    Miami University 1925 and 1928.Reising, Frank T., pa Palmyra

    1899-1901 taught grades at Corydon

    1902-1904 taught grades, Carlisle IndianSchool, Carlisle, Pa.

    1904-1908 taughtin high school and also principal atAlhay, Province, P. I. and Tarlac, P. I.

    1909-1930 principal of high school atPalmyra.♦Reiter, Walter D., deceased

    nr.Richman, George, pa Kempton

    1899-1900 principal of Gem School

    1900-1903teacher in high school, New Palestine

    1909-1911 engaged in practice of law,Greenfield, with firm of Offutt and Rich-man

    1911-1919 elected county superintendent of schools, Hancock county

    1919-1923 postmaster, Greenfield

    1924-1929 cashier. State Bank of Kempton,Tipton county

    attended Butler College1902 and law school at Indianapolis

    1907-1908 received LL.B. degree.Richers, William H., nr.Rittenhouse-Grimm, Mrs. Maude, pa 112West Monroe St., Delphi

    1899-1900teacher in grades, Indianapolis

    1900-1901 spent most of winter in California

    1902-1904 teacher of primary grades,Rossville

    1904-1929 married to L. C.Grimm

    not teaching, homekeeper.Robards-Hickson, Mrs. Mae, nr.Robards-Hixon, Mrs. Kate

    pa 2526North Alabama St.. Indianapolis

    1899-1902 teacher grades, Alexandria

    1902-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, married in 1902

    attended DePauw University, spring term 1899.Robinson, Lulu Josephine, pa Evansville

    1900-1904 teacher in public schools, In-dianapoliB

    1904-1905 student in IndianaUniversity

    1905-1910 teacher of English, high school, Princeton

    1910-1929 teacher of English, high school,Evansville.Robinson, Telulah, pa State TeachersCollege, Bemidji, Minn.

    1899-1903taught grades, Indiana State TeachersCollege Training School, Terre Haute

    1903-1904 student, Leland StanfordUniversity, A. B. degree

    1905-1913taught grades Indiana State TeachersCollege Training School, Terre Haute

    1913-1914 traveled in Europe

    1914taught grades in training school, TerreHaute

    1926-1930 elementary criticteacher, Bemidji State Teachers College,Bemidji, Minn.♦Royse-Kidder, Mrs. Fidelia, la 25Hesketh St., Chevy Chase, M. D....

    1899-1901 teacher of grades, Muncie

    1901-1903 teacher of grades. Honey Creektownship, Vigo county

    1904-1928 married

    not teaching, homekeeper

    deceased Nov. 8, 1928.Royse, Loren W., nr.Schnell, Henry S., ha Ft. Wayne

    nr.Schuhardt, Lena, pa The Elms, SummitSt., St. Paul, Minn.

    1889-1900 teacherat Alexandria

    1900-1901 Illinois Agriculture and Manual Training School forboys, Cook county 111.

    1901-1912 teacher of grades, Terre Haute public schools

    1912-1916 teacher, departmental work,city schools, Minneapolis, Minn.

    1915-1918 teacher at Lange School, TerreHaute

    1918-1926 teacher in JacksonHigh School, St. Paul, Minn.


    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • A magazine dedicated to sharing the mission, spirituality and ministries of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.

    Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.-- Thomas Merton, Trappist monk (1915-1968)Sister Marianne McGriffin pa...

    Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYintendent of schools, Camden and Ke-wanna 1882-1886

    traveling salesmanfor twenty years

    manager of a farm in1916

    no report since.Grosjean, Charles F., ha 1929 North 11thSt., Terre Haute

    pa same

    principal oftownship graded schools a few years andcounty superintendent Vigo countyeleven years

    taught for a number ofyears in the boys vocational school andserved as principal of that school

    since1920 assistant superintendent of cityschools, Terre Haute.Hobbs, E. M. C, pa 2432 Park St.,Indianapolis

    taught four years beforegraduation

    superintendent of schoolsLaFontaine, Ridgeville and Brownstown

    for a number of years commercial salesman.Kesler-Hoff, Mrs. Laura, nr.Lawrence, L. C, nr.McClure, Z. B., pa 1320 Orchard Ave.,Grand Junction, Colo....

    in Kansas 1885and taught while proving a claim

    in1888 went to Denver as principal ofLroadway school

    county superintendentthere seven years

    living in Grand Junction since 1899 spending time teachingand operating a fruit farm.*McCord-Rhodes, Mrs. Frances, nr.♦Martin, Bailey, 1882-1916 emp...

    died May25, 1925.Mason-Rhea, Mrs. Hattie, nr.Mitchell, J. A., lr 1928 teaching In ornear Spokane, Washington.Mohler, Lizzie, nr.Mowrer, A. E., deceased...

    nr.Mowrer-Turner, Mrs. Elizabeth L., haWolf Point, Mont.

    lr 1916 teacher inSidney. Mont.Murphy-Hillis, Mrs. Rose

    nr.Nelson, D. M., deceased 1891

    nr.ONeill, Kathryn, nr.Parker, A. A., nr.Rhode-Cobb, Mrs. Fannie

    pa Attica:taught country school Warren countytwo years before graduation

    married in1885


    not teaching.♦Shafer, H. B., no record of teachingcareer

    employed in real estate businessin Kansas City, Missouri for a numberof years

    deceased 1912.Smith, Mary M., nr.Trueblood-Hadley, Mrs. Mary, taughtschool in Indiana, Florida, and California

    did last teaching in Whittier College,Whittier, Calif.

    married Perry C. Hadleyand in 1916 living in Denair, Calif.♦Wagner-Patterson, Mrs. Minnie L., nr.

    deceased Aug. 1917.Whiteleather, A. J., nr.CLASS OF 1883Alexander-Pickering, Mrs. Rose, pa Mid-dletown

    teacher in country schoolsthree years before graduation

    1883-1889 teacher in grades, Frankfort andlogansport

    1889-1929 homekeeper


    wife of Charles J. Pickering.♦Austin-Kerr, Mrs. Edith, ha Bridgeton

    taught in Park county for some time before marriage

    no further record available.Brown, James M., nr.Campbell, Hattie, nr.Campbell-McNeill, Mrs. Lizzie, nr.♦Charman, Albert R., ha Terre Haute

    assistant and associate professor in department of psychology, methods andpractice 1883-1903

    head of departmentof methods and practice, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute from1904 until date of his death Ap/il 5,1917.Cox, Mary B.,...

    1877-1883 teacher, country schools, Newtoncounty

    1883-1888 teacher of grades,Staunton and Rochester

    1881-1891teacher of grades, Huntington

    1891-1922 head of department of history, highschool, Huntington

    1922-1929 retiredon account of ill health

    A. B. degree,Michigan University 1904

    A. M. degree,Michigan University 1907.Crouse, C. W., pa Phoenix, Ariz., 312North 9th Ave., taught fourteen yearsin schools of Clay county before ...

    six years as principal at Knightsville and Harmony

    1889-1893 in charge of the Pima, Papago andMaricopa Indians at the Pima Reservation

    1893-1905 appointed by PresidentMcKinley as superintendent and specialdisbursing agent of the Apache Indianreservation in the mountains of Arizona,was re-appoin...

    was county superintendent ofschools, Phoenix, Ariz, for six years

    1928-1929, judge of the probate court.Phoenix, Ariz.Cutter-Harris, Mrs. Hattie, ha Gas City

    at home and not teaching

    lr 1916.Delan, George W., nr.Foley, Mary, nr.♦Hall, Biddie P., nr.Jackson, C. A., nr.Jurgens-Nusbaum, Mrs. Mary E., haRichmond

    pa Marshall, 111.

    lr 1928 notteaching

    at home in Marshall, 111.Kirth-Eppstein, Mrs. Emily, nr.♦Kirsch, P. H., nr.Lindley, Ella, nr.McArthur, Mary, nr.Monica!, Carrie D., nr.Morrison, E.&...

    taught incity schools of Terre Haute from timeof graduation until her death in 1896.Scott, Eugenia, pa 2013 South 7th St.,Terre Haute...

    lr 1927, not teaching

    living with brother in Terre Haute.Sheets-Martin, Mrs. Salina, ha 308 NorthHumphrey Ave., Oak Park, 111.

    teacherin schools of Shelbyville and Worthing-ton and for six years Chicago, 111.

    since1897 at home, spending some time writing for magazines

    lr 1928.Smith, H. M., ha 595 East Walnut St.,Springfield, Mo.

    spent six years 1883-1889 traveling and writing

    from 1889to the present time in banking businessat Richland and Springfield, Mo.♦Stephenson, Joseph M., ha Clay county

    taught in Clay county a few years andtook up study of medicine

    continuedin practice until time of death.Tomlin, James H., pa 3249 Broadway,Indianapolis

    superintendent of schoolsfrom 1883 to 1916 in Clinton, Rock-port, Shelbyville, Terre Haute andEvansville

    member of board of trusteesIndiana State Teachers College and member of state board of education

    nowstate representative of Lyons and Car-nahan, publishers.Van Nuys, Clara, pa Elkhart

    1883-1884teacher in Wabash: 1884-1885 teacher inNew Harmony: 1885-1886 attended Indiana University

    1886-1887 assistantState Teachers College, Terre Haute

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 36THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYtion commission, Indianapolis.Gray, James Hite, la St. Anne, 111.

    1898-1900 principal of high school. Rock-field

    1900-1903 superintendent ofschools, Earl Park

    1903-1904 principalof high school, Union City

    1904-1905student, Indiana University, received A.B. degree

    1905-1908 principal of highschool, Rensselaer

    1908-1911 principalof high school, Huntington

    1911-1912graduate student. School of Education,University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.

    1912-1913 principal of high school, Mar-shalltown, Iowa

    1913 superintendent ofschools, Vinton, Iowa

    1926-1926 superintendent of schools, St. Anne, 111.

    nrsince 1926.Grover, Ella, pa 1431 First Ave., TerreHaute

    1898-1899 taught at Syracuse

    1899-1929 principal Hook School, TerreHaute.Groves, John D., pa Rome

    1898-1900teacher and principal high school, Vincennes

    1900-1929 farmer and represented Perry and Spencer counties. House ofRepresentatives, 1929 session of Legislature.♦Harman, Charles T.Harnischfeger-Strickland, Mrs....

    taught several years inGibson county before graduation

    1898-1900 teacher in city schools, OaklandCity

    1900-1928 married in 1900, athome, not teaching.Harrah, Mary, la Fort Wayne

    1898-1900 assistant in high school, Worthington

    1900-1903 teacher of Latin andEnglish, high school, Linton

    1903-1905attended Indiana University

    1905-1908principal high school, Brownstown

    1908-1910 teacher of Latin, high school,Lawrenceburg

    lr 1910 teacher of Latin,high school. Ft. Wayne.Hatton, Israel, pa Plain field, taught fiveyears after graduation from the IndianaState Teachers Colle...

    entered theministry and since that time held pastorates in Indiana cities including Reynolds,Indiana Harbor, South Bend, West TerreHaute, Indianapolis, Ros...

    now pastor of the First M. E.Church at Plainfield.Hays-Owens, Mrs. Myrtle

    pa Anaheim,Calif.

    taught one year in Worthingtonbefore graduation

    1898-1900 teacher ingrades, Kentland

    1900-1902 private instructor

    1902-1918 homekeeper andsubstitute teacher in grades, Worthington

    married in 1902 to John Owens ofthe class of 1896

    1918-1922 teacher ofEnglish and history, high school. Worthington

    1922-1928 teacher of English,Union High School, Anaheim, Calif.

    graduated from DePauw University,in 1896

    attended Indiana University,summer of 1921.Henderson, Josiah D., nr.Henderson, J. L., la LaFontaine

    1898-1901 principal schools, Wilbur

    1901-1902 principal school, Hazel wood

    1902-1904 principal Smith School, near Monrovia

    1904-1906 principal GasbergSchool, near Monrovia

    1906-1907 principal high school, Amboy

    1907-1909superintendent schools, Amboy

    1909-1913 superintendent schools. Van Buren1913-1918 superintendent schools, LaFontaine

    1918-1928 principal LibertyCenter.Himelick, R. W., pa 232 Barton Ave.,Terre Haute

    1898-1901 superintendentschools, Jonesboro

    1901-1908 superintendent schools, Monessin, Pa.

    1908-1910 student and instructor, IndianaUniversity

    received A. B. and M. A.degrees

    1910-1912 supervising principal,Indianapolis

    1912-1914 superintendentTraining School, State Normal, RiverFalls, Wis.

    1914-1916 principal Cleveland Normal School

    superintendent ofschools. Ft. Wayne for several years

    member of the State Board of Education

    now owner and manager of theHome Furniture Co., Terre Haute.Hirsbrunner, John Gottlieb, pa Clare-mont, Cal.

    1899-1901 principal gradedschools, Bloomingdale

    1901-1903 principal high school, Dana

    1904-1905 principal schools, Rosedale

    1905-1909 principal high school, Rockville

    1909-1915superintendent schools, Montezuma

    received A. B. degree Indiana University1914

    1915 supervisor Reserve townshipschools

    lr 1928 teaching Webb School,Claremont, Calif.

    Hirshbrunner, Mathilda

    pa Claremont,Calif.

    1899-1912 primary teacher, Rockville

    1912-1913 on leave of absenceaccount of health

    1913-1916 primaryteacher, Rocjcville

    1926-1928 teacher,Rockville

    1928-1930 retired and livingwith brother, John Hirshbrunner, Claremont, Calif.Hodge-Pearcy, Mrs. Carrie, ha Llano,Calif.

    nr.Hodge, James Wesley, pa Cheney,Wash.

    1898-1899 teacher in schools,Wallace, Idaho

    1899-1907 principalschools Wallace, Kellog and Moscow,Idaho

    1907-1908 student, DePauw University, Greencastle

    1909-1913 principalFranklin School, Aberdeen, Wash.

    1913-1917 county superintendent of schools.Grays Harbor county, Montesano, Wash.

    1917-1919 director extension deportment.State Normal School, Cheney, Wash.

    1919-1921 deputy county superintendentof schools, Spokane county. Wash.

    1921-1929 principal junior high schooland instructor. State Normal School,Cheney, Wash.

    (summer quarter)

    received A. B. degree in 1926, Universityof Washington.Holton, J. W., ha Shelbyville

    1898-1900 principal schools, Ohio Falls, 1900-1902 student, Indiana University

    1902-1906 principal West Side Schools,Logansport

    1906-1911 superintendent ofschools, Sullivan, and superintendent ofschools, Shelbyville

    graduate studentColumbia University

    deceased Jan. 7,1924.Hornaday-Clark, Mrs. Lula, pa 201 EastBroadway, Danville

    1896-1898 teacherin country schools, Hendricks county

    1898-1900 teacher in grades, Tipton

    1900-1901 teacher in grades, Plainfield

    1901-1904 teacher in grades, Indianapolis

    married in 1904 to Judge JamesL. Clark

    1904-1930 not teaching

    home-keeper.Hussey, John S., pa Zionsville

    1898-1900 teacher and superintendent ofschools, Atlanta

    1900-1915 in hardwarebusiness

    1915-1916 farmed and traveled

    1916-1920 county superintendent ofschools, Boone county

    1920-1927 secretary of young peoples reading circle

    1927-1930 deputy state high school inspector.Inks, Ardelpha, pa 2800 South 7th St.,Terre Haute: 1898-1900 teacher in CruftSchool, Terre Haute...

    1900-1928 teacherin city schools

    1928-1929 not teaching.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed


    1902-1904 teacher In cityschools, Indianapolis

    1904-1916 teacherof drawing, public schools, Denver, Colo.

    A. B. and A. M. Denver University1916.Neice, Herbert, nr.Nicholson-McCoy, Mrs. Ina, pa 1218South 7th St., Terre Haute

    did notteach after graduation

    1908-1929 home-keeper, married to T. T. McCoy.Oliphant, Elvin Benson, pa Indianapolis

    taught six years in grades. Pike andGibson counties, also assistant in highschool. Fort Branch, before graduation

    1902-1904 taught and attended IndianaUniversity, working on A. B. degree

    1904-1910 taught mathematics, highschool, Vincennes

    1910-1916 travelingsalesman for the Vincennes Bridge Co.

    1917-1918 auditor for Cadillac MotorCar Co., Detroit, Mich.

    also auditor forNordyke & Marmon Co., Indianapolis

    1918-1929 salesman for the Bobbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis.Ostrander-Wagner, Mrs. Charlotte, paRFD E., Terre Haute lr 1929 married

    at home and rot teaching.Owen, Maude, nr.Parry, Lola, la Richmond

    1902-1909teacher of grades, Richmond

    1909-1911teacher of grades, Boonville

    1911teacher of grades, Richmond

    lr 1911.Payne, Charles E., nr.Phares, Espy Otto, la RFD 6, Kokomo

    1901-1905 principal Washington School,Logansport

    1905-1906 principal Jefferson School, Fort Wayne

    1906-1916superintendent schools Rock Falls, 111.

    lr 1916.Phillips, John W., pa Alexandria

    1889-1896 teacher elementary schools, Jefferson and Scott counties

    1895-1896 attended Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute

    1896-1899 teacher elementary grades, Jefferson county

    1899-1901 elementary principal Brownsburg

    1901-1902 principal schools. Van Buren

    1902-1914 principal elementary building,Alexandria

    1913-1914 teacher of Latinand history, Battle Ground High Schooland director of music

    1914-1917 teacherof Latin and mathematics, Summit ville:1917-1920 principal of West Point HighSchool, Tippecanoe county

    1920-1921principal Chippewa High School

    1921-1922 principal Romney High School:1922-1923 principal Clarks Hill

    1923-1927 teacher of Latin and mathematicsand assistant principal Battle Ground

    1927-1929 teacher of Latin and mathematics and director of music, BattleCreek township high school,, Mt. Comfort

    received A. B. from Indiana University.♦Pierce, Jesse W., ha Clinton

    1902-1905 ward principal and teacher of history, high school Crawfordsville whiledoing junior-senior work in Wabash College from which he graduated in...

    1905-1907 newspaper reporter, TerreHaute Star, Sullivan Times, and Worchester, Massachusetts Telegram

    1907-1925 newspaper publisher. DailyClintonian, Clinton

    deceased March 1,1926.Price, Albert, nr.Rapeer, Louis Win, pa 1607 Eye St.,Washington, D. C, care of ResearchUniversity: 1897-1903 teacher highschool, ...

    1903-1904 attendedUniversity of Chicago, S. B. degree

    1904-1908 supervising principal, Minneapolis, Minn.

    1908-1910 assistant professor education. University of Washing-tan, Seattle, WaBh.

    instructor in educational administration, summer 1909,University of Minnesota

    1910-1911 instructor in Bocial science, College of theCity of New York

    1911-1914 instructorin education, psychology and logic. NewYork Training School for Teachers:instructor. College of Education, University of Illinois, Bummer&#x...

    1914-1917 head of department of education,Pennsylvania State College

    lecturedwidely in Pennsylvania and other states

    lecturer. University of Kansas, Collegeof Education, summer (tension of 1916

    instructor, department of education, University of Montana, summer session of1917

    1917-1918 president, Universityof Porto Rico, Rio Piedras

    instructor,College of Education, University ofNorth Carolina, summer session of 1918

    1918-1919 research division, rehabilitation work. Federal Board of VocationalEducational Education

    1919-1920 founded National School for Social Research,Washington, D. C.

    1920-1929 presidentResearch University, Washington, D. C.

    graduated from the Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute: 1902

    B. S. degree, University of Chicago,1904

    A. M. 1907, University of Minnesota: Ph. D 1913 Columbia Universityand Doctors Diploma in education, Teachers College: LL. D. degree, Resear...

    wentto Oklahoma after marriage

    deceasedtwo or three years ago.♦Reising, Adam, deceased April 1905

    nr.Richards, J. Parker, pa Tulsa. Oakla.

    taught twelve years in rural schools andtwo years in high school, Upland beforegraduation

    1902-1905 principal highschool, Rockport

    1905-1911 superintendent schools, Huntingburg

    1911-1913superintendent schools, Wetumka, Okla.

    1913-1929 principal ward school, Tulsa,Okla.

    1917, A. B. degree. Universityof Oklahoma

    attended University ofWashington, Seattle, Wash., summer1922

    attended University of SouthernCalifornia summer 1927.Robertson-Gundrr, Mrs. Aimee, laBrownstown

    1902-1908 traveled inMichigan with husband

    1903-1906 spentin Georgia

    1906 returned to Indiana

    lr 1906.Sandifur, Merle L., pa 1148 Sutter St.,Berkeley, Calif.: taught in districtschools in Carroll county and in highschool in Miami county&#x...

    1902-1908 teacher of Latin andmathematics in the high school at Wabash

    1919-1924 head of social sciences,Oklahoma City University, OklahomaCity, Okla.: 1924-1930 teaching Englishin the Polytechnic High School, SanFrancisco...

    A. B. DePauw University1906

    A. M. in 1913: attended summersessions University of Chicago 1919-1922: attended summer session University of California 1925.Scott-Nuding, Mrs. Alice...

    1902-1911 ward principal, Elwood: 1911-1922 supervisor ofinstruction, Elwood

    1922-1929 at homeand not teaching.|

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed