THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY65Halstead, Roy E., nr.Hanna, Guy C, pa Faribault, Station A.,Minn.
1905-1907 superintendent ofschools, Burnetts ville
1907-1909 headof teacher department, Marion NormalSchool
1909-1911 superintendent Training School, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute
1911-1917 superintendent Indiana Boys School, Plainfield
1917-1929 superintendent, Minnesotaschool for Feeble-minded and Colony forEpileptics, Station A., Faribault, Minn.♦Harsh, William E., ha Rome City...
1905-1906 superintendent, schools, Avillea
1906-1911 superintendent, Albion
1911-1915 superintendent, Rome City
lr 1915.Haskins, Edgar N., pa Vincennes
1905-1906 teacher in Oaktown
1906-1909Vincennes University
1909-1920 countysuperintendent, Knox county
1920-1929superintendent schools, Vincennes
1929-1930 secretary of Peoples Building andLoan Association, Vincennes.Hiberly, John C, pa Santa Cruz, Calif.
taught four years before graduation
1905-1907 teacher in city schools of Indiana
1907-1910 teacher in schools ofOklahoma. Idaho and Wyoming
1910-1914 homesteaded in Idaho
1914- 1915teacher in business college, Spokane,Wash.
1915-1917 in mining and lumberbusiness, Calif.
enlisted in regulararmy, Sept. 1917
1918-1922 employedin post office and engaged in milling
1922-1929 engaged in real estate business, Santa Cruz, Calif.
attended Valparaiso University and graduated fromJunkins Institute, Spokane, Wash.Highley, Albert Elmer, pa Lafayette
1905-1908 principal, high school, Tipton
1910-1912 head of mathematics department, high school, Terre Haute
1912-1913 principal Garfield High School,Terre Haute
1913-1923 superintendentof schools, Marion
1910 A. B., IndianaUniversity, mathematics
A. M. in education, 1911 Indiana University
1923-1930 superintendent, Lafayette.Hilton, Raymond, nr.Hoberg, Emma M., la 1323 South CenterSt., Terre Haute
1902-1922 teacher,third grade, Terre Haute
1924 at home,Terre Haute
lr 1924.Holloway-Scharpenburg, Mrs. Lola Vale,la 2110 19th St., Bakerfield, Calif.
1905-1906 teacher in Spelman Seminary, Atlanta, Ga.
1906-1909 teacher in Greenwood School, Terre Haute
1910-1912teacher in public schools, Portland, Ore.
1912-1924 at home, Bakersfield .Calif.
lr 1924.Huffman-Vogel, Mrs. F. Blanche, haNorth Vernon
1905-1906 teacher ofgrades, Seymour
1906-1907 teacher ofEnglish, high school, Seymour
1907-1910 teacher of primary grades, Seymour
1910-1913 teacher of primarygrades, Evansville
1913-1927 marriedWilliam F. Vogel Aug. 5, 1913: lived inNorth Vernon, Boonville and Shelbyville
deceased in 1927.Humston, Cly R., la Danville
1906-1907principal high school, Lizton
springterms assistant in English department,State Teachers College, Terre Haute
1907-1924 assistant cashier, DanvilleState Bank, Danville
lr 1924.Hunt, Sarah A., la 1350 Orange St., LosAngeles, Calif.
1906-1907 teacher ofprimary grades, Vincennes
1907-1908teacher of primary grades, Montpelier
1908-1913 teacher of grades, TerreHaute
1913-1914 teacher of grades, LosAngeles, Calif.
lr 1914.Hutchison, Nathaniel Frederick, paSalem
1905-1910 superintendent,schools, Russiaville
1910-1911 student,Indiana University
1911-1912 superintendent, schools, Huntingburg
1921-1929 superintendent schools, Salem.Inman, Alta E., la RFD 5, Terre Haute
1905-1915 primary teacher, Harrisontownship, Vigo county
1915 primaryteacher, schools of Terre Haute
lr 1915.Isenbarger, Jerome, la 2200 GreenleafAve., Chicago, 111.
1905-1909 teacherof science, Lebanon
1909-1910 graduate,Indiana University
1910-1913 teacherof science, Louisville, Ky., Male HighSchool
1913-1922 teacher of zoology,Nicholas Senior High School and JuniorCollege, Chicago, 111.
did graduate workin University of Chicago, summers of1912, 1913, 1915, 1916
1922-1924Crane Junior College, Chicago, 111.
lr1924.Jackson-Gushing, Mrs. Mary, pa 4712Simpson Ave., Cincinnati, O.
1905-1908teacher of sixth grade, Middlctown
1909-1910 teacher of sixth grade, Edinburg
1910-1929 teacher of second grade,Cincinnati, O.
taught two years in Wabash county before gradaution.James-Hunt, Mrs. Jessica, pa Ekalaka,Mont.
1906-1911 teacher in Helt township schools, Dana
1911-1912 teacherin Camp Crook School, Camp Crook, S.D.
1912-1913 on a homestead, Midland,Mont.
1913-1915 teacher in CampCrook School, S. D.
1915-1918 on ahomestead, Midland, Mont.
1918-1920teacher in Camp Crook School, CampCrook, S. D.
1920-1921 teacher in Helttownship School, Dana
1921-1922 teacher in Camp Crook School, Camp Crook,S. D.
1922-1924 teacher in Helt township school, Dana
1924-1929 teacher inCarter County High School, Ekalaka,Mont.Joab-Mcllroy, Mrs. Gertrude, pa I EastJohnson Ave, West Terre Haute
1905-1906 principal West Terre Haute
1906-1907 teacher of grades, Lew WallaceSchool, Indianapolis
married to HarryMcllroy 1907
1907-1925 homekeeper
1925-1926 attended Indiana State Teachers College
1927 supplied in SugarCreek townwship: 1928-1929 principal ofMaryland school, Honey Creek township
1929-1930 teacher of English, highschool, West Terre Haute.Kiff, Margaret, pa Richmond
1906teacher in English department, publicschools, Bloomington
1923-1929 teacherof English, Julia Test Junior HighSchool, Richmond.Kimble-Duncan, Mrs. Pearl, pa 417West Kirkwood, Bloomington
1906-1910teacher of mathematics, departmentalschool, Bloomington
1910-1911 continuation teacher, Utuado, Porto Rico
1911-1913 teacher of mathematics, departmental school, Bloomington
1913 married to Frank C. Duncan, Bloomington
1914 traveled seven months in Europe
1914-1929 homekeeper, Bloomington.Kitch, Claude E., pa 213 North HorneyAve., Oak Park, 111.
1901-1904 teacherrural schools, Huntington county
1904-1906 teacher in township high school,all grades, Huntington county
190S-1908 student, Indiana University, received A. B. 1908
1908-1909 teacherof mathematics and English, high school,