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Showing 1 - 20 of 361 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( from b ((hall ...
Showing 1 - 20 of 361 results

  • Primary sources relating to the tenure of William Wood Parsons as the President of the Indiana State Normal School dating from 1885 to ...

    Indiana State University Archives

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY51science, high school, Goodland

    1906-1907 received A. M. Indiana University

    1907-1908 teacher of Latin, high school,Hartford City

    deceased Feb. 18, 1914.Goble, W. C, pa Nashville

    1902-1903superintendent schools. Point Isabel

    1903-1904 superintendent schools, Gretn-field

    1904-1905 President Board ofChildrens Guardians, Hancock county

    1905-1916 superintendent schools, Nashville

    1916-1920 superintendent schools,Hope

    1920-1924 superintendent schoolsSwayzee, 1924-1927 superintendentschools, Converse

    1927-1930 superintendent schools, Nashville.Goen, Leonidas, la Bishop, Calif.

    pa An-berry, Calif.

    teacher in public schools,Jackson county for nine years beforegraduation

    1901-1903 superintendentschools, Crothersville

    1908-1904 principal school, Hope

    1904-1929 U. S. IndianService

    1904 in the department of education, elementary subjects

    graduate,University of California, Berkeley, Calif.

    attended Fresno State College, Fresno,Calif., 1927.Golder-Osborne, Mrs. Goldie, deceasedAug. 8, 1908

    nr.Gray, Clarence T., la 1916 Gosport

    1904received A. B., Indiana University

    1904-1906 principal high school, Spencer

    1906-1910 superintendent schools, Spencer

    1911 received A. M., University ofChicago

    1911-1915 instructor in education, University of Texas

    1915-1916instructor, University of Chicago

    lr1916.Haines, Ora E., pa 2312 Woodbridge St.,N. E. Wash., D. C, lr U. S. Patent Office, assistant principal examiner, Washington, D. C.Hall,...

    taught three and one-half years in country schools of Elkhart county and Cass county, Michiganbefore graduation

    1902-1903 teacher inhigh school, Columbia City

    1903-1904teacher in high school, Salem

    1904-1906 superintendent schools, Churubusco

    1900-1907 received A. B. Indiana University

    1907-1908 graduate student andteaching fellow

    received A. M. 190S

    1908-1916 teacher chemistry. Joliettownship high school

    1916-1929 teacher chemistry and physics, Morgan ParkHigh School, Chicago, 111.

    received A.B. degree, Indiana University 1906 andA. M. degree 1907.Henry, Alfred, Dr., pa 4949 North IllinoisSt., Indianapolis

    1907 graduated fromIndiana Medical College

    1909-1910 spentat Indianapolis City Hospital: 1910-1930practicing physician .Indianapolis

    specialized in tuberculosis

    did post-graduateNew York City

    Chicago, Philadelphia,Rochester, St. Louis, New Orleans andDetroit

    member faculty, Indiana University School of Medicine

    IndianaDental College

    Normal College N. A.G. U.

    president, IndianapoliB Anti-Tuberculosis Society

    vice-president IndianaState Anti-Tuberculosis Society.Hensel-Arnett, Mrs. Elizabeth, pa Vancouver, B. C.J nr.Hogue, Rolla Martin, la 1928 Sumner,111.

    1903-1906 teacher in high school,Freeland ville: 1905-1908 principal andsuperintendent high school, Sandborn

    1908-1909 principal high school, Edwardsport

    1909-1910 . student, IndianaUniversity

    1910-1920 teacher of history and mathematics, high school, Vincennes

    1920-1921 principal Selvin

    1921-1922 principal Decker Chapel

    1922-1924 principal Emison

    1924-1928superintendent, Sumner, 111.Hoskinson, Ottis, pa 627 Jackson St.,Danville, 111.

    1902-1905 superintendentschools. Argos

    taught Latin

    190571906superintendent schools, Bremen

    1906-1907 superintendent schools, Lapel

    1907-1910 superintendent and teacher o:Latin and physics, Carthage

    1910-1912director teacher training, Union Christian College, history, education, methods,history of philosophy

    1912-1913 superintendent schools, Hutsonville, 111.

    1918-1916 superintendent schools, and teacher of mathematics, Stockland, 111.

    1916-1922 superintendent schools, Wellington,111.

    1922-1923 superintendent schools,Paxton, 111.

    1923-1929 medical booksalesman F. A. Davis Co.

    attended Illinois University summers of 1912-1913-1914-1915

    received A. M. in education1916.Ives-Headlee, Mrs. Blanche, pa NewBrunswick, N. J. Park Avenue, HighlandPark

    graduated from Indiana Universityin 1903 A. B. degree

    married ThomasJ. Headlee in 1903

    1903-1929 notteaching, homekeeper.Jerman-Rainey, Mrs. Mary Myrtle, laJolietville

    1902-1903 assistant principalschool, Crothersville

    1903-1904 principal school, Adams: 1904-1907 principalschool, Alert

    1907-1908 principal school,Adams

    1908 married to Dr. E. A.Rainey of Jolietville

    1908-1916 home-keeper

    lr 1916.Johnson, Eva Mrs., nr.Katt, August, pa 301 East WoodlandAve., Fort Wayne

    1902-1904 principalgrade school, Cleveland, O.

    1904-1918principal grade school, Pittsburgh, Pa.

    1913-1917 principal grade school


    1917-1918 office S. F. BowserPump & Tank Co., Fort Wayne

    1918-1923 office Wayne Paper Goods Company, Fort Wayne

    1923-1930 salesman

    Wayne Paper Company, Fort Wayne

    attended Concordia College, Fort Wayne1890-1893

    Terre Haute Commercial College 1894-1895

    Addison Seminary, Addison, 111. 1896-1899

    Teachers CollegeRiver Forest, Illinois.Keicher, Benton G., pa 636 West 31stSt., Indianapolis

    taught seven years,rural schools, Madison county, and fouryears departmental work, Anderson before graduation: 1902-1906 principal,Tuttle school, Crawfordsville...

    1906-1910superintendent schools, Fortville

    1910-1912 student, Wabash College A. B.

    1912-1913 superintendent schools, Linden

    1913-1915 superintendent schools,Alexandria

    1915-1930 cashier, Wm. H.Block department store. Indianapolis.Kemp, Joseph Allen, pa Winamac

    1902-1903 superintendent, Goldsmith

    1908-1904 ward principal, Alexandria

    1904-1905 graduated from Indiana University

    1905-1906 graduate student, WisconsinUniversity: 1907 superintendent NorthDakota State School of Forestry

    1911married Lottie Ann McArthur of Bottineau, N. D.

    engaged in real-estate business: 1916 receiver of Barnesville National Bank, Barnesville, Minn.

    1926-1929 county superintendent schools Pulaski county, summers of 1926 and 1927studied in Wisconsin University, M., sociology.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • This is an issue of The Veterans Review, a newspaper written in the interest of the soldiers of the Union.


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • This is an issue the Logansport Commercial Advocate, a business directory and index. This publication is also known as the Commercial Advocate....


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • 84THE ALUMNI IDRECTORYHigh School, Indianapolis: A. B. IndianaUniversity, 1912

    attended University ofColorado, Boulder, Colo., summer 1926.Hall, Florence, pa Muncie

    1909-1912teacher in Normal training school,Marion

    1912-1922 primary trainingteacher and head of city training school,Muncie National Institute, Muncie

    1922-1929 professor of primory education, BallTeachers College, Muncie.Hanley-Sayer, Mrs. Blanche Margaret, paJackson Heights, New York City: 1909-1911 teacher&...

    1911-1912 attended University of Chicago, graduating, Ph. B. 1912

    1912teacher of English and gymnasium, Garfield high school, Terre Haute

    attendedsummer school 1913, Madison, Wis., 1914,Columbia. N. Y.. 1915, Berkley, Calif.,1916, Madison, Wis.

    1912-1918 teacher,Garfield high school, Terre Haute

    1918clerk in child labor tax div., Washington,D. C.

    1919-1922 clerk in office of childlabor tax div. inspector, Atlanta, Ga. andAshville, N. C.: 1922 married ArnoldCarslensen Sayer, New York: ...

    1909-1910 student, Indiana university,Bloomington

    1910-1911 supt. of schools,Williamsburg

    1911-1912 not teaching onaccount of ill health, at home

    1913-1914 clerk, L. & N. railroad, Louisville,Ky.

    1914-1919 observer, U. S. weatherbureau, Chicago, 111.

    1919-1929 asst. examiner, U. S. patent bureau, Washington,D. C.Hitchcock, Wiley, A. B., ha Washington

    see Class of 1906 for complete record.Hoberg, Minnie, pa 1323 S. Center St.,Terre Haute

    1911-1915 teacher ofgrades, Terre Haute

    1915-1916 student,University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.

    1916-1921 teacher of grades, TerreHaute: 1921-1922 Indiana State Teachers College Terre Haute

    1922-1925 teacher junior high school, TerreHaute

    1925-1929 not teaching, at home.Hoover, Henry, nr.Hopewell-Durfee, Mrs. Helen, pa 527Rock St., Fall River, Mass.: 1909-1918te*acher of grades, Voorhee...

    1918-1929 married to N. B. Dur-fee and living at 527 Rock St., FallRiver, Mass.Hull, Elizabeth, pa Sullivan

    1909-1929head of English dept., dean of girls, highschool, Sullivan.Hylton, Edward E., pa 2637 N. 13th St.,Terre Haute

    1909-1912 asst. mathematics teacher, Wiley High School, TerreHaute: 1912-1914 asst. mathematics,Garfield high school, Terre Haute

    1914-1924 head of mathematics dept., Garfieldhigh school, Terre Haute

    1925-1929head of mathematics dept., Garfield highschool, Terre Haute

    M. A. Indiana University 1928.Jackson-Planck, Mrs. Helen, pa 1908College St., Charleston, S. C.J 1909-1913teacher of grades, Lange school, TerreHaute...

    1913-1929, not teaching, home-keeper, married.Jackson-Patrick, Mrs. Mildred, pa Marengo, 111.

    1909-1911 teaching seventhand eighth grades, Huntley, 111.

    1911-1929 not teaching, homekeeper, marriedin 1911.Jaenisch, Anita, pa 711 Park St., TerreHaute

    1916-1922 teacher of history andcivics in Garfield high school, TerreHaute

    1922-1930 department of economics and history, Wiley High School,Terre Haute.♦Jaques-Scudder, Mrs. Susie, ha Windfall

    1909-1911 prin., high school, Kempton

    1911-1912 junior at Indiana University

    1912-1913 prin., high school, Kempton

    1913 married Sept. 3rd, to CarlScudder

    1913-1919 homekeeper, Windfall

    deceased Dec. 9, 1919.Johnson-Henry, Mrs. Nelle Irene, pa SanLuis Obispo, Calif.

    1909-1914 teacher inhigh schools, Carmi and Lovington, 111.

    1914-1919 teacher in high schools, SouthBend

    Brownsville, Pa. and Clifton, Ariz.

    1919-1921 teacher in high school, Clifton,Ariz.

    1921-1928 not teaching, homekeeper. Married to Lester J. Henry. A. 1913 fiom University of Illinois.Julian, Loris, pa Evansville

    1905-1907teacher in Pike county

    1909-1911 supt.,and teacher of mathematics, Kempton

    1911-1913 traveling representative, TheHanson Bellow Company, publishers forone year

    Canadian representative for thiscompany, Toronto, Canada

    1915-1929 inbusiness for self, coal operator, severalmercantile interests, real estate and financial interests, loan companies and banks.Kamman, William F.,...

    teacher in the common and high schools of Indiana from1903-1907 before graduation

    1909-1912teaching in Seymour and Elberfeld

    1912-1914 attended Indiana University, teaching fellow

    1914-1917 graduate student.University of Leipzig, summer semesterof 1914

    graduate student and asst. inGerman, University of Pennsylvania

    1917 Ph. D. University of Pennsylvania

    1921 B. S. in economics, University ofPittsburg

    1917-1929 teacher of Frenchand German at Carneogie Institute ofTechnology

    now associate professor ofmodern language.Kaufman, Minnie M., nr.Kesler, Howard Andrew, pa Waveland:1909-1921 prin. of schools at New Richmond, Darlington,...

    1921-1922 ward prin.,Crawfordsville

    student, Wabash college,Crawfordsville, A. B.

    1922-1925 prin..Earl Park

    1925-1929 prin., Waveland

    1926 received M. S. from Purdue University, Lafayette.Lamb-Ramsey, Mrs. May, pa Muncie

    nr.Lamb, Morton, pa 314 East Taylor St.,Kokomo

    taught in the common schools,Howard county before graduation

    1909-1911 principal high school, Greentown

    1911-1913 principal high school, Linden

    1913-1916 principal, high school, Merom

    1916-1918 principal, high school, Greentown

    1918-1925 secretary commercialdiscount corporation

    1925-1930 postmaster, Kokomo.Lanning, Harry O., pa Muncie

    1909-1913superintendent, Sweetser

    1913-1929principal Emerson building, Muncie

    A.M. Indiana University.Langford, Wade H., A. B. pa Metropolis,111.

    1902-1903 prin., Lyles

    1903-1908prin., Princeton

    1908-1909 prin., Cory-don

    1910-1911 head of division of education, Tuskegee institute, .Ala.

    1911-1919prin., Patoka

    1919-1923 prin., Broadway high Bchool, Madison

    1923-1929prin., Dunbar high school, Metropolis, 111.Lee, Florence Adelaide, nr.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • This is an issue of We the People, an annual periodical published by the Indiana Constitution Day Committee.


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • This is an issue of The Weekly Indianian, a newspaper published for the Indiana State Grange and devoted to the interests of the patron...


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • The Jack Munsee Papers consists of correspondence, memos, articles, minutes, and course notes most of which is regarding changes within the Life&...

    Indiana State University Archives

  • This is an issue of We the People, an annual periodical published by the Indiana Constitution Day Committee.


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • A magazine dedicated to sharing the mission, spirituality and ministries of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.

    2 HOPE // FALL 2009The Shrine of Saint Mother Theodore GuerinFor information about Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, contact Sister Barbara Dohe...

    Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana

  • This is an issue of The Commercial Advocate, a Logansport business directory and index. This publication is also known as the Logansport Com...


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection