THE NORMAL ADVANCE.105The Oldest Mathematical Manuscript.Simple number ideas, a few number words toexpress these ideas, and the simplest mathematical act...
and the Romanstreated fractions which had a constant denominator, twelve.Ahmes gave special attention to a class of frac-2tions of the general fo...
that is, to fractions which had 2 for their numerators, and whosedenominators were the series of odd numbers3-99. Notice that n was given...
f =2n + 1ai l •3 TS)■ 1 1 T 28We would say | -4- |
i + JT, and \ +butAhmes did not know of the use of the plus sign.Again, f = 1 ¥V
2iii •6 6 >22T1 _J •If 2 3 1)2_351 11 8 t s o
and so on.From a study of the above reductions it wouldseem that2n + l1might be resolved intorig dro wllilei3¥6-n + 1and -7Tȁ...
—-T. But the writer does not(2n + 1) (n -4- 1)know whether Ahmes used this general formulaor not. He gives that -...