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Showing 1 - 20 of 1,081 results
Search Results - (( five cars brin...
Showing 1 - 20 of 1,081 results
An unknown person speaks at a lectern while standing on a platform during an event in Holcomb Gardens. Behind the speaker, people sit i...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
People, including Butler University President M. O. Ross (left), stand in front of their chairs on a platform during an event in H...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
HAROLD MUMBYGLEN JOHNSONTHE COACHESGlen Johnson, basketball and track coach, has just finished his fourthsuccessful year here. During this time he has...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
An employee newsletter.
theOLIVER MIRRORVOLUME 2, No. 8 SEPTEMBER, 1950H. F. DONAGHER D. A. HIMESD. A. Himes Retirement Announced;Un . rr . 11-u·n·-u-9Ln:..r-&...
Business & Industry
Rusty Forsyth—In his defensive and offensive playing, he showed thatsize has nothing to do with ability as an end. Last fall his team...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
An employee newsletter
the ·OLIVER MIRRORVOLUME 3, No. 2 FEBRUARY, 1951Donagher, Miles, RichieElected Vice PresidentsHOMER F. DONAGHERW. E. MILESL. PIERCE RICHIECHICAGO, ILL.-A.&...
Business & Industry
•►Mi{R. Ralph N. Tirey is now completing his ninth year as administrator of our city schools. In this interval he has seen...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
I GOTHICInterstate Contest Won by Bloomington Lad—Jeff Wylie TakesFirst PrizeBy Assassinated Press, Dec. 32.—Francis Earnest Wylie, age 17, sonof&...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
1942-43 WRESTLING SQUADSitting: Bill East, Robert Smith.First Row: Earl Brough, Robert Fisher,Lester Lucas, James Moore, CaptainJennings Polley, Bill ...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
48 SUMMERONE TIME AT BAND CAMP...I woke up at about 6:30, took a shower, and then went and ate breakfastfor about an hour. We ...
Edgewood High School
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36LLAMARADAONE DELIRIOUS NIGHTThe Senior Class of 1938 presented a farce comedy in three acts,Friday, March 25. The title, One Delirious Night, w...
Ellettsville High School
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Transcript of a series of six interviews with Alfred F. Dowd, a former employee and administrator of the Indiana correctional system for mor...
Indiana State Library Oral History Collection
An employee newsletter.
Business & Industry
An employee newsletter.
theOLIVER MIRRORVOLUME 2, No. S JUNE, 1950Directors Elect Phelps BoardChairman; McCord PresidentSOUTH BEND, IND.-lmportant action was taken in May by&...
Business & Industry
40THE NORMAL ADVANCEtype that never care for chapel, that reallydidnt know there was a lecture course, thatconsider Y. M. or Y. W. a bo...
moreover you are serving the bestinterests of the paper.Who overcomes by force, hathbut half his foe.—Milton.overcome
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
TRACKTRACKThe followers of our track teams will refer with pride to the record ofthe 1930 cinder squad. The track team participated in seven...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
An employee newsletter.
theOLIVER MIRRORVOLUME 2, No. 2Branch SuggestionPlan ImprovementNoted by KoegleCHICAGO, ILL.-A marked improvementin both number of suggestionssubmitted and...
Business & Industry
28THE NORMAL ADVANCE.Athletics.Although we were handicapped on account theinexperience of our players, we have developed ateam which is now able to...
Illinois Normal, 0.BASKET BALL.Plans are being made for a busy Basket Ballseason, and immediately after Thanksgiving daythe class basket ball games...
meanwhile the different class teams will be getting into shape.Mr. Alfred Henry and Miss Forest Cunningham, managers of the regular school teams,...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
An employee newsletter.
theOLIVER MIRRORVOLUME 2, No. 9 OCTOBER, 1950President McCord Greets General IkeBLUE ISLAND, ILL- A. King McCord, president, The Oliver Corporation, g...
Business & Industry
X^\or Geoff Aiken and his U.S. HistoryI ■-class, passively sitting in their seats isI i far from normal. Aiken has his students&...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed