mw222THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYgrades, home economics and art, highschool, Larwill
1925-1927 student, Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute
1927-1929 teacher art, CentralHigh School, Evansville
1929-1930 notteaching, homekeeper, married to RobertL. Dairy, class 1927.Donahue, Mary C, 2P, pa 721 West Mulberry, Kokomo
1927-1929 teacher inClay township consolidated school, Kokomo.Douthitt, Erne, 2IG, pa 219 SouthCrowder St., Sullivan
1927-1930 teacher of fourth grade, Central Building,Sullivan.Doyle, Esther Rose, 2IG, pa Ferdinand
1927-1928 teacher of grades, ruralschool, Ferdinand.Doyle, Inez, 2IG, pa 401 East Main St.,Loogootee
1927-1929 not teaching, athome.Drake, Ruby, 2P, pa 2218 North 13thSt., Terre Haute
1927-1929 teacher ofprimary grades, Rankin School, Harrison township, Vigo county.Drollinger, Loretta, 2P, pa 122 OregonSt., Danville 111.
1927-1929 teacher ofprimary grades, Oaklawn Building, Danville, 111.Duenweg, Anita B., B. S., pa 1314 South7th St., Terre Haute
1929 teacher ofart, McLean Junior High School, TerreHaute
for complete information, seeclass of 1912.Dunkin, Rena M., 2IG, pa 525 NorthCenter St., Terre Haute
1893-1898 teacher of grades, Frankfort
1901-1905teacher of grades, Cloverdale
1905-1914teacher of grades, Quincy
1914-1921teacher in rural schools
1927-1929 notteaching, at home.Eastburn, Eva Lorene, 2IG, pa Otterbein
1927-1929 teacher of grades, Pine township, Otterbein.Eberhardt-Davidson, Mrs. Dorothy E.,2IG, ha Gentryville
pa same
1927-1929not teaching, homekeeper, married
1929-1930 teacher, grades, Gentryville.Edwards, Bessie, 2IG, pa Lyons
1927-1928 teacher of third grade, Lyons.Edwards, Mary H., 2R, pa Plainville
1927-1929 teacher of grades, Epsom.Edwards, Opal, B. S„ pa 1449 OhioBlvd., Terre Haute
1929 teacher inDavis Park School, Terre Haute
forcomplete information, see class of 1918.Elder, Eba Vera, A. B., pa North Libertyha Warsaw
1910-1914 teacher of ruralgrades, Kosciusko county
1914-1917teacher of intermediate grades, WinonaLake
1917-1919 teacher of grades, Kosciusko county
1919-1924 teacher of primary grades, Pierceton
1924-1926 teacher of departmental work, Kendalville
1926-1928 student, Indiana State Teachers College
1928-1930 teacher Frenchand English, senior high school, NorthLiberty.Elliott, Ernest, 2IG, pa Shepherdsville
1927-1929 principal elementary school,Shepherdsville.Ellis, Jessie M., 2P, pa 124 West Market St., Crawfordsville
1927-1929 teacher of primary grades, John BeardSchool, Crawfordsville.Elson, Chester John, B. S., ha 2337North 11th St., Terre Haute
pa Danville
1927-1929 teacher commerce, highschool, Amo
1929-1930 teacher, commerce. Danville High School and Central Normal College, Danville.Engle, Alice L., B. S., pa Sullivan
192>-1929 teacher of foods and clothing, highschool, Bicknell
1929-1930 teacher ofhome economics, Sullivan.Engle, Vera Euleta, 2IG, pa Farmersburg
1927-1928 at home, did not teach
1928-1929 teacher of elementary grades,Farmersburg.Eudaly, Mrs. Golda Hamblen, B. S., paDecatur
1930 not teaching
for complete information see class of 1917.Eudaly, Rufus A., B. S., pa Decatur
1929-1930 principal Monmouth HighSchool, Adams county, Decatur
forcomplete information see class of 1913.Evans, Lavada, 2P, pa 1403 Grand Ave.,Terre Haute
1927-1928 teacher of primary grades, Maple Avenue School,Terre Haute.*Exline, Eunice Isabelle, B. S., ha Sullivan
1917-1918 teacher of rural school,Cass township, Sullivan county
1918-1921 teacher of primary grades, Dugger
1921-1922 teacher of home economics,art and physics, Forest
1922-1923 teacher of home economics, art and physics,Tangier
1925-1926 teacher of fifthgrade, Frankfort
1926-1927 student, Indiana State Teachers College
1927-1928teacher of home economics, Shelburn
drowned July 1928.Femyer, Alice Rose, 2IG, ha 1230 South6th St., Terre Haute
nr.Ference, Mary H., 2IG, pa 1653 West10th Place, Gary
1927-1929 teacher ofelementary grades, Gary.Ferguson, Ruby, 2P, pa Eminence
1927-1929 teacher of primary grades, Eminence.Ferrier, William J., 2IG, ha Union Mills,pa Freeland Park
1922-1925 teacher ofgrades, LaCrosse
1925-1929 teacher ofgrades. Union Mills
1929-1930 teacherof upper grades and coach, FreelandPark.Fielder, Jane Stevens, 2IG, pa 322 EastNorth St., Lebanon
1927-1929 teacherof grades, Lebanon.Fisher, Helen, 2IG, pa Gary
1927-1923did not teach
1928-1930 teacher of history and geography elementary gardes,Gary.Fisher, Inez H., 2IG, pa Bowling Green
1927-1929 teacher of grades, UnionSchool, Washington township, Clay county.Flaherty, Hilda, A. B., ha 119 South13h St.. Terre Haute
1929 teacher ofdepartmental reading, Hook School, TerreHaute
for complete record, see class1920.Flaherty, Monica, A. B., pa 119 South13th St., Terre Haute
1927-1928 athome, did not teach
1928-1929 teaeh-er of music, Woodburn.Flesher-Voges, Mrs. Edith G., B. S., paRFD 1, Terre Haute
1924-1926 teacher home economics, English and art,grades and high school, Cambridge, 111.
1926-1927 student, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute
1927-1928teacher home economics, high school,Monrovia
1928-1929 substitute teacher,Vigo county
1929-1930 teacher English, Honey Creek High School, Vigocounty: married to Earl H. Voges.Flinn, Lucy, B. S., pa 901 South 4th St.,Terre Haut...
1905-1919 teacher of elementary grades, Terre Haute
1919-1929teacher of music, Wiley High School,Terre Haute.