146THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYogy, Wiley High School, Terre Haute
1927-1929 principal Sandison School,Terre Haute
A. M., Indiana University1928.Carpenter, Floyd F., A. B. ha Thorn-lown: pa Roosevelt High School. Dayton, Ohio
1915-1919, principal highschool, Advance
1919-1923, teacher of(hemistry and physics, Lebanon: 1923-1925 teacher of botany and zoology, highschool, Elkhart
1925-1930 teacher ofchemistry and acting head departmentscience, high school, Dayton, Ohio: M. A.Indiana University.Carroll, L. Grace A. B., pa 70...
1929 teacher, mathematics, high school
Mew Rochelle, New York
for completerecord see class of 1915.Chunn, Daphne, ha North FruitridgeAve., Terre Haute
deceased 1923.Cleirwaters, Mabel, pa 658 Walnut St.,Clinton
1911-1918 teacher, rural andcol solidated schools, Vermillion county
1918-1923 departmental work in grades,Clinton
1926-1929 teacher of hi.s-t >ry, Junior high school, Clinton
A.B. Indiana State Teachers College, 1929.Connelly, Katherine, A. B., pa 1653 St.Nicholas Ave., New York City
1918-1920 teacher in grades. West TerreHaute
1920-1921 student, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.
1921-1922 teacher in high school, Superior,Wis.: 1922-1925 teacher in State Teachers Training Schools, Terre Haute
1925-1926 student, Columbia University,masters degree in science
1926-1927appointed health counsellor to the Tuberculosis Society of the Bronx, NewYork City, N. Y.
1927-1929 teacher ofhealth work in public schools and attended Columbia University, working forPh. D. degree.Cottinfiham, Edith, pa 524 East FirstSt., ...
1918-1924 teacher andprincipal of grades of West End School,Washington
1924-1929 taught inBloomington.Davis, Ward B., A. B. pa 14 8 SouthMission Road, Los Angeles Calif.
taughtone year before graduation
191F-1919U. S. military service
1919-1921 teacher, high school, Brazil
1921-1924 attended University of Chicago, receivedM. S. degree: 1924-1929 associatechemist. Laboratory of Fruit and Vegetable Chemistry, Bureau of Chemistr...
education: A. B. IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute,1918
Toulouse 1919
M. S. in 1922and Ph. D., University of Chicago, 1924
assistant plant physiol., Chicago
1923-1924 fellow biochem., Boyce ThompsonInstitute
1924-1925 botony sociology
sociology plant physiol., Indiana Academy Plant Physiology.Derby, Jeannette, pa 219 Miller Ave.,West Terre Haute
1918-1930 teacherof history and social sciences, SugarCreek High School, Vigo county
A. B.Indiana State Teachers College 1922
attended Universities of Pennsylvania andGeorgia.Dillon, Edith, ha Terre Haute
nr.Dinkle, Gertrude C, pa 25th and College Ave., Terre Haute
1918-1929 teacher in Warren School, Terre Haute.Dishinger, Allison T., pa Derby
1924-1925 teacher of history and mathematics.Derby
1925-1926 teacher of mathematics and science, Marco
1926-1928 principal. Marco
1928-1929 teacher ofmathematics, Sullivan
1929-1930 principal, Derby.Donaldson, Mamie Ruth, ha 1221 South13% St., Terre Haute
1918-1922 teacher of primary grades, Terre Haute cityschools, Dunbar School
1922-1929teacher of primary grades, WashingtonSchool, Terre Haute.♦Doyle, Harry M., ha Culver
1918-1920 Ph. B. and A. M. degree fromNotre Dame
1920-1923 attending University of Texas.Dwyer-Sippel, Frances, A. B. la 141West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111.
1926-1928 secretary, Chicago Board of Trade
lr 1928.Eddleman, Rachel, ha Seymour
pa careSandusky School, Greensburg, RFD 1
taught five years in the grades beforegraduation
1918-1923 teacher of grades,Greensburg
1923-1928 taught mathematics and Latin in Clinton townshiphigh school, Decatur county
workedon extension courses for credit fromIndiana University.Edwards, Opal, pa 1449 Ohio Blvd.,Terre Haute
1918-1930 teacher in DavisPark School, Terre Haute.Ellis, Mrs. Armentra, ha Terre Haute
nr.Ellis, Mabel E., ha 207 Avenue 2, Attica
1918-1920 teacher in high school, Brook
1920-1922 at home, not teaching
1922-1923 in Merchants State Bank, Attica
1923-1924 at home, not teaching
1926-1929 teacher of commercial subjects, Attica.EIrod-Bourn, Ruth A., pa Coatesville
1918-1922 teacher of home economics,and English, Advance
1922-1923 teacher of home economics, Linton
1926-1929married, at home and not teaching.Flvin, Ruth, ha RFD 4, Alexandria
1921-1922 received Ph. B.degree from University of Chicago
1922-1923 teacher of English, Pendleton
1923-1924 student. University of Chicago
1924-1926 teacher in Alexandria
1926-1927 teacher of English, Converse
1927-1930 teacher of English, NashvilleSenior High School, Nashville.Enlow, Grace ,ha 927 South 4th St.,Terre Haute
nr.Etchison, Grace, ha Lebanon
1925-1929teacher of English and dean of girls,Lebanon High School.Everdon, Victor B., pa Clifford
1918-1924 superintendent of schools, Leavenworth
1924-1929 principal high school,Clifford
1929-1930 teacher of historyBeiger Junior High School, Mishawaka.Fitzgerald, Louise, A. B. ha Clarks Hill
1919-1920 teacher of Latin, Otterbein
1920-1922 teacher of Latin and history,Clarks Hill
1922-1924 teacher of Latinand history, Stockwell.Fox, Florence, pa 820 South 4th St.,Terre Haute
1917-1926 teacher ofgrades, Terre Haute
1926-1929 teacherof mathematics. McLean Junior HighSchool, Terre Haute.France, Otto C, ha Oakland City
nr.French-Ebersole, Mrs. Adelyn P., A. B.pa 3710 Leuders Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio
1929 homekeeper, married, and supplyteacher in city schools, Cincinnati, Ohio.For complete record, see class of 1915.Gass, Grace, pa Hillsdale...