THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY237of commerce. Soldiers and Sailors Orphans Home, Franklin.Bowles, Mrs. OIlie Render, B. S., paBeech Grove
1925-1930 teacher homeeconomics, high school, Beech Grove.Bowman, Edith, 2IG, ha Seymour
1924-1928 taught second grade, WashingtonSchool, Seymour
1928-1929 teacher ofthird grade Emerson School, Seymour.Boyll, Elizabeth Ray, 2IG, ha Riley
1928-1929 teacher of grades, Pimento.Breeden, Archie E., B. S., ha Farmersburg
taught two years in rural schools,Harrison county, one year high school,Hudson, Mich.
two years high school,Leavenworth, one year junior highschool, Farmersburg
1928-1930 teacherof science in Farmersburg.Breidenbaugh, Vachel, B. S., ha Jasper,RFD 2
pa Franklin
taught one yearrural school, Dubois county
one yearhigh school, Washburn, 111., beforegraduation
1928-1930 teacher accounting, typewriting, shorthand and businesslaw, Franklin.Bridwell, Thelma, 2IG, ha West TerreHaute, RFD B, teacher of grades Bolton S...
1928-1929 teacher grades, New Goshen.Brooks, Marion, 2IG, ha Griffin
1928-1929, teacher of fifth and sixth grades,Griffin.Brothers, Mary, 2IG, ha Clay City
taught two years in rural school, Harrison township, Vigo county and oneyear in Clay City before graduation
1928-1929 teacher of fifth grade, ClayCity.Brown, Allene, 2IG, ha Farmersburg
pa same
previous to graduation taughttwo years in grades, Jackson township,Sullivan county
one year in Lewis township, Clay county
one year in Fayettetownship, Vigo county
1928-1929 teaching seventh grade in Linton township,Vermillion county.Brown, Beulah, I., 2R, ha Shelburn
1924-1926 teacher of elementarygrades, Sullivan
1927-1929 teacher ofelementary grades, city schools, Sullivan.Brown, Corinne L., 2P, ha Paoli
pa208 North 18th St., Richmond
1924-1928 teacher grades, Paoli
1928-1930teacher grades, Hibberd and Nicholsonschools, Richmond.Brown, Hugh H., B. S., ha Huntington
1310 Grant St.
taught three and one-half years in Flint, two years in NewMarket, one year in Salem, and fouryears in Huntington, before graduation...
1928-1929 teacher of manual trainingin high school, Huntington.Brown, Lena G. B. S., ha RFD 1, Brazil
pa Fort Wayne: 1929-1930 teacher, English, high school, Ft. Wayne
for complete record see class 1922.Brown, Mrs. Ursula Biller, B. S., haStaunton 1915-1916 taught home economics, Clay City
1916-1923 taught homeeconomics Staunton
1923-1925 taughtphysiology, Jasonville
1925-1927 taughthome economics and biology, Shelburn
1927-1928 attending Indiana State Teachers College
1928-1930 teacher homeeconomics, Shelburn.Bryant, William H., B. S., ha TerreHaute
129 % South 7th St.
1897-1898teacher in Anderson Normal School,Anderson
1898-1899 teacher EasternIndiana Normal School, Muncie
1904-1906 teacher Vincennes University, Vincennes
1911-1921 private studio, TerreHaute
1921-1930 teacher of music, Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute.Buckley, Bertha, B. S.
ha Brazil
409West Bluin St.
taught four years inGeneva
one year Clay county, and fouryears, South Bend, before graduation
1928-1929 teacher of art, James Whit-comb Riley Junior High School, SouthBend.Bugher, Nelson, B. S., ha Plainville
1928-1929 teacher science, industrialarts, Marion county.Burcham, Mrs. Nellie Lynch, 2IG, paBloomfield
1915-1919 teacher Richlandtownship, Greene county
1919-1920teacher, Wright township, Greene county
1920-1921 teacher Stockton township, Greene county
1921-1925 notteaching, homekeeper
1925-1930 teacher,Richland township. Greene county
attended Indiana University summer 1916
attended Teachers College, Indianapolis,summers 1924-1925.Burgan, Bertha E. 2IG, ha Terre Haute,RFD E
taught in the grades in OtterCreek, Honey Creek and Nevins townships of Vigo county before graduation:1928-1930 teacher of grades, North TerreHau...
pa New Albany
taughttwo years in high school, Pimento before graduation
1928-1930 teacher ofhistory, high school, New Albany.Cady, Violet E., 2IG, ha Terre Haute,2701 Cruft St.
taught one year atLewis
five years at Prairieton, andtwo years at Vincennes, before graduation
1928-1930 teacher of first primary, Vincennes.Caldwell, Ethel E. B. S., ha Terre Haute,RFD B
1922-1927 teacher of home economics. Pimento
1927-1928 attendingschool, Indiana State Teachers College
1928-1930 teacher of home economics,Concannon High School, West TerreHaute.Campbell, Mrs. Marjorie E. Scott, 2P,pa 1608 Grand Ave., Washington
taughttwo years rural school, Daviess county
three years, grades, Epsom
one year,grades, Daviess county before graduation
1928-1929 teacher departmentalwork, Washington.Caress, Mary Frances, B. S.
ha Brazil,RFD 1
1928-1929 teacher of Englishand biology, Van Buren Township HighSchool, Brazil.Carey, Hazel, 2IG, ha Chandler
taughtthree years in rural schools
ten yearsin Chandler before graduation: 1928-1929 teacher of eighth grade, Chandler.Carmack, Rita Bell, 2IG, ha Richmond,421 South 14th St....
1928-1929 at home,not teaching.Carr, Gertrude V., A. B., ha RFD 12,Box 200 L, Indianapolis
pa Mays
1928-1930 teacher social studies and English,high school, Mays.Carroll, Clermont, 2IG, pa RFD 9, MountVernon
1928-1929 teacher grades Poseycounty.Cartwright, Marie, 2IG, ha Bicknell
1928-1929 at home, not teaching.Cash, Golda Jewel, A. B., ha Shelburn
1921-1922 teacher in Son Jacinto HighSchool, San Jacinto
1922-1923 taughtin high school, Paxton
1924-1925 taughtin public schools, Shelburn