wTHE ALUMNI DIRECTORY24::poorwill School. Fulton county, beforegraduation
1928-1929 teacher ruralschool, Whippoorv, ill School, Fultoncounty.Havercamp, Leota Rosamund, 2 P. haTerre Haute, 3230 North lhth St.
192*-1929 teocher of second and third grades,Harrison township, Vijro county.Hawtin, Blanche E., 2IG, ha Dugger. nr.Hayes, Mrs. Christine Drehcr, I..&...
pa544 Harrison St.. Gary
taught two yeasin grades, Shepherd School, Fayettetownship, Vigo county, three years NewGoshen School, Foyette township, Vigocounty and four years New ...
1928-1930!rr home economics. Gary.Hayward-Roesch, Mis. Grace C. 2P, pa1447 Maple Ave., Terre Haute
192S-1929 supply teacher, city schools, TerreHaute
1929-1930 not teaching, home-1. married summer of 1929.Head, Carrie C, 210, pa Memphis, Box75
1928-1929 substitute toucher,Charlestown
1929-1930 teacher ofClaysburg Colored School,Charlestown.He .dice, Ralph Emerson, A. B., ha TerreHiute, 521 North Center St.
pa NewSnlom
tr.ught one year high school.Manilla, before graduation
1928-rj2.iteacher history and coach high school,New Salem.Heath, Tula Clay, 2R. ha Reelsville
1922-1927 teacher of grades, Manhattan
1927-1928 teacher of grades,Reelsville: 1928-1929 teacher of grades,Martha Riipath School, Greencastle.Heinig. Lily June, B. S., ha Terre Tr.ute,1615 North...
1928-1929 teacherof science and physical education, Montpelier.Helm, Frances, 2IG, ha Terre Haute.604 Eagle St.
1928-1929 teacher ofgrades, Clark county, 111.Henderson, Edith, 2IG, ha Owensburg:1920-1923 teacher in rural school, Owencounty
1923-1925 teacher in grades,Owensburg
1925-1929 teacher in ruralschool, Greene county.Hephner, Thelma, 2IG, ha Fremont
taught four years in grades at Fremont
192S-1929 teacher of grades, Fremont.Higgins, Margaret Elizabeth, A. B., ha1719 North 9th St.. Terre Haute: paDetroit, Mich.
taught two years in highschool, Shelburn before graduotion
1928-1929 teocher of commerce in hi^rhschool. Winamac: 1929-1930 teacher ofcommerce, Detroit, Mich.Hine, Elizabeth V., 2M, ha Martinsville
pa Patomac, 111.
1928-1929 teacher music and art, grades and highschool, Potomac, 111.Hinton, Charles M., B. S.. ha Frankfort:pa Grovertown: 1928-1929 teacher ofm...
1929-1930teacher mathematics and science Grovertown.Hitt, Elizabeth Hopper, 2IG, ha Sullivan
1928-1929 teacher elementary grades,Prairie Creek township, Vigo county.Hixon, Katherine, B. S., pa 2609 Fen-wood Ave., Terre Haute
1928-1929 teacher, home economics and English.Green township High School, Park county.Hochstetler, Orville C, B. S„ ha CoalCity
1916-1917 teacher ruriil schoolnear Coal City
1919-1920 teacher ruralschool near West Terre Haute
1921-Jnn. to April manual training teacher,Bicknell
1922-1921 teacher manualtraining, Donovan High School, Donovan.Ill : 1924-1921 teacher manual training.or high school. Norfolk, Va.
191929 teacher Industrial arts, !.i<kne!l.Hockersmith, Doris, B. S., ha Lebanon
pa Bedford
1928-1980 teacher of his-toiy. junior high school, Bedford.Hoffman, Millie Deka, 2P, ha 913 North16th St., I.i.fayette
1916-1920 toucherkindergarten. Lafayette
1920-1922 teacher of p.-imary grades. Madisonvillc,Ky.
1922-1928 teacher of primarygrades, Lafayette
attended Purdue 1ni-versity summer I!i21 : 1928-1929 tea)of primary grades, Lincoln School, Lafayette.Holdcn, John William, B. S.. pa Brazil...
1921*1924 teacher of one-room schoolMorgan county
1925-1926 principalconsolidated school. Morgan county
1928-1930 teacher of mathematics, Brazil Hi^h School.Holle, Gladys B., 2I\ ha Knimr.n
taughtfour years, Barkley township, Jaspernty
two years Walker township,Jasper county
two years Union town-p, Josper county
1928-1929 teachrprimary grades, Union township, Jos-pi r county.Holtegel, Mae, 2IG, ha Lawrenceburg:taught two years rural school
twoyears consolidated school and one yeartown school in Dearborn county beforegraduation: 1928-1929 teacher fifth andsi>
th grades, Gr^-endalc School, Lawrenceburg.Horn, Evan L., A. H., ha Koleen
pa109 North 3rd St., Elkhart
taught throeyears in grades, Koleen before graduation: 1928-1930 teacher English anddebating, Elkhart.Horn, Ivan, 2IG, ha Koleen
taught twoyears in Clifty rural school, Koleen:1928-1929 home, not teaching
1929-1930student Indiana State Teachers College.Hornaday, Ethel, 2IG, ha Montgom< rtaught one year in rural school
threeyears elementary school and one yearjunior high school before graduation:1928-1929 teacher grade literature.Washington Junior High chool, Washington.Horrall,...
1928-1929 teacher of music andart, high school, Montgomery.Hortsman, Louise, 2P, ha Brownstown:1928-1929 teacher of grades, Brownstown township.Howald, Florence...
taught five years in Posey township before graduation
1928-1929 teacher of elementary grades, Posey township. Clay county.Howey, Bernice, B. S., ha West Point :taught home economics six years beforeg...
1917-1927 teacher primary grades, Cass township, Dugger
1927-1928 Btudent. Indiana State Teachers College: 192S-1929 teacher of homeeconomics, Marshall High School, 111.
1929-1930 at home, not teaching.Huntington, Opal
2P, ha Wheatfield:pa Williamsport: 192.1-1928 teacher primary grades, Jasper county