THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY149license division, Indianapolis.Maynard, Lula pa 215 North 6th StVincennes
1918-1929 teacher elementary grades, Vincennes.Miller, Earl, A. B., pa 1324 West Dayton tS., Madison Wis.
1930 completingwork for Ph. D., University of Wisconsin
for complete record see class of1917.Moench-Cain, Mrs. Ethel, A. B. pa 2004Windsor Ave., Dubuque, la.
1918-1919teacher in high school, Bedford
1919-1920 teacher in high school, MonroeCity
1920-1922 teacher, Centrol HighSchool, Muncie: 1922-1930 married toMr. H. C. Cain in 1922
at home
notteaching.Morphet, Edgar L., A. B. pa Auburn,Ala.
1918-1919 in army, medical department
1919-1922 principal FairmountJunior High School
1922-1923 IloiloHigh School, Iloilo, P. I.
1923-1930professor of education, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala.Muchmore-Lacey, Mrs. Joy, A. B. pa1664 North 7th St., Terre Haute
teacher of primary grades, Sullivan
criticteacher, Manchester College, North Manchester
1928 assistant professor primary education, Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute
A. B., IndianaState Teachers College
student. Teachers College, Columbia University
graduate student, University of Chicago.Myers-Wallace, Verna Grace, pa RFD5, Washington
taught three years before graduation
1918-1919 teacher,junior high school, Plainfield
1919-1929married, not teaching.Neill, Hazel, ha Terre Haute
nr.Newlin, Norma, pa 929 South Second St.,Springfield, 111.
1921-1929 teacher inSpringfield High School, Springfield, 111.ODonaghue, .Maggie, pa Cannelburg
taught in the Barr township schools before graduation
1918-1929 teacher ofEnglish, history, junior high school,Cannelburg
attended State TeachersCollege, one year since graduation.Ossenberg, Florence, pa 828 West FifthSt., Anderson
1918-1919 teacher in highschool, Knox
1919-1920 teacher in highschool, Idaville
1920-1922 teacher inhigh school, Markleville
1922-1924 attended Indiana University
1924-1928taught in high school, Washington
1928-1930 teocher of history, Summitville High School.Page-Trefz, Mrs. Lettie, pa 698 EastWoodruff Place, Indianapolis
1918-1919taught in Jacksonburg, Ohio
1919-1923taught reading, writing, spelling, Anderson
1923-1924 supervisor of penmanship, Valparaiso
1924-1926 supervisorof penmanship, Highland Park, N. J.
1926-1927 at home, not teaching.Perry, Edna, pa Columbus, 1911-1925teacher of grades, Columbus: 1925-1929did not teach, confined to home becauseof ner...
attended Columbia University summer of 1923.Phillips, Alice, pa 606 Huffman St., Ft.Ft. Wayne
1917-1924 teacher of grades,Richmond
1927-1929 teacher of gradework, Ft. Wayne.Probst, Idella, ha Columbus
deceased 1923.Rector, Margaret, ha Brazil
lr 1923teacher of English, Sullivan High School.Reuter, George J. ha New Middletown
pa 1809, Madison Ave.
1912-1919 teacher and principal grades,New Middletown
1919-1920 teacher ofphysics and mathematics, high school,Corydon
1920-1921 teacher of physicsand mathematics, high school, New Middletown
1921-1926 superintendent ofschool, Corydon
1926-1927 student Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute
1927-1930 teacher of mathematics and science. Central High School,Evansville.Reynerson, June N. pa 1637 South 5thSt., Terre Haute
1918-1922 teacher ofart, Sarah Scott Junior High School,Terre Haute
1923-1924 teacher of art,North High School, Des Moines, la.
1924-1930 teacher of art, Indiana StateTeachers College
graduate ,Pratt, Institute
student, Berkshire School of art
design with Ralph Johnnet
modellingfrom life, Carl F. Mamann
private lessons in art
B. S. Indiana State Teachers College 1927
M. A. Columbia U.,Travel in Europe summer 1929.Ross, Audna M., ha Oaktown
1918-1919 teacher in Fritchton
1919-1923teacher of English and domestic science,Carlisle
1923-1924 teacher in St. Augustine, Fla.
lr 1924.Rhoades-Adams, Mrs. Flossie, pa 2315Liberty Ave., Terre Haute
1918-1919teacher of mathematics and grades. WestTerre Haute
1919-1920 teacher in highschool, West Terre Haute
1920-1925supply teacher, high school, West TerreHaute
1925-1930 married
not teaching, at home, Terre Haute.Salmon, Flossie, pa Petersburg
1918-1919 teacher in Florida township,Parke county
1919-1920 teacher ofgrades, Petersburg
1920-1930 teacherof history, Petersburg.Sears, S. Pinckney, pa 1002 Monroe St.,LaPorte
1925-1927 principal highschool, Walkerton
1927-1929 head ofmathematics department, high school,LaPorte.Schaefer-Gray, Mrs. Rachel, A. B. pa479 Maple St., West Lafayette
1912-1915 attended Indiana State TeachersCollege
1915-1917 teacher of grades,Columbus
1917-1918 student, IndianaState Teachers College: 1918-1920 teacher of grades, Columbus
1920-1921 attended University of Pittsburg
1921-1923 teacher, home economics, highschool, Columbus
1923-1929 married toWilliam E. Gray, moved to Ashland, Ky.,lived there until 1924
moved to WestLafayette where Mr. Gray is employedas engineer in charge of draft gear investigation of the American RailwayAssociation at Purdue U...
home-keeper: not teaching.Schenck, Ralph, A. B. pa Valparaiso
1917-1918 teacher of history, manualtraining, Roachdale
1919-1930 teacherof history, manual training, athleticcoach, Valparaiso.Schaper, Hazel, A. B. ha Columbia City
1915-1916 teacher of grades, ColumbiaCity: 1917-1919 teacher of English anddomestic science, Concannon HighSchool, Vigo county
1919-1920 attended University of Chicago
1920-1923teacher in Lovington, 111.
received A., Indiana State Teachers CollegeSchlegel, Clarence O., A. B. pa ClayCity
1917-1918 teacher of history inhigh school, Clinton
entered military_