THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY107school. Shelbyville
1928-1929 teacher ofhistory, biology and industrial arts, highschool, Brownstown
1929-1930 principalMonmouth High School, Decatur.Fishback, Archer William, pa 318 N.Forest Ave., Brazil
1913-1914 principal.Ward School, Vincennes
1914-1916 supervising principal. Ward School, Evansville: 1924-1925 student, Indiana University
1925-1930 principal, junior highschool, Brazil.Fisher, Virgil, pa Worthington
1913-1914 teacher in Linton schools, Linton
1914-1916 supervising principal andteacher of history ond mathematics.Decker
1919-1920 principal, high school,Bruceville
1920-1923 principal, highschool, Ambia
1923-1924 principal, highschool, Donovan, Illinois
1926-1930 principal, high school, Worthington.Flaherty, Mary (Sister Clotilde), ha 119S. 13th St., Terre Haute
1908-1908teacher of grades, Sugar Creek township
1909-1921 teacher of grades, TerreHaute
1921-1923 St. Marys-of-the-Woods
1923-1927 teaching music, Providence High School, Chicago, Illinois
1927-1930 teaching English and history,St. Johns High School, Indianapolis. Attended summer school each year from1920-1927 St. Marys-of-the-Woods.Ford, Don C,...
1913-1915principal, high school, Newport
1916-1919 superintendent of schools, Newport
1919-1920 superintendent ofschools, Pleasantville
1920-1921 teacher, Hymera
1921-1923 teacher in theschools, Cleveland, Ohio
1923-1927 principal, Perrysville
1927-1929, principal,high school, Lakeville.Fowler, Charles B., pa New York University, New York City
1913-1914teacher of history, high school, Bicknell
1914-1916 superintendent of schools,Bruceville
received A. B. from IndianaState Teachers College. Terre Haute,1917
entered military service and wasoverseas captain 1917-1919
1919-1920received M. A., Columbia University, NewYork City, New York
1921-1929, assistant professor of economics, NewYork University, New York City, specializing in trust and labor problems
attended University of Pennsylvania 1920-1921
Columbia University 1921-1926 received M. A., and Ph. D.Freed-Schweitzer, Mrs. Mary, ha Orleans
1913-1918 teacher in the primary grades,Kenilworth, Utah
1918-1919 Farmerette,Orleans
1919-1921 cashier in Grocer-teria Street, Petersburg, Florida
1921-1922 proprietor of tea room. Price, Utah
1922-1929 not teaching
at home.French, William B., ha Farmland
pa 237W. Oak St.. Butler
1909-1912 teacher,rural and graded schools, Fort Branch
1913-1914 principal, high school, Cannel-burg
1914-1916 superintendent ofschools, Troy
1916-1924 principal, highschool Cynthiana
1924-1927 principal,high school, Stewarts ville
1928-1929principal high school, Farmland
1929-1930 principal, high school, Butler
A.B. Oakland City College 1921
attendedIndiana University six weeks in 1915.Gadberry, Mona, 1582 S. 10th St., TerreHaute
1912-1915 teacher in Clinton HighSchools
1915 teacher in Terre HautePublic Schools
1926-1929 teacher ofthird grade, Cruft School, Terre Haute.Gobin-Craig, Mrs. Iva Glenn, ha TerreHaute, RFD C, pa Effiingham, 111.
taughttwo years, Elm Grove, Lost Creek township, Vigo county, one year in South Dakota and three years at Pleasant Hill,Honey Creek township,...
1913-1916 teacher homeeconomics, high school, Pimento
1916-1916 student, Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute
1916-1917 teacher,departmental work, Clinton
1917-1922teacher, Voorhees School, Terre Haute
1922-1925 attended Kirksville College ofOsteopath and Surgery, Kirksville, Missouri
1925-1980 homekeeper and doingsome professional work at home.Goff, Mrs. Josephine, ha 840 S. 9th St.,Terre Haute
1913-1914 supplied inschools, Terre Haute
1914-1915 taughtin the country near Fontanet
1915-1916taught in country near Bloomfield
1916-1917, saleslady for the Success Company, Danville, Illinois and working inShirley, Hancock county
1917-1918teacher of grade work, Green county
1918-1919 teacher of grade work, Harris-burg, Illinois
1919-1923 housekeeperfor son
lr 1923.Hagan, Margaret, ha 732 N. 6th St., TerreHaute
lr 1914 teacher in Terre Hauteschools.Hamilton-Hume, Mrs. Fern, ha Franklin
1913-1919, teacher in city schools, Hammond
1919-1921 teacher of grades, Billings, Montana
1921-1922 teacher ingrades, Indianapolis
1922-1929 notteaching
at home.Haney, Oscar, pa 1000 Hyslop Place,Hammond
1913-1914 teacher of history,Montgomery
1914-1915 superintendentof schools, Cannelburg
1916-1916teacher of history, Brazil
1916-1917student, Indiana University
1917-1918principal, New Salem
1918-1919 principal, Wolcott
1918 in the army
1919-1924 superintendent of schools, Kent-land
1924-1929, attorney, Hammond.Harbin, Albert, pa 218 Mary Ave., NewSmyrna, Fla.
1901-1908 teacher in district schools of Green county
1908-1912teacher in Washington township consolidated schools, Clinton county
1912-1913teacher of physics and manual trainingin the high school, Danville
1913-1917principal, high school and teacher ofhistory and physics, DeSoto
1917-1918superintendent of schools and teacher ofhistory and physics, Geneva
1918-1922principal of high school and teacher ofhistory, Noblesville
1922-1923 principol,high school and teacher of history, Jefferson
1923-1929 principal and teacherof history. New Smyrna, Fla.
A. B.Indiana University in 1919
A. M. in1925.Hardie, Margaret, A. B., pa 517 ForestAve., Oak Park. Illinois: before graduation taught in Clay county in 1906 and1907, in...
1913-1917 taughtEnglish and mathematics in high schoolin Freelandville
1917-1918 taught English in the high school at Hope, NorthDakota
1918-1919 taught English in thehigh school, Freelandville: 1919-1920taught English, junior high school,Bloomington
1921-1929 taught English,Oak Park River Forest High School,Oak Park, Illinois
summer of 1916 attended University of Chicago
1921 A. Indiana University
summer of 1926Harvard summer schools.