30THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYIllinois Normal Summer School 1914-1916.Lahn-Stahl, Mrs. Minnie, reported living in Paris, 111.
nr.Lambert, Louis, nr.Lambeth-DeBauge, Mrs. Mary J., nr.Lollar, Ezra Eliot, la 403-27th Ave.,Spokane, Wash.
1896-1899 principal ofhigh school, Garrett
1899-1905 superintendent of schools, Garrett
1906-1916instructor in English, Lewis and ClarkHigh School, Spokane, Wash.
nr since1916.Lowry, Mary F., nr.Lynch, William O., pa Bloomington
taught three terms in ungraded countryschools, Carroll county, one term asprincipal of town schools, Yeoman, andone term as principal of town sch...
1896-1900 general assistant high school, Elkhart
1900-1907 head of department ofhistory, high school .Elkhart
1908-1918assistant professor of history, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute
1918-1920 professor of history and headof department, Eastern Division, BallTeachers College, Muncie
1920-1929professor of history, Indiana University.Scholastic record since 1896: student,Indiana University, 1901-1903
graduatestudent, University of Wisconsin, 1907-1908: graduate student, Harvard University, 1911-1912
graduate student.University of Wisconsin, summer session, 1922
A. B. and A. M., IndianaUniversity.McCollough, William C, pa Stock well
1896-1904 superintendent of city schools,Sullivan
1904-1928 engaged in farming,Stockwell.Manch, Charles, nr.Mangrum, William Valentine, la Evansville
1896-1897 principal schools, Bring-hurst
1897-1898 principal schools,Haubstadt
1898-1900 superintendent ofschools, Cynthiana
1900-1903 superintendent of schools, Waveland
1903-1904 student Indiana University andassistant teacher arithmetic, IndianaState Teachers College, spring term
1904-1906 superintendent of schools,Carthage
1906-1907 superintendent ofschools, Roachdale
1907 superintendentof schools, New Harmony
summer 1916student University of Chicago
spent fivesummer terms, Indiana University
1920-1930 elementary principal Evansvilleschools.May, Adda, nr.Meyer, Emilie L., pa 1824 Ohio St.,Terre Haute
1896-1903 teacher ofgrades, Terre Haute
1903-1925 teacherWiley High School, Terre Haute
1925-1929 teacher of commercial subjects,Geretmeyer High School, Terre Haute.Milhouse, Ludvic A., nr.Moran-Frey, Mrs. Josephine Irene, la1402 East Washington S....
1896-1898 departmental work, English,Vincennes
1898-1908 departmentalwork, Indianapolis
1908-1928 married toF. J. Frey, at home, not teaching
received degree from Butler University,Indianapolis, 1928.Nesbit, Mary, nr.Nicewanger, Henry D., pa 919 FidelityBldg., Tacoma, Wash.
1896-1900 superintendent of schools, Dublin
1900-1907in mercantile business, Van Buren:1907-1910 in mercantile business, Seattle, Wash.
1910-1916 in mercantilebusiness Kennewick, Wash.
1916 inmercantile business Tacoma, Wash.
1925-1929 Christian Science practitioner,Tacoma, Wash.Nuner, John Franklin, ha South Bend
1896-1897 teacher, Henry county
1897-1901 teacher high school, Montpelier
1902-1903 teacher high school, Mishawaka
1903-1916 superintendent ofschools, Mishawaka
1916-1920 superintendent schools. South Bend
deceasedabout 1920.Owens, Dosie, reported to be living inFranklin
nr.Owens, John, taught school severalyears: at one time laboratory assistant,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute, and for several years state f...
1896-1899teacher in Morocco
1899-1901 teacherBrook
1902-1924 teacher grades, Denver, Colo
1927-1929 teacher in ByersJunior High School, Denver, Colo.Piercy, Charles M., nr.Poer-Leighton, Mrs. Lena L., la Montpelier
1896-1898 teacher grades, Alexandria
1898-1899 teacher grades andhigh school, Greensboro
1900-1901teacher of grades, Salem
1901-1902teacher of grades, Flora
1905 teacherof grades, Montpelier
granted two yearsleave of absence on account of sickness
married Scott Leighton
lr 1905.Quinslisk-Johnson, Mrs. Belle, la Brazil
taught primary grades, West TerreHaute before graduation
1896-1899teacher in high school, Portland
1899-1928 not teaching
married and home-keeper
attended Indiana Universitysummer term 1897 and attended summer term Winona in 1898.Radcliffe, Henry Herbert pa 1346 W.Macon St., Decatur, 111....
1896-1898teacher of schools, Henry county
1898-1900 principal of academy, Demarcus,O.
1900-1902 teacher of science andmathematics, Aurora
1902-1904 attended Indiana University, received B. S.1904
1904-1907 teacher of science.Mount Morris College, Mount Morris,111.
1907-1908 principal high school,Oregon, 111.
1908-1910 principal highschool, Taylorville, 111.
1910-1918teacher of science, high school, Connersville
1918-1929 head of department ofscience, Decatur Senior High School.Ridenour, John, nr.Ridenour-Stailey, Mrs. Maggie, la Wabash: taught eight years in ...
1896-1900 teacher of grades, East Chicago
1916-1928 at home, not teaching
living on farm and assisting in poultryand dairying.Royse, Charles S., pa Versailles
1896-1897 principal New Marion school
1897-1903 county superintendent schools, Ripley county
1903-1910 in insurance business
1910-1929 attorney at law, Versailles.Russell-Dickson, Mrs. Lulu, nr.Saal, Joseph, nr.Sankey-Faurot, Mrs. Anna Blanche, pa649 Poplar St., Terre Haute...
1896-1902professor of Latin and German, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute
1902-1929 at home and not teaching
married to A. A. Faurot, Aug. 7, 1928.♦Schafer, Mary, taught several years.