A magazine dedicated to sharing the mission, spirituality and ministries of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.
2 HOPE // FALL 2011 www.SistersofProvidence.org 3HOwithinPEFeaturesCover story 4Spirituality of acceptanceCancer center chaplain 6A beacon of hopeNurse and...
Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana
Limited to $1.1 Billion, Senate Passes Foreign Aid Bill; Cost of Living Council O.K.s Freeze Exemptions; Senate Passes Study Program;...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
Spring fever : White squad wins steak dinner with 28-23 win over Cardinal squad; New coach ready for challenge : Salmon was f...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
United States loses French backing : Despite resistance from France and Germany, American forces remain ready for action; Frozen remains;...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
Dining service opens early to help game attendance; Still looking for recorders : Tail of downed Indian plane found; Fort Wayne ma...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...