one of Terre Hautesmost revered teachers
the Sarah ScottJunior High School stands as a monument to her memory.Taylor, Mary Gale, pa 5537 ClaremontCLASS OF 1879Ave., Oakland, Cal....
1882-1895 teacherin the high schools of Peru, Shelbyvilleand Terre Haute
1896-1899 assistantclerk and librarian, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute
1899-1929 retired and residing in California.Bradshaw, Eugene B., reported living inEast Liverpool, Ohio
no informationfound concerning his career.Boyd, Josephine, deceased 1880.Crowe, Esther, pa Kansas City, Mo.
1881-1892 teacher in the grades andward school principal, Kansas City Mo.
1892-1929, teacher of English literatureand psychology at the Central HighSchool, Kansas City, Mo.Dela-Bar-Swain, Mary E., taught inClinton and Rockville f...
lived with a daughter in Cleveland,Ohio
died summer, 1929.Grosjean, George, pa Indianapolis
taughtin Terre Haute High School
retiredseveral years ago.Hutzel, Samuel M., nr.Kelso, Oscar Lynn, pa 700 South 5thSt., Terre Haute
1879-1882 principalschools, Bruceville
1882-1884 student,Indiana University and teacher in Bedford
1884-1885 principal high school,Anderson
1885-1894 principal highschool, Richmond
1894-1924 professormathematics, Indiana State Teachers College
summers of 1897 and 1898 a student in University of Chicago
receivedA. B. degree from Indiana University
author of Arithmetic for High Schools,Normals and Academies
joint authorwith Robert J. Aley of revision of Cook-Cropsey Arithmetic
1924-1929 retiredfrom teaching
at home.Miller-Stimson, Harriet C, nr.McCrea, Samuel Pressly, la RedwoodCity, Calif.
lr 1905 teacher of history,civics and economics, Sequio UnionHigh School, Redwood City, Cal.Newsome-Woodard, Mrs. Ruth, ha Eliza-bethtown
1879-1881, assistant teacherin Bloomingdale Academy
1882-1929homekeeper, residing The AlbermarlApts. Room 6, Columbus.Studebaker, Joseph, pa Flora
taughtthree years in country schools beforegraduation
superintendent and principalschools at Burlington, Pittsburg, Rock-field, Burrows, Deer Creek, Camden,Flora and Delphi
1893-1929, practicinglaw and mayor of the city. Flora.CLASS OF 1880Barnett-Coble, Mrs. Emily, nr.Cox, Wilson H., nr.Dwiggins, Lydia, ha 816 South Bran...
1880-1885, primary gradesFowler
1885-1887 fifth grades Lafayette
1887-1888 first primary Oxford
1888-1889 seventh grade Rochester
1889-1914 first primary Marion
1914-1915 did not teach on account of illhealth
1915-1916 substitute teacherMarion
deceased 1918.Furber-Swain, Mrs. Carolina, taught inKnightstown and New Castle and forsome time in one of the Normal schoolsof California
married Captain RichardSwain of the Japanese Steamship Company and went to live in Japan
no recent report.Fox, Charles F., ha Jefferson ville
taught for some time in Clark countyand held a ward principalship in Jef-fersonville for several years precedinghis death which occurred Sept. 14...
1880-1901 teacher inschools of Connersville
1901-1909 teacher in grades, Anderson
1909-1912 caredfor an invalid sister
deceased 1912.♦Gentry, Ruth, ha Stilesville
1894-1902instructor mathematics, Vassar College,Poughkeepsie, New York
1902-1909 incharge of private school for girls,Poughkeepsie, New York
1909-1917 retired from school activities on accountof ill health, engaged in real estatewith trips abroad
deceased in 1917
Ph. B. University of Michigan 1890
Ph. D. Bryn Mawr College 1894.Goodykoontz, Joseph, nr.Kemp, Ell wood Wads worth, pa 517%Wabash Ave., Terre Haute
1880-1881principal high school, Franklin
1881-1882 superintendent of schools, Franklin
1882-1883 .assistant grammar andmathematics, Indiana State Teachers College
1883-1885, student, Harvard University
1885-1888 assistant in history,Indiana State Teachers College
188S-1913 head of department Americanhistory, Indiana State Teachers College
1913-1914 student, Sorbonne University, Paris
retired 1914
now livingin Terre Haute.King-Warren, Mrs. Mary E., nr.Lawrence, Clova A., pa 1629 ChestnutSt., Terre Haute
taught in elementarygrades until retiring in 1925
spentmost of this time as a teacher of elementary grades in city of Terre Haute.♦Mail, William R., ha Terre Haute
1881-1882 principal schools, Edwardsport
1882-1883 principal schools, Clinton
1883-1885 graduate student. Philadelphia Dental College and Hospital ofOral Surgery
1885-1904 practiced den-tristy, Terre Haute
1904-1920 movedto California and practiced dentistry
died January 21, 1920.Mitchell, Commodore P., pa 616 OakdaleDrive, Fort Wayne
taught in thecounty schools for three years beforegraduation
1898-1929 in business.♦Mitchell-Van Duyn, Mrs. Malissa, haMonroeville
deceased Feb. 27, 1925
taught in country schools in Vermillioncounty for six years.Thompkins, Arnold, brilliant scholar,teacher, lecturer and author
was professor of literature in Indiana StateTeachers College, member of faculty ofDePauw University and University ofIllinois, president of Illinois State&...
at time of hisdeath was president of the Cook CountyNormal, Chicago, 111
author of several