THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY263Haslem, John R., A. B., ha 1435 SouthSixth St., Terre Haute
pa 4949 ForestPark Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
1929-1930student. Medical School, WashingtonUniversity, St. Louis, Mo.Hassec, Clarence E., B. S., ha Chandler
pa same
taught rural grades, Campbell township schools, Warrick county,one year, before graduation ,-1929-1930student, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute...
one term
employed inEvansville.Hawkins, Margaret E., B. S., ha 2040North 8th St., Terre Haute
pa Rockport
1929-1930 teacher music, art in gradesand high school, Rockport.Hayes, John L., B. S., pa 544 HarrisonSt., Gary
1919-1927 teacher science, industrial arts. New Goshen
1927-1928teacher science, industrial arts, Shelburn
1928-1930 teocher industrial arts,junior high school. Lew Wallace School,Gary.Hays, Hugh Bradley, A. B., pa Dana
1929-1930 teacher Latin, science, St.Bernice
for complete record see classof 1918.Hays, Martha Louise, B. S., ha 422 Walnut St., Clinton
pa Hutsonville, 111.
1929-1930 teacher home economics, biology, Hutsonville.Hedges, Mrs. Jacie Bickel, 2R, pa 820South 9th St., Terre Haute
1923-1924teacher music, art, home economics, Andrews
1924-1926 teacher music, art,Boonville
1927-1928 teacher music,Remington
1928-1930 teacher music,art, Honey Creek township, Vigo county.Hendricks, Dorothy M., 2IG, ha Oxford
pa Knightstown
taught music, art, homeeconomics, Green Hill, three years, before graduotion
1929-1930 teachermusic, art, home economics, Knightstown.Hendrix, Grace, 2IG, pa Veedersburg
taught elementary grades, Yeddo, oneyear
1927-1930 teacher third grade,Veedersburg.Hicks, Emily Moyne, 2P, pa 719 Chestnut St., Terre Haute
1929-1930 at homeand not teaching.Hilbert, Marguerite, 2P, pa 133 MonroeBoulevard, Terre Haute
1929-1930teacher grades two and three, ReaSchool, Terre Haute.Hill, Lulu M., 2IG, pa Paoli
1924-1930teacher elementary grades, Paoli.Hill, Virginia, 2IG, ha Spencer
taught rural school, Owencounty, one-half year before graduation
1929-1930 teacher, eighth grade, Worthington.Himelick, Mrs. Thelma Brauchla, 2IG,pa RFD 2, Brookville
taught ruralschool, Bloomington Grove township,Franklin county, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher rural school, Blooming Grove township, Franklin county.Hineline, Carrie D., B. S., pa 207 North23rd St., Terre Haute
1929-1930 teacherhome economics, Gerstmeyer TechnicalHigh School, Terre Haute.Hoddy, Clara E., 2P, ha RFD 5, Box34 3 Terre Haute
pa Richmond
taughtgrades, Fayette township, one year
grades. North Terre Haute, four year6
supply work, Otter Creek and Harrisontownships, three years, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher second grade,Richmond.Hoffhaus, Edwin, 2IG. ha Woodburn
paTerre Haute
taught rural schools, Allencounty, four years, before graduation
1929-1930 Btudent, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute.Hoffman, Edith Mae, B. S., ha RFD 2,Logansport
pa Marion
1929-1930 teacher first grade, Marion
for complete record see class of 1925.Hollenbeck, Ruth E., 2IG ,ha 505 North4th St., Lafayette
pa same
taught elementary grades, Tippecanoe county, twoyears
1922-1930 teacher fifth grode, Lafayette.Hollingsworth, Helen, 2P., pa 1414South Seventh St., Terre Haute
1929-1930 cashier, Terre Haute House CoffeeShop, Terre Haute.Holt, Millicent B., 2P, pa 832 South 6thSt., Clinton
taught three years, Vermillion, county, before graduation
i929-1930 teacher primary grades, Clintontownship, Vermillion county.Hopp, Charles A., B. S., pa 2008 Washington Ave., Terre Haute
1929-1930printing department, Star PublishingCompany, Terre Haute and assistontcoach, Marshall, 111.Hopkins, Laverne, 2P, pa Loogootee
1929-1930 teacher Hopkins School, VanBuren township.Horton, Pauline E., 2IG, ha Monrovia
pa Richmond
1925-1927 teacher gradesfour and five, consolidated school, Monrovia
1929-1930 teacher music, arithmetic, physical education, writing, spelling in grodes four, five, six, JosephMoore School, Richmond.Houston, John Edgar, B. ...
pa Y. M. C. A. Vincennes
1929-1930 teacher history, science, Vincennestownship, Knox county.Howard, Anna S., A. B., pa 2408 North14th St., Terre Haute
1929-1930 teacher departmental work, Rankin School,Harrison township, Vigo county
forcomplete record see class of 1924.Howard, Henry J., 2IG, pa RFD 4,Princeton
taught elementary grades,Princeton and Wheatland, eight years,before graduation
1929-1930 teacherelementary grades, Wheatland.Howell, Vomer K., Irving, B. S., ha1320 South 14lh St., Terre Haute
paAlton, 111.
1922-1924 teacher Vanderburgh county
1924-1927 teacher Douglass School, Kokomo
1928-1929 teacherOhio Street School, Rockville
1929-1930teacher grammar grades, supervisingprincipal, Lovejoy Junior High School,Alton, 111.Hunt, Madge M., 2IG, RFD 2, Osgood
taught rural school, Ripley county, threeyears
1928-1930 teacher elementarygrades, Osgood.Hunt, Mahlon C, 21G, ha Noblesville
pa Mound City, 111.
1916-1917 teacher-Nobles ville
1917-1919 instructor, U. S.Army
1919-1920 teacher Noblesville
1920-1930 teacher arithmetic, physicaleducation
elementary principal. MoundCity, 111.Hunter, Roy, B. S., pa Paragon
taughtelementary grades, Plummer School,Greene county, one year
elementarygrades, Linton, one year
1927-1930 teacher commerce. Paragon.Hutchinson, Mildred A., 2P., ha 1027South Gibson St., Princeton
pa Elkhart
1929-1930 teacher first grade, Elkhart.Hyatt, Eliza, B. S., pa 304 East WalnutSt., Washington
taught rural school,grades, junior high school, elementaryprincipal, thirteen years before gradu-