THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY273taught grades, Shelburn and Chippewa,before graduation
1929-1930 teachermusic, art, Leavenworth.Trueblood, Flossie May, 2P, pa RFD 1.Salem
taught grades, eight years, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher ruralgrades, Salem.Tuck, Katherine Lennis, B. S., pa 622Couth 5th St., Clinton
1928-1930 teacher commerce, Clinton.Tucker, Ancel, B. S., pa Riley
taughtgrades, Riley township, Vigo county,three years
grades, Honey Creek township, Vigo county, two years, beforegraduation
1929-1930 teacher industrialarts, biology, Riley.Tuell, Mary E., 2R, pa Evans Landing
taught rural schools, Harrison county,three years before graduation
1929-1930 teacher rural school, Evans Landing.Tryon, Iva L., 2P, pa Riley
1927-1930teacher first grade, Riley.Uland, Mrs. Ella McCoy, B. S ha Bloomfield
pa Scotland
1929-1930 teachermusic, art, home economics, healthessentials, Scotland
for complete recordssee class of 1916.Upthegrove, Ethel David, B. S., ha 624Gilbert Ave., Terre Haute
pa Winston-Salem, N. C.J 1929-1930 teacher English, Winston-Salem, N. C.
for complete record see class of 1928.Utterback, Zena, B. S.. pa 4801 For-seythe Ave., East Chicago
1929-1930teacher seventh grade, East Chicago
for complete record see class of 1922.Van Arsdall, Mildred L., B. S, pa Hymera
1929-1930 at home and not teaching.Van Huss, Murdell, B. S., ha Rockville
pa Plymouth, 111.
1929-1930 teacherphysics, biology, Plymouth, 111.Van Kirk, Ruby Geraldine, B. S., pa 127South 7th St., Terre Haute
1929-1930teacher piano, Fairbanks School, TerreHaute.Van Scoyoc, Roland L., B. S., ha 642Romig St., Lafayette
pa Williamsport
taught two years, Clarks Hill
threeyears, Williamsport, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher history, civics, Williamsport.Van Sickle, Bessie L., B. S., pa RFD D,Terre Haute
1929-1930 student, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute
for complete record see class 1926.Van Trees, Mary E., 2IG, pa Paoli
1927-1930 teacher rural school, Poali.Vaughn, Margaret, A. B., ha WaldenApartments, 10, Terre Haute
pa Lov-ington. 111.
cadet teacher, Indiana StateTeachers College Training School, TerreHaute, two terms, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher music, Lovington,111.Vaught, Mrs. Eula Reid, 2P, pa 2238First Ave., Terre Haute
1925-1928 teacher grades, Clinton township, Vermillion county
1928-1930 at home ond notteaching.Veller, Marie R., 2IG. pa 212 West 7thSt., Bicknell
1924-1930 teacher departmental work, Bicknell.Vician, Stephen E., B. S. ha 818 PoplarSt., Terre Haute
pa Angola
1928-1929teacher industrial arts, Junior highSchool, Clinton
1929-1930 teacher industrial arts, commercial arithmetic,Angolo.Vickers, Helen E., 2R, ha Burns City
pa Ragles ville
taught grades. BurnsCity, three years, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher primary grades, Rag-glesville.Vickers, Lester, B. S. ha Burns City
pa Cambridge City
1927-1930 teacherindustrial arts, science, coaching, Cambridge City
1927-1.930 teacher industrialarts, science, coaching, Cambridge City.Wable, Letha, 2IG, pa 115 3 LafayetteAve. .Torre Haute
taught one years before graduation
1929-1930 teacherfourth grade, Hook School, Terre Haute.Wade, Eunice, 2IG, pa Wadesville
taught rural schools, Robinson township,three years, rural school, Posey county
grades, Center township, Posey county,two years, before graduation
1929-1930teacher intermediate grades, Wadesville.Wade, Mary E., 2P, pa Wadesville
1929-19 30 at home and not teaching.Walker, Louise Ada, 2IG, pa 4227 For-sythe Ave., East Chicago
1929-1930teacher reading, fourth grade, LincolnSchool, Indiana Harbor, East Chicago.Wall, Irene Stewart, 2P, ha Carlisle
paVilla Park, 111.
taught forty-sevenmonths, Villa Park, Illinois
elementaryprincipal, one year, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher primary grades, VillaPark, 111.Walters, Violet Ruby., 2IG, ha RFD 7,Sullivan
pa Dugger
taught rural school,Cass township, Sullivan county, oneyear
1927-1930 teacher fifth grade,Dugger.Wampler, Letta M., B. S., pa 108 EastPortland Ave., Vincennes
1929-1930teacher home economics, Vincennes
forcomplete record see class of 1917.Warden, Mrs. Texie Tribble, A. B., ha4101 Hemlock St., East Chicago
pa 133Burley Ave., Chicago, 111.
1929-1930teacher primary grades, Henry ClaySchool, Chicago, 111.
for complete recordsee class of 1923.Warner, Josephine I., 2P, pa 1441 South7th St., Terre Haute
1929-1930 teacherprimary grades, Terre Haute.Warrick, Mary Adolade, B. S., ha Jasonville
pa Frankfort
taught in BrickConsolidated School, Bicknell and highschool, Edwardsport, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher music, art, Jacksontownship High School, Frankfort.Waters, Forest G., 2IG, ha RFD 2, Holton
pa New Marion
taught five years,Ripley county, one year, Jennings county, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher grades seven, eight, New Marion.Weaver, Esther Hedges, A. B., ha 1301North Ninth St., Terre Haute
pa Bedford
1919-1920 teacher Fontanet
1920-1921 teacher Farmersburg
1921-1930teacher mathematics, junior high school,Bedford.Webb, Margaret, 2IG, pa RFD 1, WestTerre Haute
taught grades, Toadhop,West Terre Haute, one year
grades,Petry-Fayette township, West TerreHaute, one year, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher primary grades, SugarCreek township, West Terre Haute.Welton, Byron R., 2IG, ha RFD 2, Bicknell
pa Bruceville
1927-1929 teachergrades, Aliceville
1929-1930 teachersixth grade, Bruceville.West, Iona Allen, 2IG, ha 3124 NorthThirteenth St., Terre Haute
pa Hammond
1929-1930 teacher fifth grade.Gene Stratton Porter School, Hammond.Wheeler, Mae, 2P, ha RFD 2, Paragon