THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY2671930 teocher commerce, athletics, Carlisle.Mayrose, Cora V., pa 2531 North 12thSt., Terre Haute
1929-1930 teacher second grade, Lange School, Terre Haute
for complete record see class of 1923.Mayrose, Margaret I. B. S., ha 2531North 12th St., Terre Houte
pa Worthington
taught high school, Worthington,before graduation
1929-1930 teachercommerce, Worthington.Meier, Olivia C, B. S., ha Mackey
1929-1930 teacher homeeconomics, biology, geography, Bloomingdale
for complete record see classof 1927.Melton, Saverne, 2P, pa 215 North4th St., Vincennes
taught grades, Bicknell, five years
grades, consolidatedschool, District 1, Bicknell, one year,before graduation
1929-1930 teacherfourth grade, Vincennes.Mendenhall, Grace J., 2P, ha Marshall
pa Bellmore
1929-1930 teacher primarygrades, Hollandsburg School, Bellmore.Meredith, Catherine E„ A. B., pa 810Walnut St., Terre Haute
1929-1930 athome and not teaching.Meszar. Helen Yvonne, 2IG, pa 4825Melville Ave., East Chicago
1929-1930teacher primary grades, East Chicago.Meyer, Herbert G., 2IG, ha Center Point
pa Petersburg
taught grades. SugarRidge township, Clay county, threeyears
1927-1930 teacher departmentalwork, Petersburg.Miller, Bernice B., B. S., ha Hall
taught Monrovia, two years,before graduation
1929-1930 teachercommerce, Brookston.Miller-Gilkey, Mrs. Clara Emma, 2IG,pa RFD 4, Crawfordsville
taught elementary grades, Alamo, four years, before graduation
1929-1930 not teaching,homekeeper, married M. Gilkey.Miller, Elizabeth Lucille, B. S., pa 62 ISouth 7th St., Terre Haute
1929-1930teacher private piano lessons, TerreHaute.Miller, Glenn M., B. S., ha Pilot Knob
pa Twelve Mile
1929-1930 teacher science, mathematics. Twelve Mile.Miller, Lucy Mae, 2P, ha RFD 2, Bicknell
pa Residence Hall, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute
1929-1930 student Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute.Miller, Mabel L., 2P, pa Linden
1925-1930 teacher third grade, Linden.Miller, Paul R., B. S., ha Rockport
paWest Lafayette
1925-1926 teacher science, Bumitt College, Spencer, Tenn.
1926-1928 teacher science, Gillett HighSchool, Gillett, Ark.
1928-1929 student,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute
1929-1930 botany assistant, Purdue University, West Lafayette, andworking toward Masters degree.Mills, Irene, 2IG, ha Mecca
pa Mansfield
1929-1930 teacher primary grades,Mansfield.Modesitt, Grace Louise, 2IG, pa RFD 2,Brazil
1927-1930 teacher primary gradesPosey township, Staunton.Moore, Bernice, 2IG, pa RFD 5, Box 90,Terre Haute
1928-1930 teacher grades,Glenn School, Lost Creek township, Vigo county.Moore, Louise Henriette, R. S., pa 1S11Alvord St., Indianapolis
1929-1930 athome and not teaching.Moore, Thurman A., 2R, ha Fredricks-burg: pa Dugger
taught grades, Harrison county, one year, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher rural grades,Cass township, Sullivan county.Morgan, Martha Louise, 2P, ha 1746Madison St., Gary
pa Terre Haute
1929-1930 student, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute.Murray, Mary Virginia, 2P, pa 689 EastVincennes St., Linton
1929-1930 teacher second grade, Northwest Ward Linton.Myatte, Matilda, 2IG, pa RFD C, Box35, Terre Haute
1929-1930 at home andnot teaching.Myers, Grace, 2R, pa Linnsburg
taughtrural schools, Jefferson township, Boonecounty, four years, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher second grade, Boonecounty.Nantz, Isadora Mae, B. S., ha 2401North 12th St., Terre Haute
pa same
1929-1930 teacher history, geography,King Classical School, Terre Haute.Neal, Ethel Mary, B. S., ha 309 EastWashington St., Lebanon
pa Milroy
taught music, supply, Gary
assistant inmusic department, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute
1929-1930teacher music, English, Milroy.Neal, Louise, 2IG, ha Jasonville
taught grades, Lewis township. Clay county, five years, beforegraduation
1929-1930 teacher seventhgrade, Coalmont.Needham, Jessie Mae, 2P, pa 1108 North4th St., Terre Haute
1929-1930 at homeand not teaching.Needier, Clarence A., B. S., pa 620Gernhort Ave., Mishawaka
taught wood-shop, history, Eaton, two years
generalshop, machine shop, Mishawaka, fiveyears, before graduation
1929-1930teacher industrial arts, Mishawaka.Nesler, Millage E., B. S., ha RFD 2,Terre Haute
pa Blackhawk
taughtgrades, Linton township, Vigo countyone year
sixth grade, Pimento, fouryears, before graduattion
1920-1930teacher English, history, coaching,Blackhawk.Neunfeldt, Loretta, 2P, pa 616 VermontSt., Gary
1922-1923 teacher RidgeRoad School
1923-1924 teacher Win-field School
1924-1926 teacher CrownPoint
1926-1930 teacher primary grades,Hasford Park School, Gary.Newhouse, Ruby M., B. S., ha 5212 EastWashington, Indianapolis
pa Guymon,Okla.
taught in Mishawaka. Benton-ville, Rock Falls, Illinois, and Guymon,Oklahoma, before graduation
1929-1930teacher commerce, Guymon, Okla.Newton, Malinda K., 2IG ha RFD A,Rosedale
pa Idaville
1926-1928 teacherprimary grades, Lyford School, Floridatownship, Parke county
1929-1930 teacher grades, Idaville.Nichols, Ruby, 2P, ha Lowell: pa EastChicago
taught rurol school, CedarCreek township, two years
grades, Shelby Schools three years
1926-1930 teacher first grade, East Chicago.Nicholson, Florence C, 2IG. pa RFD A.Box 368 West Terre Haute: taught ruralschool, Sugar Creek townsh...
1926-1930 teacher fifth grade. SugarCreek township, Vigo county.Nicholson, Guy E., B. S., pa Worthington
taught rural school, Elmore township, four years grades, Elnora, three