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Showing 1 - 20 of 491 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( first 15 9 may...
Showing 1 - 20 of 491 results

  • 168THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYkeeping, married to Edgar N. Haskinsin 1927.Whipple, Lurlla, 2IG, ha 309 West 8thSt., Mt. Vernon

    1921-1923. teacher ofgrades, Mt. Vernon

    lr 1923.White, Robert J., 2M, ha Rockville.

    paEast Chicago

    1920-1930 supervisor ofmusic, city schools. East Chicago

    B. S.Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute, 1928

    attended Indianapolis Conservatory

    Milwaukee State Normal andUniversity of Southern California.Wright, Lillian, 3N. ha RFD 6. Salem

    1921-1924 teacher of grades, LaPorte

    lr 1924.Yager, Sylvan A., B. S., ha 2227 South8th St., Terre Haute

    pa same


    B. S., Indiana State Teachers College

    graduate student of Indiana University

    experience—teacher in ruralschools, P.oone county

    department workin intermediate grades, Jamestown: Instructor in manual training, grades andhigh school, Advance

    instructor inmanual training, Areola township highschool, Areola, 111.

    1921-1930 criticteacher of industrial arts, Indiana StateTeachers College Training School

    A. M.Indiana University, 1929.Young, John James, A. B., ha 319 LeonSt., West Terre Haute

    pa 14150 Superior Road, Cleveland Heights. Ohio

    1921-1922 taught first semester at highschool, Brazil

    1922-1924 teacher in highschool, Evansville

    1927-1930 princip.ilCleveland Heights, Ohio.CLASS OF 1922Adams-Alcorn, Mrs. Hazel 2IG, haColumbus

    pa 34 0 North Colorado Ave.,Indianapolis

    taught in Bartholomewcounty as grade teacher in schools

    1922-1924 teacher in Anderson

    1924-1929 teacher in grades, Indianapolis

    attended Butler College.Allen, Harley, 2IG, pa River Vale

    taughtfive years before graduation

    1923-1926teacher of intermediate grades, Law-renceport

    1926-1929 teacher of ruralschool, Lawrence county.Allen-Scully, Mrs. Helen Aldinc, 2M, haSullivan

    pa 801 Sixth Ave., Gary

    1922-1924 teacher of music. Gory.Allen, R. Blanche, B. S., ha 418 SouthMain St., Sullivan

    pa 2332 Harrison,Oakland, Calif.

    1922-1924 teacher homeeconomics, Waveland

    1924-1926 teacherof vocational home economics, Hagerstown

    1926-1929 teaching home economics, in Durant School, Oakland, Calif.Andrew, Glenn, A. B., ha Clay City

    pa1142 North 8th St., Terre Haute

    1922-1923 principal of high school, Patricksburg

    1925-1926 teacher of English andLatin, Helt township school, Hillsdale

    1926-1928 principal of high school,Hillsdale

    1928-1929 teacher of English,Hymera

    1929-1930 teacher of EnglishFarmersburg.Archibald, Jean Marie, 3N, ha 614 South5th St., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1922-1929 teacher of elementary grades, TerreHaute

    at present at Crawford School.♦Armstrong-Rowe, Mrs. Floy, A. B., ha1028 Seventh Ave., Terre Haute: 1928-1929 married and home keeper...

    deceasedJan. 16, 1929.Asher, Goldie, ha 2IG, Martinsville


    1922-1930 grades, Martinsville.Asher, Grenda, 2IG, ha Martinsville

    pasame 1922-1930 teaching Martinsville.Asher, Paul, B. S., ha Gosport

    pa 3857Broadway, Gary

    1922-1923 teacher inEast Orange, N. J., industrial arts

    1923-1927 student at I. U. School of Dentistry, D. D. S.

    1927-1929 practicingdentistry in Gary.Barrack, Rebecca, A. B., ha 515 South6th St., Terre Haute

    la same

    lr 1924teaching at Sullivan.Beecher, Eloise, 21G, ha Terre Haute

    pa1215 Maple Aye.

    Terre Haute

    taughtrural school. Point Clear, Alabama before graduation

    1922-1924 teaching ingrades, Terre Haute

    1924-1929 teaching grades in Lange School, TerreHaute

    B. S. Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute in 1929.Bennett, Edna May, A. B., ha 1208North 4th St., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1922-1924 teacher of commerce in highschool at Kentland

    1926-1930 teachingin Garfield High School, Terre Haute.Bolar, Mrs. Eva, 2IG ha 2219 SpruceSt., Terre Haute

    lr 1928 at home, notteaching.Bond, Audrey, 2M, Oaktown

    pa Virginia, Minn.

    1922-1923 teacher of musicat Lyons

    1923-1924 taught at Pierson,la.

    1926-1929 taught at Virginia. Minn.Bray, Gladys, 2IG, ha Martinsville


    1922-1929 teacher of elementarygrades, Martinsville.Boots, Edwin, A. B., ha 125 North 6thSt., West Terre Haute

    pa Indianapolis

    1922-1923 departmental psychology atState Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1923-1924 in school, Indiana University

    1924-1927 taught science, CharlestonHigh School, Charleston, 111.J 1927-1929graduate student at Indiana UniversityMedical School.Briggs, Ruth C, A. B., ha 1909&...

    pa 74 7 North Virginia, Reno, Nev.

    1922-1924 teacher ofEnglish in high school, Lyons

    1924-1929 teacher in high school, Reno, Nev.Brewer, Alias, B. S., ha Stilesville


    1922-1923 teacher in Stilesville High School

    1923-1928 principalof Judyville

    1928-1929 teacher of industrial arts, high school, Solsberry.Broadus-Bethea, Mrs. Magdalene, 2IG, haJeffersonville: 1922-1923 teaching inHanvoer

    1923-1924 teaching in Jeffersonville township schools

    1924-1925teaching in city schools, Jeffersonville

    1925-1930 not teaching, homekeeper,married.Brooks-Ashbaucher, Mrs. Daisy, 2IG, haBloomington

    pa 804% East 8th St.,Bloomington

    1922-1925 teacher ingrades, Washington

    1925-1930 teocherin junior high school, Bloomington.Brooks, Hazel S., 2IG, ha 704 East MainSt., Washington

    pa same

    1922-1930teacher of grades, Washington.Brough, Anna M., 2IG, ha Lyons

    pa719 Washington St., Michigan City 1922-1923 teacher of elementary grades, Lyons

    1923-1929 teacher of elementarygrades, Michigan City.Brown, Lena G., ho RFD 1. Brazil

    paFt. Woyne

    1917-1920 teaching in DickJohnson township schools, Cloy county

    1920-1921 teaching in city schools atGoshen

    1921-1927 teaching in cityschools: Fort Wayne

    1927-1929 attending Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    A. B. degree

    1929-1930 teacher

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY259er in high school, Jasonville

    1917-1930teacher manual training, physics, historyprincipal high school, Shelburn.Clearwaters, Mabel, A. IS., ha Hillsdale:pa Clinton

    1929-1930 teacher historyand geography in grades seven andeight, Clinton

    for complete record seeclass of 1918.Clehouse, Consuello W., B. S., pa 463South 17th St., Terre Haute

    1926-1927teacher art, music, Montezuma

    1927-1928 teacher art, music, Warren School,Terre Haute

    1928-1930 teacher art,Woodrow Wilson Junior High School,Terre Haute.Clinton, Eva Ethelda, 2IG, ha Montgomery

    1925-1926 teacher rural school, Taylor

    1926-1929 teacher primary grades,Raglesville

    1929-1930 teacher gradesthree and four, Epsom School, Plainville.Douse, Easten R., A. B., ha Hillsboro

    pa East Chicago

    1929-1930 chemist,Sinclair Oil Refining Company, EastChicago.Cochenour, James V., B. S., pa Cloverdale

    1929-1930 teacher industrial arts,physical education, Cloverdale

    for complete record see class of 1927.Cochenour, Mary C, 2IG, ha Cloverdale

    pa Quincy

    1922-1923 teacher ruralschool. Cataract

    1924-1926 teacher ruralschool, Alverson

    1926-1927 teacherrural school. Carp

    1927-1928 teachergrodes seven and eight, Quincy

    1928-1929 teacher rural school, McFarren

    1929-1930 teocher grades five and six,Quincy.Colbert, Susie, 2IG, pa 705 S. E. SecondSt., Washington

    taught three years,Washington township

    elementarygrades, Washington

    fifteen years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher sixthgrade, Washington.Collier, Doris M., 2IG, pa Dana

    1929-1930 teacher second grade, St. Bernice.Collins, Katie M., 2IG, pa Little York

    1929-1930 at home and not teaching.Combs, Esther Mays, 2IG, ha Koleen

    pa Richmond

    taught rural school,Greene county, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher departmental work, Richmond.Combs, Virginia, B. S., ha Farmersburg

    pa Martinsville

    taught commerce,Veedersburg, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher commerce, Martinsville.Cook, Eulala Guthrie, 2IG, pa 429 SixthAve., Terre Haute

    1911-1912 teacherrural grades, Daviess county

    1912-1919teacher intermediate grades, Odon

    1919-1920 teacher intermediate grades, Griffith

    1920-1929 married, at home andnot teaching

    1929-1930 student, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute.Cooke, Rebekah Bullington, 21G, pa 158North Fifth St., Clinton

    taught nineyears in Clinton

    Paris, Illinois and Oakland, Illinois before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher grades five, six, seven andeight, Smith School, Clinton.Corn well, Orville E., B. S., ho Marengo

    pa Paoli

    taught six years, Southeasttownship schools. Orange county, beforegraduation

    1929-1930 teacher sciencePaoli.Con-ell, Mrs. Mary Scott, 2P, ha Odon

    pa Mishawaka

    taught rural schools,Daviess county, four years

    elementarygrades, Terre Haute, four years beforegraduation

    1929-1930 teacher primarygrades, supply Mishawaka.Cor r ell, Theodore K., B. S., ha Odon:pa Mishawaka

    taught two years, Attica

    one year, Rockville

    1926-1930 teachergeneral shop, junior high school, Mishawaka.Cox, Georgia Oletha, 2IG, pa 329 EastSt., Seymour

    taught rural school, threeyears

    primary grades, three years

    principal consolidated school three years

    second grade two years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher second grade,Washington School, Seymour.Craney, Louis R., B. S.. ha Cannelburg

    pa Ft. Wayne

    1925-1926 taught in Cannelburg

    1926-1927 taught in Montgomery

    1927-1929 student, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1929-1930 teacher physical training,Hoagland School, Fort Wayne.Cravens, Sadie, A. B., ha Scottsburg:pa 609 Sable St., Alpena, Mich.

    1929-1930 teacher departmental English,grades seven, eight, Alpena, Mich

    forcomplete record see class of 1922.Creal, Charlotte L., 2P, pa RFD 6, TerreHaute

    1923-1930 teacher first grade,Otter Creek township School, NorthTerre Haute.Creal, Estelline A., A. B., ha 1431 South7th St., Clinton

    pa Terre Haute

    1929-1930 student, Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute.Creal, Hazel H., B. S., ha 2401 North9th St., Terre Haute

    pa Bridgeton

    taught one year before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher English, commerce, Bridge-ton.Creasey, Rosalia Henry, 2IG, pa RFD 5,Terre Haute

    1926-1930 teacher grades.Otter Creek Township School, NorthTerre Haute.Critchfield, R. Lois, B. S., pa 2800 OakSt., Terre Haute

    1925-1927 teacherChilds Park School, St. Petersburg, Fla.

    1927-1930 teacher music, English, Pimento.Criss, Fern, 2P, pa Fairbanks

    1921-1930teacher primary grades, Fairbanks.Cunningham, Edward, A. B., ha RFDVolga City, la.

    pa Carter, S. D.

    taughtfive years in grades and one year inhigh schools of South Dakota beforegraduation

    1929-1930 teacher science,Carter, S. D.Curless, Anna Matchett, B. S., ha Swayzee

    pa Marion

    1895-1897 teacher ruralschool. Grant county

    1897 December25, married James A. Curless (deceased)

    1898-1904 teacher rural schools andgrammar grades, Grant and Howardcounties

    1904-1922 homekeeper

    1922-1930 teacher English, Martin BootsJunior High School, Marion.Dages, Corrien, B. S., ha Loogootee

    paChicago, 111.

    1914-1919 teacher grades,Daviess county

    1919-1920 teachergrades seven and eight, Hancock county

    1921-1928 teacher junior high school,Decatur, 111.

    1929-1930 supply teocher,home economics, Chicago.Davidson, Dorothy D., B. S., ha Marshall, 111.

    pa Baraboo, Wis.

    taught commerce, Bradford, 111.

    two years

    Mt.Vernon, six years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher commerce, Barbaboo,Wis.Davis, Helen Faye, 2IG, ha RFD1, Crawfordsville

    pa Dover

    1929-1930 teachergrades four and five, Jefferson Township Consolidated School, Boone county,Dover.Davies, S. F., B. S., pa 650 Glendale

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed