12THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYState Normal University, Normal. 111.
lr 1929 retired and living in Bloomington, 111.ODell-Stockwell, Mrs. Winnie, nr.Olcott, Anna G., pa 200 Emmett St.,Evansville
taught elementary grades inPatriot prior to graduation: 1888-1894taught in Lawrenceburg
1896 went toEvansville and taught continuously until retirement in 1925
lr 1929.Pavey, Walter M., nr.Peters, Louise, pa 1801 East Ohio St.,Terre Haute
1889-1891 critic teacher,Indiana State Teachers College
1891-1893 studied at Leland Stanford JuniorUniversity
1893-1895 teacher in schoolsat Indianapolis
1895-1896 teacher inschools, Anderson
1897-1898 student,Indiana University
1898-1913 teacher ofEnglish, Wiley High School, TerreHaute
1913-1930 head English department, V/iley High School, Terre Haute.Price, James L. pa 429 North CenterSt., Terre Haute
1888-1839 taught atBridgeton
1889-1890 principal school,Riley
1890-1891 post graduate work,Indiana State Teachers College
1891-1893 superintendent of schools, OaklandCity
1893 admitted to bar
1893-1930practicing law in Terre Haute
assistantgrammar department, Indiana StateTeachers College, spring term 1892.Raines, Sigel E., pa Freeport, 111.
1889-1891 principal high school, Sullivan
1891-1895 superintendent of schools,Sullivan
1895-1897 student, IndianaUniversity
graduated 1897 with A. B.degree: was business manager of theArbutus
1897-1903 principal highschool, Freeport, 111.
1903-1927 superintendent schools, Freeport, 111.
lr 1928retired, taking a year rest and travel.Robinson, J. M., nr.Sanders, William H., pa LaCrosse, Wis.
taught in elementary schools beforegraduation
superintendent of schools,Middletown, Rensselaer and Bloomington
received A. B. and A. M. fromIndiana University
1909-1929, teacherof psychology and education. State Normal School, LaCrosse, Wis
A. M. degree1896, University of Chicago.Scott-Myers, Mrs. Anna G., nr.Voris, O. L., pa Hayden
since graduation taught continuously in the schoolsof Indiana serving as superintendent inCenterville, Hagerstown, Fountain City,Webster, Patriot, Cortland and ...
now superintendent of schools, Hayden.Wisely-Lawler, Mrs. Margaret, pa Gar-dena, Calif.
taught two years beforegraduation
lr 1894-1928 not teaching, athome.Wright, M. Elizabeth, pa 612 South 7thSt., Terre Haute
1888-1894 teacher incity schools, Terre Haute
1894-1895teacher of mathematics, St. Louis, Mo.
1895-1930 Christian Science practitioner,Terre Haute.CLASS OF 1889Apple,, Orville, pa Orleans
taught twoyears in the rural schools of Orangecounty
became county superintendentof schools, Orange county in 1891
ingovernment employ for two years
1901-1929 engaged in insurance, loan and realestate business, Orleans.Ball, Charlotte L., nr.Bryan, Elmer Burrit, ha Van Wert, Ohio:pa Athens, Ohio...
1882-1892 principalhigh school, Kokomo
1893-1894 teacher in Manual Training High School, Indianapolis
1894-1896 professor of educational science, Butler College
1896-1899 assistant professor of pedagogy Indiana University
1901-1903 generalsuperintendent of education, PhilippineIslands
1903-1905 professor of education and social psychology, Indiana University
1905-1907 president FranklinCollege
1909-1921 president ColgateCollege
1921-1930 president Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, married MargaretL. Scott, Kokomo, June 28, 1889
A.B. degree Indiana University 1893
graduate student Harvard University,1898
Clark University 1900
L. H. D.degree, University of Maine, 1915
goldmedal and diploma from exposition forPhilippine educational exhibit
memberof N. E. A.
author The Basis ofPractical Teaching, 1909
FundamentalFacts for the Teacher, 1911.Clapham, William Ellsworth, pa 2903Webster St., Fort Wayne
1889-1892superintendent of schools, Newport
1892-1894 student, Indiana University
received A. B. and LL. B. degrees fromIndiana University: 1894-1898 attorneyFort Wayne
1898-1904 associate professor of law, Indiana University
1902-1903 graduate student, Harvard University
1904-1906 professor of law, Indiana Law School
1906-1910 attorney.Indian Territory, Okla.
1910-1928 attorney, Fort Wayne.Collins, Anna Brockman, la 421 East4th St., Bloomington
1889-1892 teacherin grades, Huntington
1892-1893 assistant principal of high school, Rushville
1893-1895 principal high school, Rushville
1895-1897 student, Indiana University
1897-1907 head of English department, high school, Kokomo
1907-1908critic teacher of English, high school,Bloomington
1908-1916 instructor inEnglish, Indiana LTniversity
received A.B. 1897 and A. M. in 1909
graduatestudent. University of Chicago, summer1903
lr 1916 living in Bloomington.♦Cox, U. O., ha Terre Haute, RFD C, trtaught a number of years before graduation
taught spring term 1889 IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute
1889-1891 teacher in schools, Farmland
1891-1897 head of the department ofscience, State Normal School, Mankato,Minn
organized and equipped the chemical and physiological laboratories of thatinstitute
1897-1902 attended IndianaUniversity, A. B. degree in zoology
M.A. degree in 1902
1905-1920 professorof biology, Indiana State TeachersCol-lege, Terre Haute
the first dean of thefaculty, which position he held untilhis death in 1920.Culbertson-Rutherford, Mrs. Belle, pa1000 South 2nd St., Evansville...
taughtin schools of Jefferson and Switzerlandcounties before graduation
1889-1894taught in Greensburg, Chrisman, 111., andSalt Lake City, Utah
married in 1894and since that time engaged with homeduties.Cunningham, John C, pa 337 EuclidAve., Peru
1889-1895 taught in districtschools Miami county
1892-1905 engaged in farming
1905-1910 taught in