THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYvery valuable works, The Science of Haut married to w w parsons, pres-Discourse, Literary Interpretations *»»«mib, Vi<...
♦Wilkes-Parsons, Mrs. Harriet, ha Terre homekeeper until her death, Feb. 4, 1916.CLASS OF 1881Anderson, Mary Josephine, ha BattleCreek, Mich....
taught in city schools ofOlivet, Mich., Huntington, Battle Creek,Mich., Richmond and Torre Haute
taught in English department of theIndiana State Teachers College from1897-1906
since 1906 living at 11 Fre-linghuyser Ave., Battle Creek, Mich.
received B. S. degree from MichiganUniversity 1897.Beach, Mrs. Frances M., ha 222 South9th St., Terre Haute
taught until 1925in the schools of Terre Haute
deceasedJan. 1, 1926.Buck-Lawler, Mrs. Lizzie, deceasedAugust 1906.Carter-Hendrix, Mrs. Mary M., nr.Cox, George W., nr.♦Gray, Lilly, deceased 1888. nr.Goodsel...
nr.Griffin, L. B., nr.Hathway-Regan, Mrs. Mary E., nr.Hadley, A. W., ha Monrovia
nr.Hodgin, Charles E., pa Albuquerque, NewMex.
taught three years at Trafalgarand one year in Oliver Hill, Waynecounty before graduation
1881-1882principal public schools, Trafalgar
1882-1884 instructor in education, normalschool, Richmond
1887-1891 principalAlbuquerque Academy, Albuquerque, N.Mex.
1891-1897 superintendent schools,Albuquerque N. Mex.
1894 received A.B. degree University of New Mexico
1903-1904 graduate student, Universityof California
1905-1926 professor ofeducation, University of New Mexico,Albuquerque, N. Mex,
1926-1928 professor emeritus, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. Mex.
1917 receivedLL. D. (Honorary) State University ofNew Mexico.Jordan, Ida G., pa Westboro Hospital,Westboro, Mass.
spent several yearsteaching
now retired and living atWestboro Hospital, Westboro, Mass.Kerlin, Dr. Elijah, ha 4114 SheridanRoad, Chicago, 111.
1881-1883 taught inthe schools in Indiana
1883-1886 studied medicine in University of Pennsylvania, graduated in 1886
1886-1887practicing medicine Chicago, 111.Kerlin, William D., ha 929 N. MeridanSt., Indianapolis
1881-1883, teacher inCarthage High School
1883-1906 superintendent of schools at Springport, NewCastle, Worthington, Martinsville,Knightstown
1006-1916 in insuranceand real estate business Indianapolis.Lawrence, Marearet, pa Apt. 409, TheWellington, 1701 Park Road, Washington, D. C.
1881-1887 taught in highschools at Frankfort and Goshen
1887-1929, clerk, The U. S. Pension Bureau,Washington, D. C.Long-Farley, Mrs. Luella, pa 87 Chestnut St., Battle Creek, Mich.
taughtfour years before graduation
1881-1883teacher of primary grades, North Manchester
18S3-1930 not teaching, home-keeper.McCracken, S. B., pa 510 LexingtonAve., Elkhart
1876-1892 taught in thecountry district
head of graded school,Camden
principal high school, Delphi
1892-1929 head of science departmentand teacher pf physics and astronomy inhigh school, Elkhart
attended Franklin College, University of Chicago, JohnsHopkins University and holds a degreefrom Indiana University
McConneil-Dcnny, Mrs. Martha, pa 111McLean St., Ligonier
teacher incountry schools six terms, one year intown, before graduation
1904-1929homekeeper and manager of large farm.Mustard-Gardiner, Mary V., Ph. B.University of Chicago
A. B. IndianaUniversity 1891
taught in Frankford
died August 31, 1927
wife of JamesGardiner.Overman-Hodsin, Mrs. Sallie, taughtseveral terms of school in Indiana
married Charles E. Hodgin who is now professor emeritus of education, Universityof New Mexico.Patterson-Peabody, Mrs. W. Eugenia, ha107 West Garden St...
pa942 Dale St., Pasadena, Calif.
1885-1929 married
homekeeper in Pasadena,Calif.Ragan, James B., reported to be livingin Denver. Colo.Troop, Jennie J., ha Paoli
taught untila few weeks before her death Sept. 9,1927
spent years in elementary andhigh schools of Paoli and Orange county.Weiss-Mansar, Mrs. Helen, lr 1881-1883primary teacher, Charleston, 111.
1883not teaching, at home in Altadena, Cal.CLASS OF 1882Adams-Trueblood, Mrs. Emma, nr.♦Caraway, G. H., ha Great Bend, Kan.
nr.♦Creager, William B., lr 1909 hotelkeeper and real estate broker, LosAngeles, Cal.
deceased Dec. 1917.Davisson, Albert Eugene, principal ofschools at Burlington and Camden
professor of agriculture in New MexicoAgricultural College, and University ofNebraska
deceased.Domer, William S., pa Zanesville, Ohio
1882-1885 principal at Liberty Mills andMilford
since that time engaged in insurance business
now manager of lifeinsurance company. Zanesville, Ohio.Dwiggins, Ella, ha 114 % West 4th St.,Marion
taught in public schools of Indiana, mostly Marion
last work wasthat of primary teachc-r in the city ofMarion where she taught until 1910
died July 29, 1914.Fulmer, S. C, taught several years before graduating
principal of ward school,South Bend for several years
minister ofthe First Baptist Church of Elkhart fora number of years
was appointed district secretary of the American BaptistHome Mission Society for Wabash district, and in 1909 was appointed jointsecretary for home...
served in that field until hisdeath, July 6, 1912.Graham, H. W., ha Logansport