THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY95Hathaway-Brinton, Mrs. Hazel, A. B., pa805 Branard Ave., Houston, Texas
1911-1916 taught mathematics in high school,Terre Haute
1915 spent the summer inWisconsin University
1927-1929 notteaching, at home.Haywood, Mary V., nr.Helt-Everett, Mrs. Helen, ha Clinton
1911-1913 teacher of grades, Clinton
1913-1926 homekeeper, married to J. R.Everett
lr 1926.Higgins, Homer A., pa New Augusta
1911-1912 principal, high school, Avon
1912-1924 superintendent of schools ofGoldsmith, Pulaski and Fillmore
1924-1929 principal, New Augusta.Hillis, Clyde C, pa Danville
1911-1912principal, high school, Thorntown
1912-1916 superintendent at Colfax and South-port
1923-1928 principal of high school,Danville
1928-1930 principal, highschool. Tell City.Hood-Stewart, Mrs. Jessie, pa Mt.Pleasant Fruit Farm, Steeleville, Illinois
1911-1914 teacher in grades
1914-1929not teaching, married and living on afruit farm.Hood, Josephine M., ha 118 Olive St., Indianapolis
1911-1913 at home, not teaching, Martinsville
1913-1916 teacher ofgrades, Edwards ville
lr 1916.Howell, Onis H., nr.Hubbard, John Sherman, pa 3409 ParkAve., Indianapolis
1885-1892 teachingrural schools, Madison township, Daviesscounty
1892-1899 teacher of grades andhigh school principal, Odon
1899-1901high school principal, Owensburg
1901-1803 principal and teacher, grades,Burnett
1903-1905 principal and teacher of grades, Highland School, Vigocounty
1905-1906 ward principal in cityschools, Terre Haute
1906-1911 countysuperintendent, schools, Vigo county
1911-1919 ward principal, Fairbanksschool, and W. S., Rea school, TerreHaute
1919-1923 deputy state superintendent of public instruction, Indianapolis
1923-1929 assistant supervisorvocational rehabilitation, Indianapolis.Huffman, Candace, nr.Hummerick, Pauline, nr.Inglis, Belle, pa 1214 Central Ave., Indianapolis...
1911-1915 teacher in Boise,Idaho
1915 attended summer term University of California
1916-1917 teacherof elementary grades, Evansville
1917-1929 teacher of elementary grades, Indianapolis.Jared, Raymond, A. B., la Detroit, Michigan
1911-1914 teacher of physics, highschool, Lafayette
1914-1916 teacher ofphysics and assistant in mathematics,Garfield High School, Terre Haute
1917-1919 government chemist in Connecticut:1919-1928 chemistry, Cass TechnicalHigh School, Detroit, Michigan.Jones, Charles C, pa Rossville
1911-1927principal, high school, Forest and Seir-cleville
1927-1929 principal of highschool, Rossville.Kehrer, Eva Marie, pa Rockport
1911-1914 principal of district school, Rockport
1914-1924 primary teacher in cityschools, Rockport
1925-1929 teacher ofgrades, Rockport.Kehrer-Bayles, Mrs. Katherine, pa 736N. Jefferson St., Muncie
taught threeyears in schools of Spencer county before graduation
1911-1916 teacher ofprimary grades, Bloomington
1916-1929 teacher in primary grades, Muncie
wife of William Bayles.Keiser-McKinney, Mrs. Grace, la 1270Broadway, New York City, New York
1911 did not teach on account of illhealth
1912 gospel singer for Rev. I. M.House, Presbyterian minister, doingevangelistic work in Indiana
1913 doingSunday school extension work with sameminister
in Florida from March untilApril
May to December, Sunday schoolextension work in Michigan
marriedJ. A. McKinney of Minneapolis, March25
moved to Chicago in 1917, later toNew York City
lr 1917.Keith, Bertha Holman, ha Vincennes
1912-1914 teacher of grades, Vincennes
1914-1919 principal, Groebel school, Vincennes
1919-1921 critic teacher, Angola
1921-1924 teacher in public school, Indianapolis
lr 1924.Kepley, Ethelyn A., nr.Kern, Mae, pa West Terre Haute
1910-1912 teacher of rural school
1912-1916not teaching, at home with invalidmother
1916-1917 teacher of Englishand Latin, Hamilton
1917-1918 student,Indiana State Teachers College, receivedA. B.
1918-1919 teacher of Latin andhistory, Versailles
1919-1920 teacher ofLatin and history, Marshall township,Lawrence county
1920-1921 teacher ofLatin, English and history, Mecca
1921-1922 teacher of Latin, English and history. Upland
1922-1923 teacher of Latinand history, Waterloo
1923-1928 attended a private business college andinterested in other line of work
notteaching.♦Kibbey, Alvin C, ha Jamestown
1911-1913 superintendent schools, Newport
1913-1919 superintendent schools, Jamestown
1919-1920 head of history department, high school, Mishawaka
1920-1923principal, high school, Shelbyville
1923-1924 acting superintendent schools, Shelbyville
1924-1926 superintendent schools,Shelbyville
died Nov. 15, 1926.Kilroy-Teachout, Mrs. Margaret, pa 3GO5R. St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
1911-1916 teacher of grades, Terre Haute
1916-1919 teacher of junior high school,Terre Haute
1919-1920 educationaldirector. United States Public HealthHospital, Markleton, Pennsylvania
1920-1921 charge of training class for teachersto be employed by Federal Board forVocational Edudcation in its work withdisabled ex-service men...
1921-1924traveling supervisor of vocational schoolsfor disabled ex-service men employed bythe Rehabilitation Division of the FederalBoard for Vocational Education...
married,September, 1924 to Mr. Robert BrownTeachout, not teaching, homekeeper
graduate of University of Chicago, GeorgeWashington University and MarjorieWebsters School of Expression.King, Jennie A., nr.Kiser, Perry W., pa Cromwell...
1911-1917principal, high school, Auburn
1917-1918 superintendent, Cromwell
1918-1923 trustee, Sparta township, Noblecounty
1926-1927 principal, Benton
1927-1928 taught one-half year at Benton.Knorst-Findley, Mrs. Lolo, pa Pickering-ton, Ohio
1911-1912 teacher of Latin,Greentown
1912-1915 teacher of Latin,Medora
1915-1916 teacher of Latin,