26THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYKeystone Schools, Wells county
1903-1920 county superintendent of schools,Wells county
graduated from IndianaUniversity in 1897
deceased in 1922.Johnson, Frances, pa 1819 North 9thSt., Terre Haute
1895-1900 teacher ofprimary grades, Newport
1900-1901 intermediate work, Clinton
1901-1925 primary teacher in schools at Terre Haute
1925-1929 not teaching
at home inTerre Haute.Kelly, Luther E., pa Montpelier
electedsuperintendent of schools, Montpelier in1895 and holding same position
graduate student of Harvard University.♦Kerr-Shipley, Mrs. Nora, deceased 1910
nr.Kunz, Edward H., nr.♦Lamb, Martha, lived near Elizabeth
deceased more than twenty years
nr.♦Layton, Joseph E., lr 1916, head of thehistory department, Kent State NormalSchool, Kent, O.
deceased.♦Lee, Claude D., deceased
nr.Lesner, E. Ronals, pa Rochester, N. Y.:1929 traveling salesman, surgical supply house.Lewis-Lawson, Mrs. Ernestine, nr.Liddie, Annie M., lr 1916, t...
1908 married: 1908-1916 not teaching,at home
lr 1916.♦McGrail, J. I., formerly taught in Hancock county
six or seven years agohe was elected to a position in Blackford county, but resigned before openingof school
deceased.McGregor, Alfred G., pa Lexington, Ky.
taught at Elizabeth, McNulty and Otis,Kentucky before graduation
1895-1902principal of high school
1902-1906 superintendent of school
1906-1912 taughtin Kentucky State University
1912-1928in general building work and contractor,Lexington, Ky.
A. B. Indiana University1897, A. M. Harvard, 1900.♦McBeth, William A., ha Terre Haute
1896-1897 principal of Longview School,suburb of Crawfordsville
assistant professor of geography, Indiana StateTeachers College
Wabash College, Ph.B., 1896
received M. A. degree in 1900
special geography courses Harvard 1898
1900-1924 head of geography department, Indiana State Teachers College
deceased Feb. 19, 1924.McKinney, Guthrie, nr.Menninger, Flora A., deceased.Meyer, I. F., la 614 Traction TerminalBuilding, Indianapolis, care of ScrantonLife...
engaged in theinsurance business
no complete recordof career.♦Mills-McCortney, Mrs. Fannie E., deceased a few years ago
nr.Miller-Self, Mrs Charlotte, pa 1543 SouthCenter St., Terre Haute
1895-1898teacher of mathematics and Latin, highschool, Sullivan
1898-1900 teacher ofmathematics and German, high school,Elwood
1900-1902 attending law school,Washington, D. C.
1902-1911 not teaching, homekeeper
1911-1914 teacher ofmathematics and Latin, high school, Hy-mera
1914-1917 teacher of mathematicsand history, high school, Carlisle
1917-1918 teacher of mathematics and Latin,high school, Fontanet
1918-1921 teacherof mathematics and history, high school.Vermillion, 111.
1921-1930 teacher ofmathematics, Wiley High School, TerreHaute
graduated from DePauw University in 1894.Miller, B. F., deceased.♦Montgomery, Jessie E., deceased.Morgan, Walter P., pa 314 ShermanAve., Macomb, 111....
1895-1899 head ofdepartment of mathematics in TerreHaute High School
1899-1900 receivedA. B. degree from Indiana University
1900-1906 assistant in department ofmathematics, Indiana State Teachers College
1906-1908 superintendent of cityschools, Terre Haute
1908-1912 studentin University of Chicago and teacher inChicago high schools
Ph. M. degreewith two yeais of further graduatestudy
1912-1929 president of WesternIllinois State Teachers College, Macomb,HI.Nehf-Stultz, Mrs. Tillie, ha Clinton
1893-1894 taught grades at Sarah
1894-1895 supplied three months atYoungstown
1895-1896 teacher ofgrades, Clinton
1896-1897 teacher ofGerman, grades, Terre Haute
1897-1899assistant German and English teacher,high school, Terre Haute
1890-1900 student, Wallace College, Berea, O.
1900-1904 assistant German teacher in highschool, Terre Haute
1904 married, notteaching, homekeeper.Noggle, Martha, nr.Peacock, Ada, pa 804 East Sycamore St.,Kokomo
taught district school, Howardcounty, one year before graduation
1895-1929 teacher in the grades andjunior high school, and past ten yearsprincipal of Lincoln School, Kokomo.Peirce, Rollo J., pa 119 South 9th...
1895-1897 Indiana University, received A. B. degree
1897-1899teacher of biology, Martinsville HighSchool, Martinsville
1899-1902 teacherof biology, high school, Logansport
1905 M.D., Medical College of IndianaUniversity
1905-1929 practicing physician, Richmond: base hospital CampUpton as captain M. C. for fourteenmonths, Aug. 1918, to Oct. 1919.Phillips, Stowe S.,...
1895-1896 superintendent of schools, New Richmond
1896-1898 teacher of grades, Ladoga
1898-1900 special teacher, Crawfordsville
1902-1908 teacher of social science,Rockford, Colo.
1908-1920 county superintendent of Otero county, Colo.
1920-1922 salesman
1923-1926 manager ofState Teachers Agency, Denver, Colo.
1926-1928 head of department of education, Colorado Womens College, Denver, Colo.
1928-1929 manager, MountainStates Teachers Agency, CommonwealthBldg., Denver, Colo.
1929-1930 headdepartment of education, Colorado Womens College, Denver, Colo.Pogue, J. Milton, pa Marengo
1895-1899 taught in the schools of Greenfield
1899-1902 principal of high school,Eden
1902-1904 teacher of history andEnglish, Greenfield
1904-1906 teachingin high school, Maxwell
1906-1910 gradework, Hancock county
1911-1912 principal of Cookman Institute, a missionschool of Freedmans Aid Society of M.E. Church, Jacksonville. Fla.
1916-1917taught in Peru
1924-1928 teacher ofEnglish, agriculture and manual training,high school, Helmsburg