yAn interesting thing about States Red Cross organization isthat it has always met with full cooperation. This was particularlytrue for this year...
December, a Christmas party fortwenty-one femilios, toys for the national headquarters, two dozenbulbs to the Union Hospital, and an Assembly Program...
February, a boxto the Veterans Hospital by the seventh grade, and a radio program
Merch, a box to the Veterans Hospital by the second and third grades,a port-folio from the French department, and a radio program given ...
gradbookthe.aril, a box to the Veterans Hospital b^, a port-folio for foreign exchange by the fourth gr
for foreign exchange by the first grade, and a radiofourth grade
May, two boxes to the Veterans Hospital- the fourthdo, a scrap-program byby the fifthand eiahth gre
dos,Cleavetoys toEnglishthe Arttwo basketsthe Day Hur,department
do-part men t.i deleg.. te to the National Convention, Ruth Vonto the Day Nursery by the first and sixth grades,
ery and portfolios for foreign exchange by theend June, two portfolios for foreign exchangee byCongratulations, Red Cross!nclub is-L_i \JThe memb...
geof the yearsketching,work was oresentDur i ng