154THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYHeir, Zelma, ha 1440 E. State, Huntington
pa 657 Buchanan St., Gary
1912-1917 teaching rural school, Huntington
1917-1919 teaching primarygrades, Huntington
1919-1929 teachingprimary grades, Gary.Hill, Robbins, Mrs. Elsie, ha Farmersburg
lr married, at home, not teaching.Hinchman, Inez, ha North Vernon
paIndianapolis, 615 Tecumseh St.
1919-1920 teacher of grades. East Chicago
1920-1923 teacher of departmentalgrades, Indianapolis
1923-1924 teacherin city schools, Indianapolis
1925-1929not teaching, at home on account ofill health.Hines, Katherine, A. B. ha Terre Haute,522 South 6th St., 1919-1920 teacher ofEnglish in H...
1920-1921 teacher of English DavisPark School, Terre Haute
1921-1922,teacher in high school, Fontanet
1922-1923 teacher of English, CampbellSchool, Evansville
1923-1925 teacher ofEnglish, High School, Wolcott
1925-1929 not teaching, at home.Hitch-Huber, Mrs. Helen, A. B. ha TerreHaute
pa San Salvador, El Salvador,Central America
1922-1929, marriedNov. 5, 1922
not teaching, homekeeper.Hobson, Idena, A. B. ha Fargo
pa English
1919-1922 teacher of English andhistory at Cory and Paoli,
1922-1929principal high school, English.Hubbard-Connelly, Harriet, A. B. haTerre Haute, 815 Grant St.
la Rockville
1922-1927 teacher elementary grades,Rockville
lr 1927.♦Hughes, Ruth, A. B., ha Terre Haute,2001 North 11th St.
deceased 1925.Humphries, Verna, ha Muncie, 1312Main St.
pa Indiana, Pa., care of StateTeachers College
1919-1920 supervisorof music, Adrian, Mich.
1920-1926 headof department of music. Ball TeachersCollege, Muncie
1926-1928 professorof music, State Teachers College, Indiana, Pa., received B. S. degree from Columbia University, 1925, and M. A. degree from Co...
paTerre Haute, 1108 North 4th St.
1919-1922 Training School, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute
1922-1923 student, University of Chicago1923-1929 Training School, IndianaState Teachers College
Terre Haute
Ph. B. Degree in 1923
A. M. ColumbiaUniversity, 1928.Jarvis, Katherine, A. B. ha Anderson
pa Elkhart
1927-1929 teacher in publicschools, Elkhart.Kardokus, David P.
ha RFD Bicknell
pa Evansville
1916-1917 teacher historyand agriculture, Stilesville
1917-1919United States military service
1919-1920 teacher mathematics and history,high school, New Carlisle
1920-1922principal, high school, Pimento
1922-1923 graduate student, University ofChicago
1923-1930 teacher, history andsocial science, Central High School,Evansville
A. B. Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute, 1920.Klueh, Joseph R., ha Jasper
pa Page,N. D.
1919-1921 teacher in publicschools, Earl Park
1921-1922 teacherpublic schools, Russell, N. D.
1922-1924teacher in public schools, Marhassee andLansford, N. D.
1925-1929 principalpublic schools, Omemee, N. D.
1929-1930 principal of schools. Page, N. D.Knight, Burton A., ha Terre Haute
po2538 W. Washington St., Indianapols
1919-1928 supervisor of industrial arts,Greencastle
B. S. Indiana State Teachers College 1928
1928-1930 supervisorand teacher of Industrial arts, Washington High School, Indianapolis.Lahr, Herbert, pa 3828 Hemlock St.,East Chicago
taught two years inHuntington county
one year in Elkhart county
1919-1920 teacher inWashington
1920-1921 teacher inHuntington
1921-1922 teacher in Chen-oa, 111.
1922-1928 teacher in East Chicago
attended University of Chicagosummers 1922-1927.Lindley-Mayden, Mrs. Dessie Blanche,ha Mitchell
1919-1928 teacher in highschool, Mitchell.Limp, Charles E., A. B. ha Holton
paMadison, Wis.
Ill North Hamilton St.
1909-1913 principal high school, Holton
1914-1916 supervisor manual training, Elkhart High School, Elkhart
1915-1916 superintendent of schools, Holton
received A. B. degree from Indiana University in 1919
1919-1920 student University of Wisconsin, M. S. degree
1920-1923 director of industrial education, West Allis, Wis.
1923-1929 director of records and reports, department ofpublic instruction, Madison, Wis.Lufkin, Grace, ha Terre Haute
lrmarried.McClure, Byrl, ha Cloverdale
pa Indianapolis. 1314 Pleasant St.
1919-1920Vincennes consolidated schools
1920-1923 department mathematics and English, Indianapolis
1923-1929 teacher ofmathematics and English, public schools,Indianapolis.McComb, Gertrude E., ha Terre Haute,1925 South 6th St., 1908-1910 teacherof grades, Hon...
1912-1917 teacher of grades,Collett School, Terre Haute
1917-1929teacher in McLean Junior High School,Terre Haute.McQuirk, Mary Emma, ha Terre Haute,1610 North 8th St., 1919-1929 teacherof elementary grades, Dem...
1918-1923 principal high school,Churubusco
lr 1923.McPheetcrs-Kirk, Mrs. Emma, ha Huron
pa Bedford
1919-1923 teacher incity schools, Bedford
1923-1929 principal of elementary school, Bedford.McReynolds-Noe, Mrs. Ora B., haCynthiana
pa Mooney
1923-1924teacher in Mooney
1925-1927 teacherhigh school, Brownstown
1927-1929teacher of music, English and Latin,Clearspring High School, Mooney
attended Indiana University summer 1928-1924.Markley-Rolison, Mrs. Ruth, ha Bluffton
pa East Chicago
1702-136th St.,1916-1926 teacher junior high school,East Chicago
1926-1928 married toFrank Rolison, not teaching, home-keeper.Martin, Elva, ha 1915 Spruce St.
1919-1929 teacher of grades, Greenville, Ohioand Lincoln School, Terre Haute.Moore, Myrtle, Nr:Moreland, Benton D., A. B. ha Pimento
Ipa 3125 Kenilworth Ave., Berwyn, 111.
1919-1926 vice principal, community