THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY219of primary grades, Hook School, TerreHaute.Bevan, Bernice A., 2IG, pa 1215 Madison St., Hammond
1927-1928 at home
not teaching.Bigger-OHaver, Mrs. LaDonna, ha Hymera
pa 290 N. W. H Linton
teacher of grades, Hymera, five years beforegraduation
1927-1928 teacher of grades,Eugene
1928-1930 not teaching, home-keeper, married to Marlie W. OHaver.Blackmore, Ruth, 2IG, ha Bloomfield, pasame: 1927-1929 teacher of grades,Bloomfield.Bland, ...
pasame, 1925-1926 teacher of grades,Graysville
1926-1927 student, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute
1927-1930 teacher of intermediate grades,Sullivan.Blankenship, Cordelia, A. B., ha Paragon
pa same
1927-1929 teacher ofEnglish, Murphysboro, 111.
1928-1929teacher of Latin, Pine Village.Blaikie, Murrill, 2IG, ha 312 WalnutSt., Danville, 111.
pa same, 1927-1929teacher of grades, Danville, 111.Blunk, Ross, B. S., ha Lapel
pa EastChicago
1919-1920 teacher grades, Bethany, Ohio
1920-1921 teacher of manualtraining and science, Stockwell
1921-1928 teacher of manual training andjunior high school, mathematics, Lapel
1928-1930 teacher of manual trainingand junior high school, mathematics,East Chicago.Boone, Daniel H., B. S., ha Shelburn
pa Peru
1914-1920 teacher of ruralschool Sullivan county
in U. S. Armypart of two terms in 1917 and 1918
1920-1927 teacher of mathematics, geography and industrial arts and science,high school, Shelburn
1927-1929 teacher of industrial arts, Peru.Bolenbaugh, Marie, B. S., ha Winchester
pa Court House, Richmond
1918-1926teacher of art and home economics, highschool, Cambridge City
1926-1927 student Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute, B. S„ 1927-1928 teacherof vocational home economics, highschool, Cambridge City
1928-1929 homedemonstration agent, Wayne Union andRandolph counties
at present homedemonstration agent, Wayne county.Borders, Edith, 2IG, ha Loogootee
1923-1927 teacher of elementarygrades, Martin county
1927-1929 teacher of intermediate grades, Loogootee.Boruff, Oscar, A. B., pa Owensburg:taught twenty years in rural grades andhigh schools before grad...
1927-1930 principal and teacher of mathematics and Latin, high school, Owensburg
attended Indiana University1925-1927.Bowles, James, B. S., ha Staunton
1924-1927 teacher of industrial arts,junior high school, Terre Haute: 1927-1930 teacher industrial arts. WoodrowWilson High School, Terre Haute.Bradley, Je...
pa same: 1927-1929 teacher of primary grades, Central Building, Sullivan.Brandenburg-Moore, Mrs. Mildred, 2P,ha Clay City
pa Terre Haute. 1927-1928teacher of primary grades, Rolling MillSchool, Fort Wayne: married TheodoreK. Moore, 1928
1928-1930 teacher inFlora Gulick Home and Boys Club, TerreHaute.Bratton, Vena, A. B., ha 448 GarfieldSt., Gary
pa same, 1927-1930 teacherof physical education, Gary.Brewer, Fay Connor, 2IG, ha 218 SouthSection St., Sullivan
pa Washington
1910-1913 teacher of rural school, Sullivan county
1913-1914 grade school teacher, Cass
1915-1916 teacher of primary grades, Shelburn
1917-1918 principal and teacher of grades, Shelburn
1918-1919 teacher of grades, Clinton
1919-1926 at home, not teaching
1926-1927 student, State Teachers College,Terre Haute
1927-1930 opportunity teacher, Washington.Bridges, Wayne, B. S., ha Huron: paRFD 2, Bedford
1922-1925 teacher allgrades, Hendricks School, Martin county: 1927-1929 teacher of history Fayetteville
attended State Teachers College 1925-1927.Broadhurst, Helen 2P
ha RFD B WestTerre Haute
pa Mishawaka
1922-1929teacher primary grades, West TerreHaute
1929-1930 teacher first grade,Mishawaka
A. B., Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute in 1929.Brooks, Nellie, 2IG, 504 Harding Ave.,Terre Haute: pa some
1927-1929 teacher of elementary grades, DunbarSchool, Worthington.Brown, Bernice Irene, 2HE, ha 559 SouthMarion St., Martinsville
pa same
1927-1929 teacher of home economics, juniorhigh school, Martinsville.Brown, Bernice Opal, B. S., ha 523 Anderson St., Greencastle
pa 1916 East93rd St., Cleveland, Ohio
1921-1922teacher of commerce and English. Roachdale: 1922-1923 student State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute
1923-1926 teacherof commerce, Hillsboro
1920-1921 student DePauw University
1919 studentand assistant in Central Business College, Indianapolis
1926-1927 studentState Teachers College, Terre Haute
1927-1929 teacher of commerce, LincolnHigh School, Cleveland, Ohio.Brown, Blanche, 2IG, ha St. Bernice: lasame
1927-1928 teacher of grades, HeltTownship School, St. Bernice.Brown, Emma, 2P, ha 327 South 17thSt., Terre Haute, pa same
1927-1928teacher of primary grades, Lakeland,Fla.
1928-1929 teacher of primarygrades, Harrison township, Terre Haute.Brown, Hazel F. A. B., pa 1625 North8th St., Terre Haute: 1919-1922 teacherof ...
1922-1924 teacher of grades, Goshen: 1924-1925 studentIndiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute
1925-1927 critic teacher. CitySchools, Terre Haute
1927-1929 teacher of English, Warren School, TerreHaute.Brown, Helen Mae, 2IG, ha Brazil
1925-1927 teacher of ruralschools. Clay county
1927-1930 teacher of intermediate grades, Elkhart.Brown, Curtis F., B. S., ha Farmersburg
pa Evansville
1921-1922 teacher ofgrades, rural school, Sullivan county
1923-1926 teacher of grades, also highschool, Hymera
1926-1927 student,State Teachers College, Terre Haute
1927-1930 teacher of industrial arts,Bosse High School, Evansville.Brugh, Nora A., B. S., ha Palmyra
paNewport, Ky.
1915-1920 teacher of