Search Results - (( fire ((sure go...
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Showing 21 - 40 of 752 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( fire ((sure go...
Showing 21 - 40 of 752 results

  • The June 2005 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the&#...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The February 2000 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of t...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYtaught a number of years in DeKalbcounty

    practiced medicine twelve yearsin Angola and Logansport

    the firstwoman county superintendent in thestate

    retired Aug. 16, 1917 from officeof county superintendent

    living athome

    education: M. D. degree in 1888,Ann Arbor, Mich.Seiler, Michael, specialist in geographyand geology

    came to Indiana StateTeachers College as professor of geography in 1890

    became head of thedepartment of German in 1893 and heldthis position until his death in 1900.Simmons-Delamo, Mrs. Lucy, ha Hastings, Minnesota...

    nr.Simmons-Howett, Mrs. Fannie, deceased

    nr.Stephens-Hodgin, Mrs. Alice, nr.Stimson, Charlotte J., la 4404-64th St.,S. E. Portland, Oregon

    lr 1926, Christian Science Practitioner, Portland, Oregon.Salsich-Bain, Mrs. Fannie, deceased1882

    nr.Welch, William L., nr.Woodard, Mattie, deceased

    nr.Woodard, Reba, deceased 1874

    nr.Young-Burress, Mrs. Minnie, nr.CLASS OF 1874Adams-Bennett, Mrs. Mattie, lr taughta number of years in Indiana

    marriedto Mr. Adams in 1877

    no report since1916

    at that time homekeeper in Lincoln, Nebraska.Crandall -Graff, Mrs. Alice, ha 212North 6th St., Terre Haute

    taught formany years in the Terre Haute schools

    teacher of English, Terre Haute HighSchool at one time

    engaged in insurance business the last few years of herlife

    deceased spring 1927.Curl-Dennis, Mrs. Mattie, taught for afew years

    married David Dennis professor of science, Earlham College, Richmond, Ind

    deceased.French, James W., taught school a number of years

    was a member of the Indiana Legislature at one time

    served onthe Board of the Michigan City Prison

    no recent report.Harris, Mattie, deceased 1875

    nr.McCann-Wallace, Mrs. Sarah, nr.Pierce, Sarah E., nr.Pierce, Thomas S-, nr.Stewart, Lawrence W., taught schoolseveral terms, engaged in business, andwas ...

    deceased 1882.Wales, Amy E„ deceased 1900

    nr.* Wales, Rumana W., deceased

    nr.Williamson, John, nr.CLASS OF 1875Bowman-Fleming, Mrs. Nancy

    deceased.Chase, Jane, deceased

    nr.Davis, Rudolph B., ha Staunton

    taughtschool in Clay county several years andafter retiring spent several years as anapiarist

    deceased Jan. 1924.Donaldson, John, ha 1500 Eagle St.,Terre Haute

    pa Rensselaer

    appointedprincipal of Crawford School in 1876

    transferred to Hook School where hewas principal for nineteen years

    principal of Sandison School for twenty-oneyears

    retired in 1921 and living atRensselaer.Freeland-Polk, Mrs. Arranna, la 5422Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111.

    lr 1916, residing with daughter in Chicago, Illinois

    *Ogdon, Benjamin A., ha Rosedale, Ind.

    taught in rural, elementary and highschools

    head of department of Englishin the Terre Haute High School for anumber of years

    deceased 1920.Padrick, John A., deceased

    nr.Youngblood, Israel E., la Long Beach,Calif.

    1875-1876 principal gradedschool, Oaktown, Ind.

    1876-1877 principal school, McCutchenville, Ind.

    1877-1881 county superintendent Warrickcounty

    1881-1902 in real-estate business in South Dakota

    1902-1912 inreal-estate business in Norfolk, Va.:on school board and organized highschool at Oceana, Va. during term ofoffice

    1912-1916 real-estate business.Long Beach, Cal.CLASS OF 1876Allan-Pollard. Virginia K., ha Kokomo

    taught in Shelbyville, Sullivan, Franklin, Kokomo and Indianapolis

    lr 1886retired and living in Kokomo.Black, James C, pa 304 West 13th St.,Anderson

    served as superintendent ofschools, Valley Mills, Acton, Hope,Logansport, Sullivan and Michigan City

    teacher of pedagogy in Normal Schoolat Anderson 1896-1897

    president of theState Normal School at Albion, Idaho1897-1902

    1902-1930 head of the history department, Anderson Senior HighSchool.Carter-Reed, Mrs. Emma C, nr.Lindsay, Rosanna P., deceased 1886.Mace, William H., pa&#...

    principal of schoolsat Logansport and Winamac, Ind., 1776-1779

    student and instructor in history,University of Michigan 1879-1883

    superintendent of schools, McGregor, la.,1883-1885

    1885-1890 professor of history, DePauw University, Greencastle,Ind

    1891 became head of the department of history, Syracuse University,Syracuse, New York, which position heheld until retiring in 1926

    the University of Syracuse conferred upon himthe degree of Doctor of Laws

    Dr. Maceis the author of several books in thefield of social and political science.*Palmer, Alice R., ha Shipshewana

    engaged throughout her life in educational work as teacher and as temperanceworker

    deceased Nov. 1925.*Perigo, Jonathan, taught several yearsin Indiana

    was professor of pedagogy.Moores Hill College

    principal of NorthDakota Normal School, Maysville, N. D.Robins-Naylor, Mrs. Harriet E., nr.*Sammis-Hall, Mrs. Ada F., ha 423South 5th St., Terre ...

    taught formany years in the elementary schoolsof Terre Haute.Taylor, Dr. Oliver J., la Wichita, Kan.

    1876-1878 taught school

    1889 graduated in medicine from Hahnemann Col-

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • The September 2005 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of ...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • One typed page including photograph; biography of Edward Lee Wilkerson, a distinguished surgeon from Terre Haute, Indiana.

    WABASHP R OFIA hometown h heroes who h difference. A seriies of ttributes tto h f ib t t h have made a diff dVALLEYL E S...

    Vigo County Historical Society

  • The October 2000 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of th...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYMoody-McFerrin, Mrs. Caroline E., nr.Moore, Benjamin F., ha Muncie

    foryears one of Indianas most highly respected school men: superintendent ofschools of Muncie at the time the stateopened Ball Teachers College&#...

    was dean of the college andprofessor of education at time of hisdeath in 1926.Naber, Guilford M., pa Wabash

    taughtin rural and high schools of Indiana

    superintendent of schools. South Whitley1884-1888

    1891-1896 county superintendent

    1896-1929 in life insurancebusiness, Wabash

    A. B. Taylor University in 1886.Severinghaus-Schnider, Mrs. Mary

    nr.Shea, Thomas J., ha Lexington

    taughtfor several years and engaged in mercantile business in Lexington severalyears prior to his death in 1913.Sheets, Harriett H., ha 421 North...

    lr 1905connected with the New York Life Insurance Company.Smith, J. F., nr.Smith-Shea, Mrs. Anna E., pa 430 West4 7th St., Indianapolis...

    taught twoyears at Burnetts Creek before graduation

    1901-1927 teacher in the grades,Indianapolis

    1927-1929 retired and living in Indianapolis.♦Stewart-Foulke, Mrs. Mary E., ha Dublin

    1884-1885 teacher in Brazil

    1885-1886 teacher in Rushville: 1886-1890principal high school, Worthington

    1890-1894 teacher Rich Square Academy

    1894-1898 principal high school Middle-town

    1901-1910 principal high school,Dublin

    1910-1916 homekeeper and devoted spare time to community interests

    deceased June 14, 1926.Stewart, Hattie, nr.Tarney-Campbell, Mrs. Sarah, ha Anderson

    1884-1892 assistant professor indepartment of psychology and methodsin Indiana State Teachers College

    lr1929 not teaching

    at home in Anderson.CLASS OF 1885Alexander, W. E., ha Bedford

    1885-1S88 principal schools, Somerset

    1888-1896 superintendent schools, Converse

    1896-1905 superintendent of schools,Bedford

    1905-1916 engaged in insurance business

    1921-1928 township trustee, Shawswick township, Bedford.Batty, Fannie, nr, deceased 1889.Blasdel-Harvey, Mrs. Jennie, ha Ton-kawa, Okla.

    taught in schools of Indiana, Oklahoma, and South Dakota fromgraduation to latest report in 1917.rfrinkerhoff, A., ha Sedan, Kan., lr 1912in real...

    deceased April 1912.Caldwell, Alexander, nr.♦Chappell-Sleeper, Mrs. Ella, ha Rod-lands, Calif.

    taught in city schools ofPrinceton for two years

    married in1887.Dunagan, Oscar, ha Center Point

    1884-1886 superintendent of schools, Shoals

    1886-1888 principal normal school, Aurora, 111.

    1888-1889 teacher of Latin andpedagogy, Mt. Lebanon University, Mt.Lebanon, La.

    1889-1890 principal oftownship high school, Ashboro

    1890-1892 superintendent Pima Indian Schools,Sacaton, Ariz.

    1892-1894 principaltownship school, Asherville

    1894-1896principal schools, Center Point

    1896-1897 principal Warrior, Ala.

    1897-1901principal township high school, Ashboro

    1901-1902 manager for Hayden Co.,Tempe, Ariz.

    1902-1904 principalschools, Cory

    1904-1907 principal township high school, Ashboro

    1907-1908principal high school Mooney

    lr 1909principal Sugar Ridge Township HighSchool.Dubois, Chaso Orton, ha Beecher, III.

    1885-1887 principal schools, Crothers-ville

    1887-1888 at home in Champaigncounty, 111.

    1888-1892 principal schools,Cerro Gordo and Illiopolis, 111.

    1892-1895 principal schools, Mason City, 111.

    1895-1898 superintendent schools, MasonCity, 111.

    1898-1901 principal wardschool ,Racine Wis.: 1901-1904 superintendent schools, Lanark and Lockport

    1904-1909 superintendent schools Mas-coutah. 111.

    1909-1911 superintendentschools Newton. 111.

    1911-1912 superintendent schools Eldorado, 111.

    1912-1914did not teach on account of illness

    1914-1915 principal high school, Thebes, 111.

    1915 superintendent schools Beecher,111.

    no recent report.Engle, John T., ha Bloomingdale

    superintendent of schools of East Auburn,California for more than twenty years

    president of the California High SchoolAssociation, a pioneer in supervisedstudy and the junior college

    lecturer.University of California during summerterms.Fuller-Alexander, Mrs. Jessie, pa 234Westminister Ave., Syracuse, N. Y.

    lrteacher in city schools, Syracuse, N. Y.Graves, James T., ha Monticello

    1885-1888 principal of high school, Monticello

    1888-1903 superintendent of schools,Motion

    1903-1927 in loan, law and abstracting business, Monticello.Henry, William E., pa 5209 15th Ave.,N. E., Seattle, Wash.

    1885-1890 principal high school, Peru

    1891, A. B., Indiana University.

    1891-1893 instructorin English, Indiana University

    1893-1895 graduate student, Univeristy ofChicago

    1894-1895 fellow University ofChicago

    1895-1897 professor of English,Iranklin College, Franklin

    1897-1906state librarian of Indiana, Indianapolis

    1906-1929 librarian, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.Hope-Soper, Mrs. Dora, ha 6156 Kim-bark Ave., Chicago, 111.

    1886-1891 principal township graded schools

    1892-1893 teacher in schools, Chicago, 111.

    1893-1930 married to Thomas A. Soper,homekeeper, Chicago, 111.Hudleson, J. M., ha Algiers

    since graduation, principal of schools in number ofIndiana cities, including Francisco,Hazelton, Nappanee, Bruceville andDecker

    since 1892 spent most of thetime in the ministry serving pastoratesin a large number of Indiana cities

    in1925 accepted the principalship of theschools at Algiers.♦Hunnicutt, A. G., deceased 1889, nr.Hunter-Lloyd, Mrs. Nannie M., pa 1101North 4th St.,&...

    1886-1902teacher in schools of Sandford and TerreHaute

    1902-1904 teacher Vigo CountyHome for Dependent Children

    1904-1906principal primary department, SpellmanSeminary, a training school for coloredgirls, Atlanta, Ga.

    1906 resigned and

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed