82THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYstudent, Indiana State Teachers College
1908-1912 teacher of music, high school,Newburg
1912-1914 student, IllinoisUniveristy, Purdue University and Indiana State Teachers College
1914-1918teacher domestic science, Haubstadt andHope
1918-1929 not teaching, homekeeper.Shepard, James H., la Milford
lr 1924in the banking business, Milford.Shortridge, Annalee, pa 1204 North 13thSt., Terre Haute
1917-i 918 teach er,high school, McCordsville
1918-1919teacher high school, Wilkinson
1919-1922 teacher in Terre Haute schools
1922-1923 received M. A., University ofWisconsin
1923-1930 teacher in McLean Junior High School, Terre Haute.Silvers, Charles W., pa Winamac
1908-1929 principal elementary grades, LaPorte
principal elementary and juniorhigh school, Miles City, Mont.
principalelementary school, Bay City, Mich.
principal high school. Shoals: principal highschool, Paoii
teacher Logansport
superintendent schools, Winimac
receivedA. li. Indiana University
resident workdone for A. M. degree
student, University of Chicago for three summers fortwo quarters of work, Chicago, 111.Simpson, Cora Florence, la Danville
nr.Snitz, Reuben H., pa 2007 South 8th St.,Terre Haute
Education: A. B. IndianaSlate Teachers College
graduate student, Columbia University
A. M. 1928Indiana University
teacher in rurals. hools, Huntington county
grade schoolAndrews
superintendent schools, Andrews
instructor in industrial arts,Evansville
critic te-:cher, Indiana StateTraining School
assistant professor industrial arts, Indiana State TeachersCollege.Spear, Osmund, la Indianapolis
1908-1909 teacher of manual training andmechanical drawing high school, Lebanon
1909-1912 teacher of manual traininghigh school, Indianapolis
1912-1916teacher in Technical High School, Indianapolis
graduated Stout Institute, Men-onomie, Wis.
graduated BradleyPolytechnic Institute, Peoria, 111. 1914
attended University of Wisconsin summer 1916
lr 1916.♦Spencer, Fred B. ha Bellmore
190R-1909 superintendent schools, Bellmore
1909-1912 studied law school, graduatedin 1912
1912-1913 attorney at law, In-<lnn:
deceased Oct. 18, 1913.Spice, Mary Elizabeth, pa 2303 BrownSt., Anderson
1908-1916 primary teacher, city schools, Anderson: 1916-1929departmental work and principal, CentralAvenue School, Anderson.Starr, Eleanore Frances, la 1915 Tip...
1908-1914 grade and department schools.New Albany
1914-1915 A. B. IndianaUniversity
1915 teacher of Latin andSnanish, Tipton.Tesh-Pfenning, Mrs. Hazel, pa 907South 7th St., Terre Haute
1903-1905teacher in district schools near Elwood
1906-1907 teacher of grades, Thorntown
1909-1910 teacher of grades, Anderson:1911-1912 teacher of grades, Indianapolis
1912-1917 teacher in junior andsenior high school. King Classical School,Terre Haute: 1917-1922 assistant inEnglish department, Indiana State Teachers Coll...
1915 student,University of Chicago
1922-1923 graduate student, Columbia University
1924tour of Southern Europe and NorthAfrica
192 6 tour of Northern and Central Europe
1923-1929 assistant, in English department, Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute
summer of 1927,student, Columbia University.Trible, James Owen, pa London, Ind.
1908-1910 principal Ft. Branch
1922-1923 principal Fountaintown
1923-1929principal Moral township, Shelby county,London, Indiana
taught Latin and mathematics.Tri-nble, Mrs. Nona, nr.Irittipo, Mildred la 1912 South Pasadena, Cal.
1908-1910 teacher of firstgrade, Noblesville
1910-1911 did notteach
1911-1912 teacher of first grade,Riverside, Cal.
1912 teacher first grade,South Pasadena, Cal.True-Kord, Mrs. Augusta A., pa 1814Crawford St., Terre Haute
1908-1916teacher of primary grades, Terre Hatuecity schools
1916-1928 teacher DavisPark School, Terre Haute
married July3 1928 to Howard E. Kord, not teaching, homekeeper.Walter, Arthur, pa Salinas, Cal.
1908-1909 teacher at Harlan
1909-1916teacher at Satsap, Washington and alsoprincipal
1917-1919 attended Lel
ndStanford University
1919-1929 citysuperintendent, Salinas, Calif.Warrick-Humphrey, Mrs. Mary, la RFDE, Terre Haute
1908-1910 teacher ofelementary grades, Vigo county
1911-1913 teacher of elementary grades,Parke county
1913 teacher elementarygrades, Vigo county
lr 1913.♦Washington, Benjamin L., deceasedFeb. 1911
nr.♦Webb, Ida E., deceased June 1910
nr.♦Weber, Grace H., ha Huntington
nr.Whitesitt, Andrew Harmon, A. B., paPittsburg, Kans.
1908-1911 supervisormanual training, East Chicago
1911-1913 instructor manual training, highschool, Indianapolis
1913-1929 head ofwoodworking department. State NormalTraining School, Pittsburg, Kans.Woodrow, Walter H„ A. B., pa 818 OakSt., Terre Haute
1929-1930 critic teacher of science, Indiana State TeachersCollege Training School, Terre Haute
for complete record see class 1907.Zecbiel, Chester, pa 707 Peoples BankBuilding, Indianapolis
1909-1910 department of physiography, Anderson
1912worked on Ph. B. University of Chicago
1913 in law school, LTniversity of Chicago, J. D.
1913 attorney at law, Indianapolis
assistant to Judge Cox, IndianaSupreme Court in connection with practice
1929 practicing law in Indianapolis.CLASS OF 1909Amick, Clyde T., pa Delphi
1909-1918superintendent, Elnora
1918-1924 superintendent, Sheridan
1924-1930 superintendent, Delphi.Barker, Mrs. Mary F., pa 555 South St.,Elgin, 111.
1910-1913 critic teacher, Tri-State College, Angola
1913-1916 seventhgrade teacher in public schools of Chicago
1916-1929 teaching seventh grade,Gondy School, Chicago, 111.Benedict, Phebe Clare, ha Springport
1910-1914 department of English, Mun-