Search Results - (( file sering st...
Showing 1 - 12 of 12 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( file sering st...
Showing 1 - 12 of 12 results

  • CHARLESMcCORMICKShop and MechanicalDrawingIndiana University.Washington, Ind.LYDIA FERGERHistoryIndiana University, A. B.Lawrenceburg, Ind.CARLOSCRAWFORDARTHUR E. MOOREHistoryIndiana Univers...

    Bloomington High School
    No subjects listed

  • THE NORMAL ADVANCE27Archie M. Hopper, 08, at Portland, Ind.

    Mr.Osmund Spear, 08, at Lebanon, Ind., and Mr.Charles Gesell, 09, at Davenport, Iowa. Allare teaching manual training.Mr. Edward S. Christen, 96, ...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • ROLL OF INSTRUCTORSNames are arranged by groups from left to oneBlanche WellonsEnglishIndiana University, A. B.and A. M.Bloomington, Ind.Mrs. L...

    Bloomington High School
    No subjects listed


    1889-1916 practicing 1876-1882 teacher in Indiana

    1882-1884physician, Wichita, Kan.

    lr 1916. attended medical school

    lr 1884 prac-Taylor, Theodore Homer, la Evansville

    ticing physician in Evansville.CLASS OF 1877Bickmore, Charles E., principal of several schools in Indiana

    for several yearsward principal in Logansport

    deceased1885.Boore-Carpenter, Mrs. Alma J., taughtbefore and after marriage in the TerreHaute public schools.Bradshaw, Olivia, reported living in EastLiverpool, ...

    nr.Gardner-Oosley, Mrs. Sarah E., nr.Humke, Albert E., pa Brooklyn

    principal grammar grades, Wabash, Ind. 1877-1884

    1884-1890 professor of reading,Indiana State Teachers College

    1890-1894, superintendent of schools Vin-cennes, Ind.

    1904-1906 representative ofMetropolitan Papers, Indianapolis

    1906-1911, superintendent of schools, Edin-burg

    1913 clerk of House of Representatives, Indiana State Legislature

    since 1913 state inheritance tax investigator and engaged in the banking business

    for the past several years connected with the Fletcher Trust and Savings Company of Indianapolis.Mitchell, Marcia, nr.Woods, William B., taught severa...

    for some time teacher of grammar in the Indiana State Teachers College

    lived for a number of years atMonclova, Ohio

    deceased 1927. Graduated from University of Chicago, 1893,Ph. B. degree.CLASS OF 1878Barnes, Lorenzo D., taught school fora number of years...

    died in Canneltonin 1883.Brown, Addie, nr.Burke-Nichols, Mrs. Ella, pa 203 EastHigh St., Rockville

    1878-1880 teacher, rural school

    1880-1881 teachercity schools, Terre Haute

    1881-1889teacher city schools, Rockville

    1889-1897 assistant principal high school,Rockville

    1907-1908 assistant principal,high school, Montezuma

    1908-1921 principal high school, Rosedale: 1921-1924teacher history and English, Rosedale

    1924-1929 teacher high school, Rockville

    1929-1930 not teaching, retired

    A. B. Indiana State Teachers College1918.Caraway, Morgan, deceased, August1909.Chambers, Elizabeth K., pa 1925 North8th St., Terre Haute

    taught in the elementary schools in Frankfort, Shelby-ville, West Terre Haute and since 1898teaching in the Terre Haute elementaryschools

    at present, supervising principalCollett School.Dodson-Mace, Mrs. Ida, ha 1125 Western Ave., Norfolk, Va.

    taught summerterm 1878, Winamac

    1878-1879 teacherof grades, Winamac

    1879-1880 teacherin district school, Cass county

    1880-1883 attended University of Michigan

    1890 teacher of history, DePauw University, spring term

    1883-1929 married to William H. Mace, professor emeritus of history, Syracuse University

    after Dr. Mace retired they lived in Norfolk, Va., until the time of her death.May, 1929.Eubank, Joseph H., nr.Harris, Frances E., pa West&#...

    taught history in grades inKnightsville, Prairieton, West TerreHaute and Terre Haute

    retired and athome in West Terre Haute.Harrison, Charles E., deceased 1879.Hill-CIawson, Mrs. Cora, la St. Petersburg, Fla.

    1878-1880 teacher of grades,Princeton

    1880-1886 teacher of methods, Indiana State Teachers College

    1886-1887 teacher, Boys Normal School,San Juan, Argentine Republic

    1887-1889vice-directress, Girls Normal School,Mercedes Province of Buenos Ayres,Argentine

    1889-1894 directress of Normal School and Slyod Normal TrainingSchool for Boys and Girls, EsquimaProvince of Corrientes, Argentine

    1894-1895 spent in Europe

    1895-1896 returned to United States to recuperate brokenhealth caused by over-work

    1896-1901assisted in establishing and directingInternational Home for Young Womenin Buenos Ayres

    1902-1908 married andliving in Cuba

    1908-1910 spent in Puerto Rico, San Juan

    1910-1914 afterdeath of husband returned to Cuba

    private teacher of Spanish until 1914

    1914-1915 teacher of Spanish, SouthlandSenervoz, St. Petersburg, Fla.

    1915-1928 private classes in Spanish, St.Petersburg, Fla.King, Rachel, taught in the city schools,Indianapolis for a number of years

    norecent report.Purdy-Stapelton, Mrs. Kate, pa Rock-ford, 111.

    lr 1928 not teaching

    home-keeper, wife of Willard Stapleton.Reynolds, Alpheus, pa Greenfield

    engaged in teaching profession until 1926when he retired

    superintendent ofschools of Greenfield, Nashville and heldseveral other administrative positions

    retired and living in Greenfield.Rupp-Wisehart, Mrs. Alice, ha TerreHaute: 1878-1879 teacher in rural schoolnear Dana

    1879-1881 teacher of grades,Shelbyville

    1881-1887 teacher of grades,Clinton

    1887-1893 principal grades,Topeka, Kan.

    1893-1902 assistant inEnglish department. State AgriculturalCollege Manhattan, Kan.

    received M.A. degree while in this position, thesecond one to receive this honor fromthe college

    1902-1905 head of Englishdepartment. State Agricultural College,Manhattan, Kan.

    1905-1906 home onleave of absence for rest and recreation

    1906-1916 married Robert T. Wisehartof Clinton

    at home and did not teachuntil 1916 when husband was killed inauto accident

    1916-1924 instructor ofhistory and English, junior high school,Clinton

    1924-1927 resigned position onaccount of nervous breakdown: at homein Terre Haute until her death, Nov. 3,1927.Scott, Sarah, ha Terre Haute...

    taughtin elementary and high schools of TerreHaute for a number of years

    for along time teacher of mathematics at

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY211Lee, Reva H., 2IG, ha 854 North CourtSt.,Sullivan

    pa same

    1926-1929 teacher elementray grades, Sullivan.Leslie, Ermil T., B. S., ha Folsomville

    pa Box 371, LaJunto, Colorado

    1926-1929 supervisor, music, LaJunto, Col.Leslie, Mary F., A. B., ha Fairland

    1926-1927 teacher history, mathematicsand home economics, Boggstown

    1927-1928 teacher, mathematics and home economics, Bristow

    1929-1930 teacherhome economics, Indianapolis.Lewis, Dorothy Marie, 2IG, ha RFD 7,Greencastle, pa same

    1925-1930 teacher, intermediate grades, Greencastle.Lindsay, Lola V., 2IG, ha 115 South 7thSt., West Terre Haute

    nr.Liston, Opal Odell, A. B., ha RFD A,Terre Haute

    pa Loch Raven, Maryland

    1928 teacher, training school fer boys,Loch Raven, Md.

    for complete information, see class of 1917.Llewellyn-LePage, Mrs. Bessie, 2IG, ha118 North 9th St., Clinton

    1926-1929not teaching, society editor, The DailyClintonian, Vermillion county dailypaper

    married to Anthony LePage in1926.Lloyd, Garnet C, B. S., ha Farmersburg

    pa Connersville

    1925-1926 teacher, industrial arts, Helt Township HighSchool, Vermillion county

    1926-1929,teacher, industrial arts, ConnersvilleHigh School.Lloyd, Harold A., B. S., ha Farmersburg

    pa same

    1926-1929 teacher, history,Farmersburg High School, Farmersburg.Lloyd, Helen Louise, B. S., ha 2111South 6th St., Terre Haute

    1926-1927teacher, home economics, Jackson township, Howard county

    1927-1929 teacherhome economics, Somerset.Lord, Jessie L., B. S., ha Corydon

    pa2512 Deming St., Terre Haute

    1929supervising principal, Greenwood School,Terre Haute

    for complete record, seeclass of 1917.Ludlow, Pearl A., B. S., ha Stone Bluff

    pa Attica

    1926-1929 teacher, home economics, public schools, Attica.Maclnnes, Elizabeth, 2M, ha Sullivan


    1926-1929 teacher, Sullivan county.Madden, Cora Clare, A. B., ha 520 NorthCenter St., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1924-1927 teacher, history and music, Vallonia

    1927-1930 teacher, music, LosAngeles, Calif.Mallett, Lois, 2IG, ha Veedersburg

    paDanville, 111.

    taught three years atStone Bluff, Fountain county, beforegraduation

    1926-1929 teacher, grades,Danville, 111.Markland-Nicholson, Mrs. Ruth, 2P, ha1317 North Center St., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1926-1930 not teaching, home-keeper, married fall 1926.Marsh, Gilberta, 2A, ha 2329 ClevelandAve., Terre Haute

    192 6-1929 teacher,art, West Terre Haute schools

    1929-1930 art supervisor, city schools, Brazil

    B. S. Indiana State Teachers College. Terre Haute, 1928.Martin, Uhwrence, A. B., ha 681 V» Wabash Ave, Terre Haute

    pa South Bend

    1926-1928 teacher of science, Clinton

    , 1928-1930 teacher of science. SouthBend.Martin, Suzanne, 2IG, ha RFD B, TerreHaute

    1926-1927 student, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    1927-1929 teacher, grades, Fayette township,Vigo county.Mathas, Iva Mae, 2IG, ha Montezuma

    pa same

    1926-1929 teacher, elementarygrades, Montezuma.May, Richard Milton, A. B., ha Laconia

    pa same

    1926-1927 teacher science andmathematics, Holton

    1927-1930 teacherscience and mathematics, Laconia.Mawry, Mary Virginia, 2P, ha Princeton

    nr.Maynard, Lula May, A. B., ha Oaktown

    pa 215 North 6th St., Vincennes

    1918-1929 teacher, elementary grades, Vincennes.Mayrose, Frances, B. S., ha 1837 North10th St., Terre Haute

    1926-1928 teachercommerce, Hagerstown

    19 2 8-1 9 2 9teacher, commerce, high school, GrandRapids, Mich.McCabe, Marguerite, B. S., ha Greencastle

    pa Lemont, 111.

    1926-1927 teacher, home economics, Pulaski

    1927-1929teacher, home economics and science,Lemont, 111.McCammon, Byron, 2IG, ha Sullivan

    paFort Wayne

    taught four years in Sullivan county before graduation

    1925-1927 student, Indiana State TeachersCollege, B. S.

    1927-1929 teacher history,junior high school, Fort Wayne.McCIain, Mrs. Ethel Z., 2IG, ha RFD A,Rockville

    pa same

    1926-1928 principalgrade school and teacher, grades, Hol-landsburg

    1928-1929 teacher, grades,Adams township, Park county.McCrum, Bessie I., 2IG, ha Huntington

    pa same

    1926-1929 teacher, city schools,Huntington.McCullough, Hazel, 2P, ha Reelsville

    1926-1929 teacher, grades, Scobey, Montana

    1929-1930 teacher, elementarygrades, Richmond.McCullough-Brown, Mrs. Gertrude, 2P,pa 406 East Elm St., Sequin, Tex.

    1923-1925 teacher, grades, Poland

    1925-1926teacher, grades, Bowling Green

    1926-1929 teacher, grades, Plymouth

    1929-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, married.McCullough, Mae, B. S., ha Scottsburg

    pa same

    1921-1922 teacher, home economics, botany and general science,high school, West Baden

    1922-1930teacher, home economics, botany andgeneral science, high school, Scottsburg.McFadden, Merle G., B. S., ha New Harmony

    pa Evansville

    1926-1927 teacher,Bosse High School, Evansville

    1927-1929 principal, schools, Stewartsville

    1929-1930 teacher, science _ FrancesJoseph Reitz High School, Evansville.McKinney, Charles, A. B., ha 1553 GrandAve., Terre Haute

    1926-1927 teacher,industrial arts, Martinsville

    1927-1929teacher, industrial arts, Michigan City

    1929-1930 graduate student, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute.McLin-Hudson, Mrs. Margaret, B. S., ha2705 North 11th St., Terre Haute


    lr 1928 teacher, music, PrairieCreek.McGuirk, Alice, B. S., ha 1610 North8th St.. Terre Haute

    pa same

    1921-1923 teacher grades, Terre Haute

    192 3-1927 teacher, Hook School, Terre Haute

    1927-1930 teacher, mathematics, Wood-iSjw Wilson Junior High School, TerreHaute.Meahl, Stella, 2P. ha Vallonia

    pa Lander, Wyo.

    1926-1929 teacher, grades,Lander, Wyo.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • Sheet music intended for performers and artists as opposed to the general public from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which ...

    Indiana State University Library