Search Results - (( file bock gene...
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Showing 1 - 11 of 11 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( file bock gene...
Showing 1 - 11 of 11 results


    1923-1925 at home

    not teaching on account of illness

    1925-1926teacher of English and home economicsat Huntsville

    1926-1929 teacher ofbiology and home economics, WaltonHigh School

    A. B., Indiana University,1918.Scott-Lake, Mrs. Ethel, pa 2129 E. Gordon Ave., Spokane, Washington

    taughttwo years in rural schools and fiveyears in g>Vde schools, Hadley andCoatesville before graduation

    1913-1915 teacher, grades, Hammond

    1916-1917 teacher, grades, Panama CanalZone: 1917-1920 teacher, grades, Spokane, Washington

    1920-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, married in 1920

    attended Illinois University, summer of1916.Scudder, Carl, ha Windfall

    in the springof 1912 superintendent of schools. BlackHawk: 1912-1913 principal, high school,Kempton

    1914-1916 cashier, PeoplesState Bank, Windfall

    1916-1924 manager of a canning factory

    1924-1928,operating three canning factories in Central Indiana.Seever, Lula M., ha Carlisle

    1913-1916principal, high school, Bippus, also supervisor of county schools of Polk township, Huntington county., lr 1916.Sheets-Dilts, Mrs. Mary, ha 3121&#...

    1913-1914 taughtin high school, Wallace

    1914-1915 taughtin public schools, Lenark, Illinois

    1915-1924 married

    not teaching

    homekeeper.Shields, Ralph C, pa 13th and LincolnSts., Anderson

    1913-1914 principal, highschool, Marshall

    1914-1916 teacher ofhistory, Latin and German, Hymera

    1916-1919 principal, Helt Township HighSchool, Dana

    1919-1929 English andcommerce, Anderson.Simpson, Emmett, pa 5856 Lowell Ave.,Indianapolis

    1913-1914 teacher of manual training and English, Aurora

    1914-1916 teacher of manual training andEnglish, Mitchell

    1916-1929 teacher ofmanual training, Thomas D. GreggSchool, Indianapolis.Singleton-Murphy, Mrs. Jessie, pa Edge-ley, North Dakota

    1913-1918 teacher ofgrades, Hammond

    1918-1919 clericalwork, war department, Washington, D.C

    1919-1929 married

    at home and notteaching.Smith-McGalliard, Mrs. Belle, pa 2502 E.McGraw St., Seattle, Washington

    1913-1915 teacher of third grade, Terre Haute

    1915-1916 special teacher, Seattle public schools, teaching boys in juvenile detention home

    1916-1922 taught gradesin Seattle, Washington

    1922-1928 married in 1922

    homekeeper and substituteteacher in grades in Seattle, Washington.Smith-Wildauer, Mrs. Addie Hazel, pa1014 S. 2nd St., Elkhart

    1913-1918taught primary work in Elkhart schools,Elkhart

    1918-1920 principal of schools,Elkhart

    1920-1929 married, housewife,not teaching.♦Smith, Ralph H., deceased August 2,1914

    nr.Smyers, Nell Vera, ha 2301 N. 12th St.,Terre Haute

    1913-1916 teacher in TerreHaute schools: 1916-1920 student, OhioWeslyan, working on B. A. and M. A.

    1920-1922 teacher junior high school,Terre Haute

    1922-1924 missionary research in preparation of a world missionary atlas

    1924-1930 teacher reading andvocational guidance, McLean Junior HighSchool, Terre Haute

    1916-1918 receivedA. B. from Ohio Wesleyan University

    1918-1920 received A. M. from OhioWesleyan University

    1924 attended Columbia University summer school.Soules, Esther, ha RFD E, Terre Haute

    1913-1916 taught intermediate grades,East Glenn

    1916-1924 taught in HookSchool, Terre Haute

    1924-1927 taughtelementary grades in Hook School, TerreHaute

    1927-1929 taught elementarygrades in Deming School, Terre Haute.B. S., 1927, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute.Staff, Katherine, nr.Stark, Bessie,...

    1913-1917 teacher ofgrades, Spokane, Washington

    1917-1918teacher of grades, Clinton

    1918-1923teacher of grades,Spokane, Washington

    1923-1925 teacher of grades, Lowell

    1925-1929 teacher of grades, Hammond.Steele, A. E., pa Lafayette, Ind.

    1913-1914 superintendent of schools, Robinson, Illinois

    1914-1916 superintendent,consolidated schools, Oaktown

    1916-1919head of mathematics department in thehigh school, Sullivan

    1919-1926 head ofmathematics department, Jefferson HighSchool, Lafayette

    1926-1929 principalat Hebron: 1929-1930 principal at WeaTownship High School, Lafayette.Stephenson, Harry, ha Peoria, Illinois

    paPort Orchid, Washington

    1913-1915teacher of manual arts, high school,Marion

    1915-1916 student, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, Illinois, B. S.

    1916-1917 teacher, vocational work,mathematics, high school, Murphysboro,Illinois

    1917-1918 teacher, vocationalwork, Ellensburg Normal

    1918-1921United States Navy, Bremerton NavyYard, Bremerton, Washington

    1921-1923 teacher, vocational work, highschool. Port Orchard, Washington

    1923-1930 proprietor, The Tire Shop, PortOrchard, Washington.Stevens, William D., ha Morocco

    lr 1916superintendent of schools, Morocco.Strole-Gasway, Mrs. Beulah, ha SouthBend

    1913-1916 primary teacher, NewGoshen

    1916-1923 married

    not teaching, homekeeper

    lr 1923.Strole, Carrie, 1281 Davis Ave., Whiting

    1913-1920 teacher of primary grades,Terre Haute

    1920-1929 teacher in primary grades, Hammond.Sutton, Helena B., ha 44 S. 18th St.,Richmond

    lr 1924 taught German andmathematics in the high school at Richmond.Syester, Luvina, ha Hymera

    1913-1914teacher of sixth and seventh grades,Hymera

    1914-1915 teacher of grammar,reading in seventh and eighth gradesand physiology, spelling and geographyin the seventh grade, Hymera

    1915-1916 taught grammar in sixth, seventh,and eighth grades. Hymera

    1916-1919teacher of seventh grade, Hymera

    1919-1920 taught in the high school, Hymera

    1920-1921 government clerk, Washington,D. C.J 1921-1922 taught in the highschool at Fairbanks

    1922-1923 taughtin the high school. Pleasant ville: 192*-1925 taught in the high school atHymera: 1925-1929 principal of gradeschool, Hymera.Teic...

    1915-1980 teacher of home economics.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

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    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The December 2002 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of t...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The August 2006 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the...

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  • Sheet music from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections. These individual pieces were&#...

    Indiana State University Library

  • The February 2001 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of t...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The Precinct Committeeman was a Democratic Party newspaper from Marion County, Indiana. The collection includes September 7 to October 23, 1934....

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