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Showing 21 - 40 of 1,105 results
Search Results - (( file beck anth...
Showing 21 - 40 of 1,105 results
THE REVIVAL /By Paul DoddFred was an interesting dude. Ihad known him since we had bothbeen in data fixation together. Eventhen he had&...
Bloomington High School North
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Ste-WolLoiS Stephens, secretory nurseBarb Stork, special ed.Martha Street, counselorJulie Stufflebeam, man,.Teresa Tresslar, ram. & ens, Ki.Gwen Upchurch, fmeart...
Bloomington High School South
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[HARD]WORKINGIn March 2017, Theatre South mounted a productionof the show Working, which both offered a freshchange from traditional show choices...
Bloomington High School South
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A V>$y id thee ...1Tuesday, Nov. I 6. I 9996 a.m. Alarm goes off.6:15 a.m. Mother comes in, turns offalarm and informs me ...
Bloomington High School South
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DealindBrittany Wilson has lost threeWffcns *W&S imPortant people in her life. Shespeaks out on her road to find peace.Nikean: Who were&...
Bloomington High School North
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...all right/ Dan BacklerA Three Step ProgramBy Dan BacklerI remember a day not very long ago that I was staring out of my window....
Harmony School
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THE TIME OF NEEDWHY IS FIRE HOTThings Just couldnt work out withthe two countries. My parents were dead bya bombing two years ago and...
Harmony School
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Hello. I like to read The Boxcar Children and theyare fun to read. I like to read “Karen” books,too.And they are fun, too....
Harmony School
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kneeling on a piece of wood the size of a postcardand time stops and its up to you.Thats where I am with my graduation. In my...
Harmony School
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laflau»nirisbU* 1.UiKPrem lasmta188To all my friends in Harmony,It seemed only like yesterday I walked down the halls ofHarmony, greeting familia...
Harmony School
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JOHNNY, OTHERWISE KNOWN ASEDDIE HASKELLIt began the moment we got there.What began was a perfect little angel on theoutside but underneath was...
Harmony School
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As morning comes, the wind picks me up. I feel nervous and afraid since that dog gothold of me. The wind becomes strong enough to&...
Unionville High School
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CLASS PROPHESY—ContinuedWe also see Bobby Grubb and his beautiful wife, the former Miss Deanna Durbin.Bobby, who was class president, is still&...
Ellettsville High School
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tended with them for the crust. A council was held in thestone igloo of Kayak Pete. Placer Jim said, Men, we musthave supplies. We ...
Bloomington High School
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AnnaNellie York, 14THERE WAS LIGHT in every room of the big southern mansion.All was hurry, hurry, hurry, to have everything just ready.Anna ...
Bloomington High School
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WHAT A PIN CAN DO-ContinuedJoe could do nothing but stare into space and think. If Bettywent, she would soon be entering some kind of...
Bloomington High School
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1^BrotherhoodA group of people walk down a paththrough a forest. Some in the group areloud, some quiet. It is not clear who doeswhat,...
Bloomington High School South
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Fall BreakersTwo seniors shared their stories from fall break. Onetraveled west, the other south, but despite the region, theyboth had a blast.Tr...
Bloomington High School South
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run Menczer, run! Making great time, MaxMenczer, 12, crosses the finish line atHoosiers Outrun Cancer on September 30th,2017. Menczer was the...
Bloomington High School North
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One. Before she plays her last high school soccer game, captainStephanie Haddad hugs her teammates. Haddad had played withsome teammates since sh...
Bloomington High School North
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