108THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYHarman-Brandenburg, Mrs. Stella, haOdon
1913-1916 attended Stout Institute, Menonomie Wisconsin, graduatedin 1915
1915-1916 supervisor of domestic science. Rockport
1929 married
not teaching.Harris, Louise L., A. B., ha West TerreHaute, RFD A, 1913-1916 teacher ofscience, Bicknell High School, Bicknell
1916-1917 student in the University ofChicago
received M. S. 1917
1917-1919 teacher of botany and chemistry,high school. West Lafayette
1919-1929head of botany department, Garfield HighSchool, Terre Haute. ,Harsh man, Harvey Lee, pa 61st andMichigan Road, Indianapolis
1913-1915teacher of science, Clay City
1916-1916teacher of mathematics, Westfield
1922-1929 teacher of mathematics in the highschool, Indianapolis.Hightshue-Griner, Mrs. Ruth, ha RFD A,Box 393, Indianapolis
1913-1914 teacherof rural school, Ripley county
1914-1915 teacher of rural school, Marioncounty
1915-1916 not teaching
traveledin the west
1916-1919 teacher in ruralschool, Marion county, 1919-1929 married
not teaching
at home.Hines, John, pa 1112 Westoner Road, Ft.Wayne
1912-1914 instructor in mechanical and architectural drawing, Gary
1914-1916 charge of manual training andmechanical and architectural drawing,Paducah, Kentucky: 1918-1929 teacherin the high school, Kokomo
in the army
teacher in the public schools of FortWayne
attended Bradley Polytechnic in1912
Stout Institute of Technology in1915
Wisconsin University in 1914
atpresent working for A. M., extension department, Indiana University.Hinkson, Erba, nr.Hitch, Charlotte Vea, A. B., 663 Chestnut St., Terre Haute...
1914 teacher ofdomestic science, Elkhart
nr since 1914.Horrall, Onis H., A. B., ha Cannelburg
1913-1915 superintendent of schools,Poseyville
1915-1918 head of departmentof physics and chemistry, Northern Michigan State Normal School, Marquette,Michigan: 1918-1919 M. D. RuBh Medical College...
1919-1923 physician, Sheridan Clinic, Sheridan, Wyoming
1927-1928 S. M., University of Chicago.Howell, Bessie James, ha Windfall
1923teacher in Chrisman, Illinois
nr since1923.Hyde-Cook, Mrs. Ethel, ha 604 S. Walnut St., Brazil
1913-1917 principal,Ward Building. Brazil
1918-1920 mathematics and physical education, in theBrazil high school, Brazil
1921-1925supervisor of physical education in theBrazil public schools
1925-1929 married
not teaching
homekeeper.Hyndman, Robin Wayne, pa 455 W. PineSt., Canton, Illinois
1916 attended Columbia University, New York City
1917-1918 teacher of mathematics, MinnesotaState Normal, St. Cloud, Minnesota
1918-1919 military service
1919-1920 superintendent of schools, Avilla
1920-1922 principal, high school, Hillsdale,Michigan: 1922-1923 principal, highschool. Canton. Illinois
1928-1929 superintendent of schools, Canton, Illinois.Hyte, Charles T„ pa 317 Crawford St.,Terre Haute
1913-1918, taught in Lincoln High School, Princeton
1918-1919principal, Dunbar School, Terre Haute
1919-1924 teacher of manual training,Terre Haute public schools
1924-1929principal, Booker T. Washington School,Terre Haute.Jacoby, Mabel E., ha 706 N. Walnut St.,Plymouth
1899-1903 teacher of gradestwo and six, Bluffton
1903-1912 teacherof English, Marion
1914-1916 teacherof English, Laporte
1917-1921 teacherof English in the high school, Gary
1921-1923 head of English departmentin the high school: Plymouth
1923-1924supply teacher, Los Angeles, California
1924-1925 history, economics, biology, inthe high school, North Bend
1925-1927head of English department, in the highschool. Gas City
1927-1929 teachingEnglish, Middletown
summer 1928 attended University of Chicago.Johnson, Ralph, ha Royal Center
1913-1917 principal, public schools, Saratoga
1917-1920 superintendent of schools,Saratoga
1920-1929 superintendent ofcity schools, Royal Center.Kelley-White, Mrs. Hazel B., pa 1245 S.Main St., Clinton
taught a few yearsbefore graduation
1913-1929 not teaching, homekeeper
married to C. M.White,King-Harvey, Mrs. Sara, 607 % S. Center,Terre Haute
1913-1914 head of Englishdepartment, high school, Cloverdale
1914-1916 not teaching ,homekeeping,married
1916-1917 graduate work. University of Chicago
1917-1918 teacherof grades, Danville
1918-1920 head ofEnglish department, high school, Martinsville
1920-1921 head of English department, Indiana Central College
1921-1930 assistant professor of English, Indiana State Teachers College
A. M. University of Chicago, graduate student,Columbia University 1927-1928.♦Kittle, Elsie O., ha Terre Haute
nr.Klostermann, Henry, ha Huntingburg
1913-1914 principal, Churubusco HighSchool, and also teacher of manual training and history
1914-1916 principal ofthe Churubusco High School, and teacher of German and manual training
1916principal, Wheatland High School, andteacher of manual training, history andagriculture
1916-1917 principal, Vimta,Oklahoma public schools
1917-1919 principal, Delphos, Kansas
1919-1920 taughtin Decatur County High School, Decatur
1920-1922 superintendent of CheyenneCounty High School
1922-1923 superintendent, Weskan county schools, Wes-kan county, Kansas
lr 1923.Laughlin, Delle E., ha 903 Summet Ave.,Seattle, Washington: lr 1928 teachingin city schools, Seattle, Washington.Leasure-Hauck, Mrs. Jessie, ha...
1905-1906 teaching in Sugar Creek township
1906-1918teaching grades, Deming School, TerreHaute
1913-1922 teaching departmentalwork in music, Oakland, California
1922-1929 married in June, 1922 to Dr. J. H.Hauck, not teaching, homekeeper.Lefforge, Rosy, pa Hwa Nan College,Foochow, China
1906-1909 teacher inconsolidated schools, Wabash county
1909-1917 teacher in high schools, Wabash and Huntington counties
1917-1918 teacher in Huntington College,Huntington: 1918-1924 teacher in HwaNan College, Foochow, China
1924-1927student in the Boston University
1927-1929 head of department of religious