230THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYhistory, Woodrow Wilson Junior HighSchool, Terre Haute
for complete recordsee class 1915.Price, Ruth, B. S., pa 23 West Park St.,Brazil
1930 teacher of English, highschool, Brazil
for complete record seeclass 1914.Pritchett-Reed, Mrs. Hazel, ho Dana
1923-1927 teacher primary grades,Hillsdale: 1927-1929 teacher grades, Elkhart
1929-1930 not teaching, home-keeper, married to Ralph C. Reed.Pyles, Helen, 2P, pa 227 East JohnsonSt., Sullivan
1927-1929 teacher of primary grades, Sullivan.Quillen, Leo J., 2IG, ha Dugger
1917-1918 teacher in rural school, Cass town-shsip
1923-1927 teacher of grades.Union School, Cass Township
1927-1930 elementary principal, Hagerstown.Ratliff, Virgie B., 2IG, pa Hamilton,Ohio
1927-1928 teacher of grades, CokeOtto School, Hamilton, Ohio, Butlercounty.Ray, Rachel, 2P, pa Davis Apt. 3, North7th St., Terre Haute
1927-1930 teacherof primary grades, Fairview School,Terre Haute.Ray, Ruby 2P, pa Richmond
1922-1923teacher of grades, Linton townships
1923-1928 teacher of grades, Pimento
1928-1930 teacher of grades, Richmond.Redmon-Sweitzer, Mrs. Cleo Barbara, 2P,pa 2428 Spruce St., Terre Haute
1927-1928 married and not teaching.Reed, Ruth, 2P, pa Hammond
1927-1928teacher of primary grades, Evansville
1928-1929 teacher of primary grades, St.Bernice
1929-1930 teacher of primarygrades, Hammond.Reece, Esther, 2IG, pa Cory
1927-1929teacher of grades, Cory.Reed, Thelma, 2P, pa Ft. Branch
1925-1930 teacher of grades. Ft. Branch.Ressler, Kathleen, A. B., ha CambridgeCity
1925-1927 teacher of English andLatin, Economy
1927-1928 teacher ofLatin and English, Coalmont.Reuter, John George, A. B., pa 1809Madison Ave., Evansville: 1929 teacherof mathematics and science, C...
for completeinformation, see class of 1918.Reynerson, June, A. B., pa 1637 SouthFifth St., Terre Haute
teacher of art,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute
M. A., for complete record seeclass 1918.Richardson, Julia Viola, 2IG, ha RFD 2,Jeffersonville
1927-1928 did not teach.Riddell, Helen B., 2P, pa 324 East Kru-zan St., Brazil
1929-1930 teacher of primary grades, Alabama School, Brazil.Riddle, Margaret, B. S., ha 2610 North8th St., Terre Haute
1927-1930 teacherof English, Plymouth.Rissler, Herbert E., B. S. pa RFD 7, Brazil
1927-1928 in automobile business,Brazil
1928-1930 teacher of science andhistory. Van Buren High School, Brazil.Roberts, Lewis C, 2IG, pa IndianSprings
1927-1929 teacher of grades,Sulphur School, Boker township, Martincounty.Robertson, Dorothy, B. S., pa Logansport
1926-1927 taught commerce,Wheatland
1927-1929 taught commerce,Logansport.Robertson, Louise A., A. B., pa Clinton
1927-1929 teacher of history, Clinton.Roll, Dorothy M., 2IG, pa Romney
1927-1928 teacher of intermedate work atBlackhawk
1928-1929 student, IndianaState Teachers College
1929-1930 teacher of elementary grades, Romney.Roll, Ruth F., 2IG, ha Riley
1924-1928teacher of grades, Blackhawk
1928-1929teacher of grades, Lewis
1929 receivedB. S., Indiana State Teachers College
1929-1930 teacher of home economics,Blackhawk.Roraanko, Anna, 2IG, pa 1533 Hayes St.,Gary
1927-1929 teacher of intermediategrades, Gary.Ross, Mary Helen, 2P, pa Rosedale
1927-1929 teacher of primary work,Bainbridge
1929-1930 teacher primarygrades, Rosedale.Roush, Lillian Leona, 2IG, pa 449 Von-Buren St., Gory
1927-1929 teacher ofintermediate grades, Gary.Runyon, Dorothy Nelle, 2P, pa TerreHaute: 1927-1928 student, Indiana StateTeachers College
1928-1930 teachingprimary grades, Elkhart.Ryan, Anna, B. S., pa 1307 South 8thSt., Terre Haute
1921-1923 teacher ofcommerce, high school, Lowell: 1923-1925 teacher of commerce, PotomacState College, Keyser, West Va.
1925-1926 teacher of commerce, Milford HighSchool, Milford
1926-1927 student, Indiana State Teachers College
1927-1928teacher of commerce, Angola
1928-1929teacher of commerce, Danville, 111.Ryan, Margaret, A. B., pa 1307 South8th St., Terre Haute
1927-1930 teacherin Fairbanks School, Terre Haute.Sanovic, Martha G., 2IG, pa 4715 Melville Ave., East Chicago
1927-1930 teacher of grades, East Chicago.Schlosser, Thelma, 2P, ha Wadesville
pa Mishawaka
1921-1924 teacher ofgrades, Robinson township, Posey county
1924-1929 teacher of grades, publicschools, Wadesville
1929-1930 teacherof primary grades, Mishawaka.Schneider, Esther, B. S., pa Lawrenceburg
1927-1929 teacher of primarywork, Lawrenceburg.Schopmeyer, Herman, B. S-, ha Poland:pa care of Chemistry Department, IowaState College, Ames, la....
1927-1930 teacher, chemistry, Iowa State College,Ames, la.
Ph. D. in chemistry 1930,Iowa State College.Schumaker, Eugene, A. B., ha 1631 South11th St., Terre Haute
pa 615 NorthWolfe St., Department of Protozoology,Baltimore, Md.
1927-1930 student,Johns Hopkins University.Schwedes, Adele, A. B., pa 2345 North11th St., Terre Haute
1929 dean ofgirls, Garfield High School ,Terre Haute
for complete information, see class of1894.Schweitzer-Julian, Roberta, A. B., pa432 East 109th St., Cleveland, Ohio
1927-1928 teacher of English, highschool. West Baden
Feb. 1929 to June1929 teacher of social science, Fair-mount Junior High School, Cleveland,Ohio
married in 1928 to Max Julianof class 1927.Scott, Malcolm, B. S., pa 653 ChestnutSt., Terre Haute
1926-1927 teacher,music, Montgomery
1927-1928 teachermusic, Gerstmeyer Technical HighSchool, Terre Haute
1928-1929 professional orchestration and study, NewYork
director of music, Mast HavenVocational School. Philadelphia
1929-1930 teacher, music, Gerstmeyer Tech-