212THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYMedsker, Sylvia, B. S., ha Merom
paBox 674 East Lansing, Mich.
1915-1918teacher, elementary grades, Sullivancounty
1918-1927 teacher, home economics, high school, Sullivan county
1927-1929 teacher, home economics,Michigan State College, East Lansing,Mich.
in 1927 received A. M. TeachersCollege, Columbia University.Mehringer, Edwin V., A. B., ha 1508Woodley Ave., Terre Haute, po some
1926-1927 teacher, high school, Coalmont
1927-1928 teocher, high school,New Goshen
1928-1930 principal, NewGoshen Schools.Meier, Paul T., B. S., ha Martinsville,111.
pa 641 West 113th St., New York,City
1923-1924 teacher, manual training junior high school, Peru
1924-1928teacher, manual training and coaching,high school, Lovington, 111.
1928-1929teacher, manual training, physics andcoaching, high school, Martinsville
1929-1930 working toward M. A. degreeColumbia University.Meredith-Crockett, Mrs. Bertha, A. B.,pa 810 Walnut St., Terre Haute
1928principal, Sugar Creek township School,also teacher, history and English,grades
for complete record see class of1920.Michael, Curtis B., A. II., ha Jasonville
pa Windson, 111.
1924-1926 teacher, science, high school, Midland
1926-1928assistant principal, Midland
1928-1930teacher, science, high school, Widsor,111.Michaels-Risacher, Mrs. Marcella, B. S.,ha Loogootee
pa same
1926-1929teacher music, Montgomery and Cannels-burg
1929-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, married Dec. 31, 1929 to Joseph C.Risacher.Miller, Jessie, A. B., ha Martinsville
nr.Miller, Paul I., 2IG, ha Odon
pa 445North Keystone St., Indianapolis
taughtone year before graduation
1926-1929teacher, mathematics seventh and eighthgrades, Indianapolis.Miller, Ruth Henderson, 2IG, ha Wayne-town
pa 1203 Moin St., Lafayette
1926-1929 teacher, elementary grades, Lafayette.Mills, Reva A., 2IG, ha Mecca
pa same
1926-1929 teacher, elementary grades,Park county.Mitten, Bernice, B. S., ha Cool City
1926-1929 teacher commerce,Argos.Morgan, Orpha Mae, B. S., ha Swayzee,pa same
1928-1930 not teaching, athome
for complete record see class of1924.Morton, Marian J., 2IG, pa 2906 SchaalAve., Terre Haute
1926-1928 teacher,grades, Lange School, Terre Haute
1928-1930 teacher, art, McLean JuniorHigh School, Terre Haute
B. S. Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute,1928.Moss, Hildreth, 2IG, ha Center Point:pa same
1926-1927 teacher of grades.Clay county: 1927-1929 teacher in cityschools, Crawfordsville.Mulvihill, Pearl, 2P, ha Terre Haute
pa Anderson
1926-1929 teacher of elementary grades, Anderson.Napper, Doris J., 2IG, ha Scottsburg
pa same
1926-1929 teacher of publicschools, Scottsburg.Naselroad, Elma L., 2IG, ha New Goshen
1926-1928 teacher of elementarygrades. New Goshen
1928-1929 studentIndiana State Teachers College, TerreHoute.Nash, Charlestine, B. S., ha Princeton
pa Manzanola, Colo.
1926-1929 teacherManzanola, Colo.Neal, Ruby A., 2IG, ha RFD 5, Sullivan
pa same
1923-1926 teacher ruralschools, Sullivan county, 1926-192U,teacher grades, Pleasantviile.Nelson, Louis £., 21G, ha Staunton
taught seven years in elementarygraoes before graduation
1926-1930teacher, science, high school, Staunton
B. fc>. Indiana State Teachers College,Terre H-eute, 1928.Nevins, tthel, 21G, ha Rosedale, RFD A,pa same
s6-l927 teacher, grades, Cai-lin
1927-1928 student, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute
1928-1930 teacher grades, Rosedale.Newlin, Norma, B. S., ha 733 SouthArmstrong St., Kokomo
pa 929 SouthSecond St., Springfield, 111.
1929 teacher, high school, Springfield, 111.
for complete information, see class of 1918.Newton, Agnes Eleanor, A. B., ha 418North Center St., Terre Haute
pa same
1926-1929 teacher, English and French,McLean Junior High School, TerreHaute.Nicholson, Noal G., 2IA, ha Russelville
pa same
1926-1928 teacher, industrialarts, Vincennes township High School
1928-1929 teacher, industr.al aits,Staunton
1929-1930 teacher of industrial arts and coach, Russelville.Nicoson, Dollie A., 2P, ha Cory
pa 37West 30th St., Indianapolis
1926-1929teacher, grades, city schools, Indianapolis.Nurnberger, Kathleen, B. S., ha RFD E,Terre Haute
1926-1929 teacher, publicschools, Clinton.OBrien, Arlie L., A. B., ha Plainville
paShelbyville. 111.
1926-1927 principal,Stewartson, 111.
1927-1929 teacher,mathemotics and history, Shelbyville,111.OBrien, Ruth, 2IG, ha Linton
pa same
1920-1921 teacher grades. Highlandtownship, Greene county
1921-1923teacher grades, Stockton township,Greene county
1923-1924 teachergrades. South Linton, Green county
1924-1929 teacher, city schools, Linton.Paine-Knoll, Mrs. Mabel, B. S., ha 1819South 8th St., Terre Haute
po 4202 FoilCreek Blvd., Indianapolis
1930 notteaching, married, homekeeper
for complete record see class 1920.Parrett, Ruth, 2HE, ho 416 North 6thSt., Vincennes
1926-1928 student, Indi-ona State Teachers College, Terre Houte.Patterson, Mary V., 2IG, ha 1606 South7th St., Terre Haute, pa same
1926-1928 teacher, elementary grades, Vigocounty.Payne, Thirza L., 2 HE, ha RFD 6, Brazil
pa same
taught five years primarygrades, Jackson township. Clay county,before graduation
1926-1927 teacherhigh school, Owensburg
1927-4929 student, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute
B. S., 1929-1930 not teaching, at home.Peacher-Ewer, Mrs. Nellie I., 2P. ha 1622South 4th St., Terre Haute: pa 656Starkweather Ave., Apt. 8,...
1923-1925 teacher, grades. Fair-