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Showing 81 - 100 of 502 results
Search Results - (( eel river over...
Showing 81 - 100 of 502 results
Riggle writes from England. He is cooking in the officer’s mess. He likes England and the people treat him very well. He tells D...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Applegate traveled from Atlantic City to Sioux Falls, South Dakota by way of Chicago. He explains how the U.S.O. took care of them duri...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Middleton has arrived in India. He explains not very many people speak English. He describes the hard work with crude tools that the na...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Phipps comments on the weather. It has been raining a lot. The mail has been slow. He thanks everyone for the presents. It really ...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Henderson writes on United States Navy stationary. He has been in California since November 15. It was a nice trip from Baltimore, Maryland....
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Bridgewater writes from Port Hueneme, California. He tells Dorsey he will be heading out to sea soon. He does not think California is a...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Beaver writes from the British Isles. He got to see his brother-in-law and found him healthy and fine. He describes the countryside and ...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Regan tells Dorsey he has not been in England very long. The people are very nice but sometimes they are hard to understand. They ...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Guernsey works from 8:00 to 4:30 as a truck mechanic at McChord Field in Tacoma, Washingtn. There are two other local people stati...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Meredith is in England. The local people have been very nice. He has been learning the English money system. He cannot say much about...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Henderson writes from San Francisco. His new address is in the Ferry Building. They stay on a barge that is a floating machine shop....
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Clegg writes from San Diego, California. He only worked at the plant for 2 and a half months. He was working with Abe Riggles and&...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Fisher writes to ask if Dorsey is feeling better. Picture on postcard shows a man with a scale and other people at a market in...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Bailey writes on his own stationary “Aviation Cadet Woody Bailey United States Army Air Forces.” He has changed addresses several times&...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Archie writes he’s been busy but had Saturday afternoon off. He went to town and doesn’t like the people but likes the stores&...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
A magazine dedicated to sharing the mission, spirituality and ministries of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.
2 HOPE // FALL 2010 3HOwithinPEFeaturesToday’s sisters 4Shouldn’t all sisters wear habits?Q & A 6A vocation...
Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana
Guernsey apologizes for not writing sooner but has been busy. He recalls the Community House, Smitty’s, the swimming pool, fishing along t...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Renn is now in Belgium and the people there seem happy to have been liberated. The weather is too cold to sleep comfortably. He se...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Miller writes from France. Most of the boys like France better than England. The weather is not as rainy and there is more to see....
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Fisher acknowledges receiving two letters from Dorsey and the Speedometer on the same day that he is writing. He is sure the men at...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence