250THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYReilly, Jean D., 2IG, ha West TerreHaute, 201 South 6th St.
1919-1929teacher of grades, consolidated school,Sugar Creek township, Vigo county.Reimers, Clotile C, A. B., ha 823 NorthSth St., Vincennes
pa Owensville
supply teacher at Martinsville, Illinois andStaunton, before graduation
1928-1930teacher of mathematics, Owensville.Reintjes, DoIIie, 2P, ho Linton
1922-1927 taught Stockton township
1927-1928 taught Dugger, Cass township
1928-1929 teacher grades, Switz City.Replogle, Ruth Ann, B. S., ha Economy:1928-1929 teacher of junior high school,English and geography, North Libert...
tought six years Clay City, Harrisontownship, Clay county, before graduation
1928-1930 teacher of mathematics,junior high school, Richmond.Richardson, Blanche, B. S., ha 2216Third Ave., Terre Haute
pa same
1923-1928 teacher grades, Eliza B. WarrenSchool, Terre Haute
1928-1930 teachergrades, Deming School, Terre Haute
2IG, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute, 1929.Richardson, Edythe, 2P, ha Farmersburg
taught one year in rural school
two years grades, Shelburn and fouryears grades, Farmersburg
1928-1929primary work, Farmersburg.Richey, Mrs. Effie Hart, B. S., ha TerreHaute, 1226 South 17th St.
pa 4110Grand Blvd., East Chicago
taught fiveyears in high school before graduation
1925-1927 teacher of commerce, Martinsville
1927-1929 at, not teaching,married to Russell Richey.Richmond, Mrs. Margaret Jones, R. S.,pa 1701 Sycamore St., Terre Haute
1924-1928 teacher grades, CrawfordSchool, Terre Haute
1928-1930 teacheropportunity room Thompson School,Terre Haute
teacher, demonstrationclass, Indiana State Teachers Collegesummer 1926.Ridenour, Elizabeth A., 2IG, ha Peru,RFD 5
taught six and one-half yearsbefore graduation
1922-1929 teacher ofgrades, Peru.Rinsch, Albert E., B. S., pa Freelandville
1920-1922 teacher of history andEnglish, Widner township schools
1922-1929 teacher of history and English,high school, Freelandville
attended Vincennes University summer of 1920.Ritenour, Martha C, B. S., ha Oxford
pa Ellettsville
1928-1930 teacher homeeconomics and English, Elletsville.Roberts, Ivan D., 2R, ha Shelburn, RFDA, Box 3, taught one year in grades,Shelburn, one year&...
nr sincegraduation.Roberts, Roy, B. S., ha Owensburg:taught three years in grades Macksontownship, Green county: one year gradeprincipal, Marshall tow...
1928-1929teacher of science, Owensburg.Robbins, Naomi, 2P, pa Shelburn
teacher of rural school, Sullivan county, forone year before graduation
1928-1930teacher of grades, East Yard School,Shelburn.Rodden, Mrs. Myrtle McCormick, A. 1.
ha Indianapolis, 337 Campbell Ave.
1914-1917 taught in Castleton HighSchool
1917-1923 taught in CumberlandHigh School
1923-1927 taught in Warren Central High School, Indianapolis
1928-1929 vice principal and teacher ofLatin, Warren Central High School, Indianapolis.Rohm, Fairie Downin, 2P, ha Rockville:1905-1906 taught rural school,...
1906-1909 taughtgrades, Montezuma
1909-1910 ruralschools, Reserve township Park county
1910-1911 teacher grades, Lyford
1911-1912 teacher rural school, Florida township, Park county
1912-1914 teachergrades, Coxville
1914-1916 teacher ruralschools, Mansfield
1916-1924 not teaching, homekeeper
1924-1926 taughtgrades Gessie
1926-1928 student Indiana State Teachers College
1928-1929married, at home, not teaching.Rosenfeld, Ida, B. S., ha Terre Houte,819 South 4th St.
1928-1930 teacher ofhome economics, Deming School, TerreHaute.Rosenmund-Grubb, Mrs Ellen, A. B., pa3210 Kenwood Ave., Apt 1, Indianapolis
1905-1908 teacher in district schools,Ripley county
1908-1912 teacher indistrict schools, Franklin county
1912-1915 teacher of grades, Newcastle
1915-1916 teacher of music and art, Newport
1916-1917 teacher of English and opportunity, Owensville
1917-1918 ward principal, Madison
1918-1920 teacher ofmathematics, Connersville
1920-1921teacher high school, Epsom
1921-1928teacher of mathematics in grades, Indianapolis
1928-1930 teacher in department of mathematics, Indianapolis.Ross, Beulah Mae, 2IG, ha Terre Haute,RFD E, Box 162
1928-1929 teacher ele-mentray grades, Vigo county.Rowland, Edna, 2IG, ha Ft. Wayne, 1913Johns St.
1928-1929 at home, not teaching.Rubel, Mary Engle, B. S., ha Tulsa,Okla., 2210 East 19th St.
taught inIndiana eight years, eight years in Tulsa, Oklahoma before graduation
1928-1929 teacher grades, junior high school,Tulsa, Okla.Rush, Rose Pennington, A. B.,
ha NewGoshen
1904-1917 taught elementarygrades, Fayette township, Vigo county
1923-1928 taught high school, Fayettetownship, Vigo county before graduation
1928-1929 teacher Latin and science,Perrysville.Rust, Marion, A. B., ha 2515 Date St.,Louisville, Ky.
pa care of American National Red Cross, Washington, D. C,taught two terms, rural schools Browncounty
two terms, Bartholomew county
seven terms, junior high school,Bartholomew county
one term juniorhigh school, Clinton
one term juniorhigh schol, Kentland
one term principal,high school, Earl Park
two terms highschool and superintendent, Shelburn
one term principal commissioned highschool, Carlisle, before graduation
192?-1930 national representative, AmericanNational Red Cross, Washington, D. C.Russell, Hosea Reed, B. S., ha Pimento
1922-1926 taught grades, Pimento
1927-1930 teacher of manual training andhistory, Pimento.Russell, Mary Kathryn, B. S., ha TerreHaute, 1301 South 3rd St.
1928-1929teacher art, Terre Haute.Sacks, Frances M., 2P, ha Terre Haute,433 North 13th St.
taught five yearsbefore graduation
1928-1930 teacher