THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY81Manders, Emma, pa RFD 2, Logansport
1908-1912 teacher of grades, Logansport
1912-1929 teacher of Latin, high school,Logansport.Martin, Bernice, ha East Chicago
nr.Martin, Heber C, la East Las Vegas, N.M 1908-1909 principal Rich SquareHigh School, Lewisville
1909-1911 superintendent schools, Versailles
1911-1912 student, Indiana University, schoolof education
A. B., 1912
1912-1913principal high school, LaCrosse
1914resident in mountains of New Mexicofor health reasons
lr 1914.Martin-Lantry, Mrs. Isabel, nr.Merriman, Gertrude, pa 672 4th Ave.,Terre Haute
1908-1922 teacher of gradeschools, Terre Haute
1923-1924 assistant in history, Garfield High School,Terre Haute
1925-1929 assistant history, Wiley High School, Terre Haute.Meseke, Frank B., pa 549 RiversideDrive, Apt. 5-B, New York City
Office,120 Broadway, New York City
1908-1909 teacher of German, high school Seymour
1909-1910 principal high school,Sunnyside, Wash.: 1910-1911 teacher ofGerman, Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam,Wis.
1911-1912 received Fh. B. University of Chicago
1912-1914 master ofGerman, Lake Forest Academy
1914-1915 instructor in German, TechnicalHigh School, Indianapolis
1915-1916Law School, University of Chicago
1916-1918 teacher of German, highschool, Columbus
1918-1929 practicinglaw in New York City and Washington-ton D. C.Moery, Otto E., pa 1421 North 7th St.,Terre Haute
1908-1909 assistant inhigh school, jasper
1909 appointed observer U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C.
1909-1910 second assistantWeather Bureau, Celeveland, O.
1910-1912 first assistant, Weather Bureau,Peoria, 111.
1912-1916 first assistantWeather Bureau
1916-1924 meteorologist Terre Haute
1924-1929 meteorologist, U. S. Weather Bureau, TerreHaute.Moore-Steele, Mrs. Dessie A., pa 239Roche St., Huntington
1908-1919 teacher of fourth grade, William StreetSchool, Huntington
1919-1930 home-keeper and substitute teacher
marriedto Earl Steele.Morrison, Rolio, nr.Morton-Johnson, Ivory G., pa RFD 8,Box 284, Indianapolis
taught for severalyears in Marion in city schools and withMarion Normal College
critic teacherwith Muncie Normal Institute
nowteaching in Emerson school, 58, Indianapolis
attended Indiana Universityand Butler University.Nantz, Goldie, pa 1108 North 6th St.,Terre Haute
1908-1911 teacher in public schools, Glen Ayr
1911-1923 teacherin public schools, Terre Haute
1923-1924 teacher in Kan3as City, Mo.
1926-1929 teacher of Latin, McLean JuniorHigh School, Terre Haute.ODonnell-McIntyre, Mrs. Frances, la 128South 11th St., Terre Haute
lr 1914married to Edward V. Mclntyre in 1911
not teaching
homekeeper.ODell, Fannie, pa Odon
1908-1924 primary teacher, Odon
1927-1928 primaryteacher Odon.Paynter, Harriett, la Indianapolis
1908-1924 teacher of primary grades, Indianapolis.Perkins-Coe, Mrs. Ethel C, pa 209 Forrest Ave., Woodstock, 111.
taught primary grades seven years various citie3in Indiana before graduation
1908-1909teacher of grades, Indianapolis
1909-1911 critic teacher grades, ManchesterCollege, North Manchester
1911-1913teacher of English, high school, Rensselaer
1913-1916 deputy county clerk,Jasper county
1918 married to John I.Coe and widowed in 1923
1923-1925teacher English and community civics,junior high school, Woodstock, 111.
1925-1929 county superintendent schools, Mc-Henry county, Woodstock, 111.
attendedUniversity of Illinois, summer 1912.Peters, Emma Bertha, pa Gary
1908-1909 teacher in high school, Raleigh
1909-1910 teacher in high school, Milroy
1910-1911 graduate of Indiana University
1911 teacher of Latin, Muncie
attended University of Chicago summerquarters 1914-1915-1916
1927-1928teacher of Latin, Emerson High School,Gary.Phillips, Charles H., pa 836 North EastSt., Indianapolis
1898-1903 teacher,country schools, Bartholomew county
1003-1905 teacher elementary grades,Hartsville
1905-1908 principal of school,Marshall
1908-1909 superintendent ofschools, Bicknell
1909-1910 superintendent of schools, Hope
1912-1918 headscience department, high school, Seymour
1918-1919 director of motor transportation, Y. M. C. A. on ArgonneForest Front and for third army inCoblenz, Germany
1918-1922 head science department, high school, Seymour
1922-1923 chief instructor and manager,Indianapolis Auto School
1923-1924principal of school. Medora
1921-1525district manager, Chicago Telegraph Institute
1925-1926 manager Red BallTransit Company, St. Louis, Mo.
1926-1929 manager Mayflower Transit Company, Pittsburg and St. Louis
1929-1930 district manager, Alexander Hamilton Institute.Porter, Ezra, taught several years
deceased about 1910.Powers-Munsey, Mrs. Jessie L. ha Gaston
1908-1909 teacher in Marion public schools
1909-1913 teacher in public schools, Wenatchee, Wash.
1914-191G not teaching, homekeeper, marriedto Fred Powers of Wenatchee, Washington, lr 1916.Price-Barrett, Mrs. Mary J., pa 1C00Pandora Ave., Los Angeles,&...
lr 1928married in 1916 to Charles P. Barrett
not teaching
homekeeper.Rust, Grace A., pa 37 South Meridan,Indianapolis
1908-1910 principal Browns-town
1910-1912 student, University ofIllinois
1913-1917 teacher of mathematics, Washington
1917-1918 teacher atMason City, la.
1018-1919 Barstow Private School, Kansas City. Mo.
1919-1920received M. A. degree, Columbia University: 1920-1921 teacher of home economies, State College of Pennsylvania:1921-1928 president and general...
1874-1882 teacherschools, Evansville
1882-1885 married,not teaching, homekeeper
1885-1893teacher, Blairsville
1893-1895 student,Indiana State Teachers College
1895-1906 teacher, Evansville