THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY187sion, Washington, D. C, 1927-1928 M.A. George Washington University
married Harold Ferguson Allman. Nov.1927, vice-consul, Wndsor, Canada.Donovan, John, A. B., ha 1005 SouthSth St., Terre Haute
pa 1614 17th St.,North West, Washington, D. C.
1924-1925 teocher of history, public speakingand coach, high school, Portland
1925-1928 student, Georgetown Law School,Washington, D. C.Dorsett-Needler, Mrs. Mildred, 2IG, hoCloverdale
pa 620 North Gernhardt St.,Mishawaka: 1924-1925 teaching at Attica
1925-1929 teacher elementary grades,Mishawaka.Duncan, David O., A. B., ha RFD 2, Box181, Howell
nr.Dunn, Nancy, A. B., ha Vincennes
paEast Chicago
care of City Schools
1915-1916 teacher, high school. Sand-born
1916-1918 teacher junior highschool, Spencer
1918-1919 teacher inhigh school, Oaktown
1919-1923 teacherhigh school, Vincennes
1924-1929 teacher, high school, East Chicago.Eavey, Mrs. Marie, ha 501 South 20thSt., Terre Haute
pa same
1924-1926teacher, Glenn Home, Terre Haute
1926-1929 teacher elementary grades,Mont Rose School, Terre Haute.Edmons, Hazel Hester, 2IG, ha 3100South 9th St., Terre Haute
1926-1928teacher of elementary grades Riley:1928-1930 teacher, elementary grades,Mishawaka.Elcan-Haudlett, Mrs. Mary, B. S., haTerre Haute
1924-1925 teacher Mt. Vernon High School, Mt. Vernon
1926-1927teacher, Saginaw, Mich.
married to Mr.Walter Scott Houdlett
lr 1927.Elliott, Merrill, A. B., ha Oaktown
pa643 Barbour Ave., Terre Haute
1925-1929 teacher, science, Wiley High School,Terre Haute.Engle, Lee, 2IA, ha Bloomingdale, pa213 West Harrison St., Danville, 111.
1924-1930 teacher industrial arts, juniorhigh school, Danville, 111.Eno, Katherine, A. B.. ha Sullivan
paFarmersburg: 1924-1925 not teaching
1926-1929 teacher, home economics andEnglish, Farmersburg.Evrard, Fred J., A. B., ha Tell City
1924-1925 principal of Pinetownship schools, Benton county
1925-1929 county superintendent of schools,Perry county
1929 reelected countysuperintendent, June 1929.Fariss, Mariam, 2P, pa 1401 South 10thTerre Haute, 1924-1930 employed atRoots Dry Goods Company, Terre Haute...
1924-1927 teacherof history, public speaking, and coaching,Petersburg
1927-1929 teacher of history and public speaking in high school,Marshall, 111.
1929-1930 salesman forMcMillan Sporting Goods Company,Terre Haute.Fogler, Mrs. Lorena B., A. B., ha TerreHaute
pa 1722 Va Wabash Ave., TerreHaute
1911-1919 teacher, Illinois andOklahoma
1919-1930 teacher, art, Deming School. Terre Haute
A. B. fromAustin College. Sherman, Tex.Foley, Hilda, 2IG, ha Martinsville
paMishawaka, Box 184
1924-1925 teacherin Attica
1926-1929 teacher in BinghamSchool, Mishawaka.Frazier, Bonnie G., 2IG, ha 1415 MapleAve., Terre Haute
nr.Frieg, Lida, 2IG, ha New Harmony
1926-1929 teacher of intermediate grades, Oxford.Freitag-Sahm, Mrs. Anna J., B. S., pa121% Kent, Ave., Terre Haute
1929-1930 not teaching, homekeeper
for complete record see class of1922.Gadberry, Elmer, B. S., ha 1532 South10th St., Terre Haute
pa Ensley, Ala.
1924-1926 Vincennes public schools, Vincennes
1926-1929 teacher high school,Ensley, Ala.Gantner, Margaret, 2P, ha 20 North 12thSt., Terre Haute
pa some
1924-1925not teaching
1925-1929 teacher of primary work, public schools, Terre Haute.Geisert, Antone A., A. B., ha 1423 MapleAve., Terre Haute
pa Mooseheart, 111.:Box 65
1924-1927 head mathematicsdepartment, high school, Crown Point
1927-1929 teacher, mathematics and science, Franklin High School, Seattle,Wash.
1929-1930 teacher, mathematics,city schools, Mooseheart, 111.
attendedState Teachers College, Terre Hautesummer 1926
University of Washingtonsummer of 1928.Gill, Lela M., 2IG, 2526 College Ave.,Terre Haute
1916-1917 teacher ofgrades, Newton, 111.
1917-1918 teacherof grades, Harrison township, Vigocounty
1925-1930 teacher grades,Montrose School, Terre Haute.Graff, Anna M., 2H.E., ha 1434 South3rd St., Terre Haute
pa Box 7, Monterey
1926-1929 teacher of home economics and English, Monterey.Greer, Floyd, A. B., ha 2153 North Ar-mary work, public schools, Terre Haute,senal Ave.,...
1925-1927 teacher Summer High School, St. Louis,Mo.
1927-1929 teacher high school, Indianapolis.Grigsby, Carl, A. B., ha 431 North 6thSt., Terre Haute
pa 231 West WolfeSt., Sulivan
1924-1929 teacher of mathematics and physics, Sullivan HighSchool, Sullivan
1929-1930 teacher ofscience and mathematics, Bicknell.Grose, John L., A. B., ha RFD B, TerreHaute
pa 502 Haddon St., ArlingtonHeights
Cook county, 111.
1919-1920teacher, manual arts, Edinburg
1921-1922 teacher, manual arts, Princeton
1922-1923 teacher, manual arts, Sullivan
1926 teacher of manual arts, Janes-ville, Wis.
1927-1929 teacher, manualarts, Arlington Heights, 111
coachedbaseball at Rose Polytechnic Institutein Spring of 1927
taught manual arts
mathematics and physical education.Haas, Miss Glee V., 2IG ha Mellott
1924-1925 teacher inKiger School, Warren county, Independence
1926-1929 teacher of intermediate grades, Independence.Habermeier, Lena, A. B., ha Terre Haute
pa 1019% South 15th St., Terre Haute
1929-1930 teacher of history, McLeanJunior High School, Terre Haute, forcomplete record see class of 1915.Hadley, Esther, 2P, ha Hadley
pa same
1924-1925 teacher, Amo
1926-1929 athome, not teaching.Hall, Myrtle M., 2IG, ha Moores Hill
1924-1929 teacher, grades, Moores Hill.Hamilton, Therese, 2IG, ha Fontanet
1924-1926 teacher, elementary grades,Vincennes
1926-1929 teacher, elementary grades, Fontanet.Hankins, Eileen, 2IG, ha 2815 Garfield