Chambers, Helen 10, 28, 31,38, 39, 49, 55, 90Chambers, John E 52, 90Chambers, Kenny 114Chambers, Michael 109Chambers, Patricia Jo 114Chambers, Thomas&...
Marriage applications 1882sorted by grooms nameGroomGrooms fatherGrooms motherBrideMaiden name if widowLast, First M.Last, First M.Last, First M.Last, First M.L...
Section 8BxH. R. 301Miss WylieSection 8BYH. R. 213Mr. BakerSection 8B3H. R. 217Miss SmithJUNIOR HIGHTop picture, back row, back—Dooreen Mathers, Mar...
A list of those mustered into service on May 10, 1898 for this regiment showing name, rank, and the location they enlisted from....
SOLDIERS MEMORIALof the157th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry.STUDEBAKERS TIGERS.RegimentalOfficers and Staff.GEORGE M. STUDEBAKER, Colonel.WILL. T . MAY, Lieutenant...
Post, Jeffery 114Potts, Vickie 114Powel, Robin 114Price, Daniel 114, 144Prince, Mike 142, 114Pryor, Pamela 132,169,114Purcell, Mike 114Ragle, Tamera 114Ramage,&...
QQQQQQQQQAbbitt, Rhonda 117Abbott, Robin D. 109, 141, 146Abram, Bartley K. 109Abram, Chelle Teroy 109Abram, Denver Keith 125Abrams, TinyaJ 109Acord, Thomas...
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLRow l_Leon Benson, Don Trisler, Ivan Miller, Bill Foddrill, Louise Sylvester,Virginia Rose, Betsy dimming, Clarice Clemens, Gladys Dyke,&...
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Commencement Program
One Hundred and NineteenthCommencementofRose-Hulman Instituteof Technology11 a.m., May 31, 1997Alumni Center for Athleticsand RecreationCommencement ProgramPrelude .... ....