134THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYtownship, Owen county, and two years,Tulsa, Oklahoma before graduation
1916-1924 principal, Longfellow gradeschool, Tulsa. Okla.
1924-1925 studentUniversity of Oklahoma, B. S.: 1925-1929 superintendent West UniversityPlace, Independent School District
1929-1930 principal, John J. Pershing JuniorHigh School, Huston, Tex.
graduatework University of Oklahoma summers1926 and 1927.Orman, Shirley S., pa Tulsa, Okla.
1916-1919 director of manual training,Shreveport, La.
1919-1924 drafting anddrawing, Tulsa. Okla.
1926-1929 teaching in the high school, Tulsa, Okla.♦Osborne, Grace, ha Petersburg
1916-1917 teacher in Petersburg
1917-1918government service, Washington, D. C.Jdeceased, November, 1918.Oyler, Lahue, pa 404 East Charles St.,Muncie
1916-1918 teacher in grades,city schools, Muncie
1918-1922 teacherdepartmental art, city schools, Muncie
1922-1923 student Pratt Institute, NewYork City
1923-1926 assistant professor of art, Bali Teachers College, Muncie
1926-1927 attended Chicago University, receiving Ph. B. in art
also attended Pratt Institute, New York in1925
lr 1927.Paddock, Frank, A. B. pa Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa.
taught two andone-half years in the rural schools ofVigo county before graduation
1916-1918 teacher in high school, Odon andMadison
1918-1920 principal CambridgeCity
1920-1923 teacher St. John Military Academy, Delafield, Wis.
1924-1929 instructor of political science, OhioState University, Columbus, Ohio
received Ph. D. from University of Wisconsin in 1925: 1928-1929 assistant professor of political science, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa.Palmer, ...
1916-1924 teacher in the public schools, UnionMills, Hanna, Greensfork, Silver Lake,and La Otto
1924-1929 principal of thehigh school, Waterloo.Pancake, Lee, pa Canton, Ohio.
1911-1913 teacher in Flatrock township, Bartholomew county
1913-1918 teacher ofeighth and ninth grades, Central HighSchool, Columbus
1918-1919 teacher inhigh school, Elwood
1919 army
1920-1929 teacher of mechanical drawing,McKinley High School, Canton, Ohio.Payton-Roeschlein, Mrs. Minerva, A. B.pa Center Point
1916-1929 teacher ofmathematics, Latin and home economicsin the high schools, Center Point, Bowling Green, Bloomingdale, Helt township,Ashboro and Sugar Ri...
Box 1148
taught in theEast Chicago public schools from 1912-1914 before graduation
1916-1920,teacher of grades, East Chicago publicschools
married to Mr. Wamsher in1920
1920-1929 not teaching, home-keeper.Pickard, Sherman, nr.Pickett, Hale C, pa Ohio University,Athens, Ohio
complete record in theclass of 1919.♦Powers, Ben ha Roachdale
deceasedin 1923.Pruitt-Sellers, Mrs. Hazel Belle, pa 25Adelford Ave., Akron, Ohio
1916-1918teacher of English in the high school,Edinburg
1918-1929 teacher of Englishin the Robinson and Lincoln schools,Akron, Ohio.Pyle, J. Freeman, pa care of MarquetteUniversity, Milwaukee, Wis.
1910-1913teacher in district schools, Pike county
1913-1914 teacher in the high school,Winslow
1914-1916 teacher in the department of history and commerce, EastChicago High School, also taking workin the University of Chicogo
1916-1920teacher in the State Teachers College,Kirksville, Ma.
1920-1925 instructorin the School of Commerce and Administration, University of Chicago
1923-1925 lecturer in economics, school ofCommerce, Northwestern University,Evanston, 111.
1925-1929 dean, RobertA. Johnson College of Business Administration, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
received Ph. B. in artsand science in 1917 from the Universityof Chicago, Ph. D. School of Commerceand Administration, 1925.Reece, Raymond J. ha&...
pa2448 North 14th St., Terre Haute
1929-1930 assistant professor, history,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute for complete record see class1913.Riehl, Charles Edward, A. B. ha Griffith...
1916-1917 not teaching
1917-1918 attending Michigan University
1918-1919 with the United States MarineCorps
1919-1927 superintendent ofschools, Griffith
1927-1929 principalelementary schools, Whiting
attendedUniversity of Chicago and MichiganUniversity.Riner-Stokes, Mrs. Edith, pa Bellmore
taught two years, grades, Union township, Park county
1916-1924 teacher,English, Latin, domestic science, musicand drawing, high school, Bellmore
1924-1930 not teaching, homekeeper,married.Roberts-Bonham, Mrs. Dorothy, pa Mulberry
lr married, at home, not teaching,homekeeper.Rogers, Katherine U„ pa 1019 South 9thSt., Terre Haute
1916-1929, experiencemostly in Terre Haute school system,now teaching drawing at Sarah ScottJunior High School, Terre Haute
A. B.,Indiana State Teachers College.Rosenmund, Frieda R., pa 614 CottageAve., Indianapolis.
pa 140 Sheridan St.,Greensburg
1916-1929 teacher of mathematics and Latin, Greensburg.Rupe-Guthrie, Mrs. Dale, ha Boston
1917-1918 teacher of Latin and domestic science, Oaktown
1918-1919 attending Purdue University
1919 married toJ. I. Guthrie, not teaching, homekeeper
lr 1919.Sage-Cooper, Mrs. Ora, ha Goodland
1912-1916 teacher in rural schools, Newton county
1916-1921 teaching in thegrades, Newton county, Laporte, andRennselaer
1921-1929 married, home-keeper, living on a farm in Newtoncounty.Sarig, J. D., ha Winchester
1916-1918principal high school, Decatur
1918-1924 principal high school. WhiteRiver township
1924-1930 principalLincoln Consolidated School, Randolphcounty
LL. B. University of California.