Search Results - (( board ave ches...
Showing 1 - 20 of 465 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( board ave ches...
Showing 1 - 20 of 465 results

  • 256THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYYoung, Evelyn, B. S., ha Brazil

    pa Kokomo

    1928-1930 teacher physical education, Kokomo.Young, Naomi, 2IG, ha 760 West 26thSt., Indianapolis

    pa Preston, Mr.

    1928-1929 teacher elementary grades, Preston,Md.CLASS OF 1929Acher, Virginia Pate, B. S., pa 2337 College Ave., Terre Haute

    1919-1923 statepresident of Indiana Child-Welfare Association

    1924-1930 state historian Parent-Teacher Association

    author of History of Parent-Teacher Association ofIndiana

    1926-1930 director for MentalHygiene of Indiana

    1925-1928 memberboard of education, Terre Haute, president, 1927

    1927-1929 member board ofdirectors, Womans Department Club,Terre Haute

    1921-1930 member boardand vice-president of Community Fundof Terre Haute

    1929-1930 homekeeper,wife of Rudolph A. Acher, professor ofeducation, Indiana State Teachers College.Adams, Viola Ross, B. S., pa 1940 North10th St., ...

    supervising principal, Lyford, Parke county

    taught English, Rankin School, Terre Haute

    taughtrural schools twelve years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher English, physiology, geography, social studies andsupervising principal, Rankin School,Terre Haute.Adams, Willis L., B. S., ha Sandborn...


    1923-1925 teacher ruralschool, Stafford township, Greene county

    1926-1927 teacher grades five andsix, Marco

    1927-1928 teacher highschool, Hardinsburg

    1928-1930 teacherindustrial arts, health, biology, Greentown. i -»i|Aders, Oral Madison, B. S., pa Montezuma

    taught one year in rural school

    seven years in high school, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher industrial arts,general science, social science, Montezuma.Albright, Harold, B. S., ha Colfax


    1929 spring term, teacherphysical education, Indiana State Teachers College Training School

    1929-1930teacher physical education, mathematics,Graysville.Allais, Irene Adele, A. B., pa 426 WillowSt., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 at homeand not teaching.Allen, Thelma Angeline, 2IG, ha RFD 1,Independence

    pa Winthrop

    taughtgrades five, six, seven and eight twoyears, Hedrick, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher grades five, six, seven andeight, Winthrop.Allison, Katherine, 2P, pa RFD 2, Washington

    1927-1928 teacher grades,Daviess county

    1928-1929 student, Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    1929-1930 teacher primarygrades, Veale township, Daviess county.Anderson, Mrs. Thelma I. Miller, 2P, haShelburn

    1922-1928 teacher primarygrades, Sullivan county

    1928-1929 student, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute

    1929 deceased.Andrews, Christine, 2R, pa West Lebanon

    1927-1930 teacher elementary grades,Warren county.Apple, Zelma, 2IG, pa Paoli

    1927-1930teacher rural schools, Paoli township,Paoli.Arbuckle, Lloyd, 2IG, pa Scottsburg

    taught rural schools, Scott county,three years before graduation

    1929-1930teacher elementary grades, Scottsburg.Armstrong, Opal, 2IG, pa Boonville

    1926-1930 teacher rural school, Boonetownship, Warrick county.Armstrong, Ruby Mae, 2IG„ pa Riley

    taught one year in Riley township, Vigocounty, before graduation

    1929-1930teacher grades five and six, Blackhawk.Arndt, Mrs. Easter D., 2IG, pa Kingsbury

    taught rural school, Hill Grove,LaPorte county, three years

    elementarygrades, Union township, LaPorte county,before graduation

    1929-1930 teachergrades seven and eight, LaPorte county.Arthur, Milton W., 2IG, pa RFD 5,Washington

    1929-1980 teacher gradeseven, Longfellow School, Washingtontownship, Daviess county.Artis, Chester A., 2IG, ha 1120 NorthKennedy St., Kokomo

    1929-1930 studentIndiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute.Asbury, Alice, 2IG, ha 318% South4th St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 teacher grades three and four, Cruft School,Terre Haute.Ash, Margaret C, 2IG, ha Loogootee

    1927-1930 teacher elementary grades,Perry township, Martin county.Ashby, Ora Lee, 2IG, pa Cass

    1927-1928teacher elementary grades, CenterSchool, Cass township, Sullivan county

    1928-1929 student, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1929-1930 athome and not teaching.Ashmead, Eleanor L., B. S., pa RFD 6,Terre Haute

    1929-1930 teacher home economics, Von Buren High School, Brazil.Badger, Mildred Loray, 2IG, ha 1612South 9th St., Terre Haute

    pa LaPorte

    1929-1930 teacher departmental grades,LaPorte.Bailey, Hazel Violet, 2IG, ha RFD 2,Farmersburg

    pa Wheeler, 111.

    1926-1928 teacher elementary grades, PrairieCreek, Vigo county

    1928-1929 studentIndiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    1929-1930 teacher grades, Wheeler, 111.Bailey, Ormand M., 2IG, ha Williamsport

    1925-1930 elementary principaland teacher of grades, Liberty township, Warren county.Baldwin, Edward C, B. S., pa St. Paul1921-1922 teacher rural school,&#...

    1922-1924 teacher grades andelementary principal, Groveland

    1924-1925 teacher, grades and principal,Shannondale

    1925-1930 teacher commerce, St. Paul.Bales, Florence, 2P, pa Fairbanks

    taughtprimary grades, Fairbanks

    rural school,Scott City, before graduation

    1929-1930 at home and not teaching.Ball, Laura A., 2P, pa RFD A, Rosedale:1927-1930 teacher first grade, Lyford.Bannon, Jessie, 2IG, pa Box ...

    taught one year in rural schoolond one year in grades school beforegraduation

    1929-1930 teacher grades,Seelyville.Barlow, Lenore E., B. S., pa 121 FordiceSt., Lebanon

    1921-1923 taught inEvansville

    1923-1924 taught in Ander-

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 44THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYprofessor of rural education. Universityof Chicago

    received A. B. degree, Indiana University 1904

    received Ph. D.Columbia University 1927.Hoover-Ohmart, Mrs. Martha, pa NorthManchester

    taught nine years in Indiana before gradaution

    1900-1909teacher in the grades and high school.North Manchester

    1909-1914 criticteacher in grades, Manchester College

    1914-1929 substitute teacher and home-keeper,Hufty, Ernest E., pa Paonia, Colo.

    1900-1904 principal schools, Mt. Ayr

    1904-1906 principal schools, Paonia,Colo.

    1906-1912 in business, Paonia,Colo.

    1912-1916 superintendent schools,Crawford, Colo.

    1916-1929 in lumberbusiness in Paonia, Colo.Kassens, David W., nr.♦Keller, Vernon C, Bourbon

    1900-1901principal Alexandria

    1901-1907 in general mercantile business, Galveston

    1907-1916 in hardware business, Bourbon

    member school board, Galveston1904-1907

    member town council, Bourbon, 1909-1913

    deceased May 15, 1923.Kendall, John W., pa Marion

    1900-1905superintendent of schools, Newport

    1906-1909 superintendent of schools,Middletown

    1909-1910 student, IndianaUniversity, A. B. history 1910

    1910-1916 principal high school, Greenfield

    1915-1918 principal high school, Peru

    1918-1930 principal high school, Marion.Kennedy, Erne G., pa 648 Swan St.,Terre Haute

    taught from 1902-1926in city schools of Terre Haute

    retiredin 1925.Kepner, Frank B., pa 6th Ave. Station,Tacoma, Wash.

    1900-1901 principalWest Side School, Alexandria

    1901-1905 superintendent schools. Hunting-burg

    1905-1908 supervising principalBaker Avenue School, Evansville

    1908-1925 supervising principal WhitmanSchool, Tacoma, Wash.

    1925-1929 principal Jason Lee Junior High School,Tacoma, Wash.

    graduate Indiana University, A. B. degree 1893

    attendedChicago University summer 1908.Kimball, Frank J., nr.Kumler, Martha, pa 515 W. Jackson St.,Kokomo

    1900-1907 teacher in Kokomo public schools

    1907-1908 traveled1908-1910 Btudent in domestic scienceBchool of Battle Creek Sanitarium

    1910-1915 at home

    1916-1917 teacher ofdomestic science in Kokomo schools

    1927-1929 teacher of home economics,Kokomo.Lawrence-Standard, Mrs, Margaret L., pa6214 32nd Ave.. N. E., Seattle, Wash.

    1900-1907 teacher in grades, TerreHaute: 1907-1929 married

    homekeeperin Seattle, Wash.Lawrence-Cox, Mrs. Olive, la ColumbiaCity

    1900-1901 assistant principal highschool Columbia City

    1901-1903 principal Washington Township High School,Whitley county

    1902 married Mr.Charles H. Cox

    1902-1903 taughtschool

    1908-1916 did not teach, livedon a farm in Washington township,Whitley county

    overseeing the rentalof five other farms and home work

    giving a home to four orphan children

    no report since 1916.Leonard, David M., nr.Lewis, Charles E., la Durham, NewHampshire

    lr 1928 professor of biology,Agricultural College of New Hampshire.McAlpine, William, la Warsaw

    1900-1901 principal Etna Green

    1901-1904principal Rudisil School, Ft. Woyne

    1904-1906 teacher Scott township Kosciusko county

    1906-1909 principal Oswego: 1909-1916 teacher of history, highschool, Warsaw

    no report since 1916.McClure-Sherman, Mrs. Cora, nr.♦McQuinsey, James G., deceased 190S

    nr.McWilliams, Adda, reported living inLong Beach, Calif.

    nr.Morris, Albert N„ pa 7 817 Stroud Ave.,Seattle, Wash.

    1902 graduated ChicagoY. M. C. A. College

    1908 physical director, Y. M. C. A., Kenosha, Wis.

    1903-1906 physical director Y. M. C. A.Riverside, Calif.

    1906-1910 physical director, Y. M. C. A., San Diego, Calif.

    1910-1911 physical director, Y. M. C.A., Santa Bargara, Calif.

    1911-1913physical director, Y. M. C. A., SiouxCity, Iowa

    1913-1920 recreation secretary and playground director, SiouxCity, Iowa

    1911 received degree ofBachelor of Physical Education

    1920-1929 contractor and builder, Seattle,Wash.

    B. PE. degree at Lake Geneva,Chicago Y. M. C. A. College in 1913.Muir, Winifred E., ha Rushville

    1900-1901 teacher in grades. Fowler

    1901-1905 teacher in grades, Muncie, GasCity and Rushville

    1905-1907 attendedIndiana University

    1907-1908 teacherin Hull House, Chicago, 111.

    1908-1922teacher in China

    1925-1928 spent sixmonths each year in Florida andChina

    A. B. degree, Indiana University,1907.Myers, Clarence, nr.Newsom-Bryant, Mrs. Penina, pa 2212Kemper Lane, Cincinnati

    taught threeyears in schools of Indiana before graduation

    1901-1902 taught English,Anderson

    1902-1903 taught English,Indianapolis

    1903-1930 not teaching

    married in 1903 to W. C. Bryant.Ogle, James E., la Mellott

    19 0 0.1902 superintendent school, Newtown

    1902-1904 superintendent schools, Stone-bluff

    1904-1906 superintendent schools,Newtown

    1906-1911 resided at Center,Colo.

    1911-1916 living at Mellott

    lr1916.Oldaker, Elmer E., pa Cambridge City:1900-1901 principal high school, Hagers-town

    1901-1910 superintendent ofschools, Centerville

    1910-1911 memberof House of Representatives, IndianaGeneral Assembly

    1911-1916 superintendent of schools, Cambridge City

    1916-1917 teacher Normal TrainingSchool, Hinton High School, Hinton, W.Va.

    1917-1920 superintendent ofschools, Chester, W. Va.

    1920-1923principal of school. Sulphur Springs

    1923-1927 principal of school, Webster

    1927-1928 principal of Bchool, Laurel

    attended University of West Virginia1917

    summer terms at Earlhan College,Richmond.Parker-Kidder, Mrs Elizabeth, nr.♦Pepple, Mary, nr

    deceased May 1909.Porter-Marks, Mrs. Rose, nr.Prather, Samuel A., pa 966 Gray St.,Indianapolis: 1900-1902 principal Fairbanks School, Fairbanks

    1902-1905 student, Medical College of Indiana

    1905-1916 practiced medicine at Vincennes

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • The July 2006 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the&#...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The March 1999 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the&...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The February 1999 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of t...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The July 2000 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the&#...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The June 1999 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the&#...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library