46THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYer in grades. Auburn
1900-1929 wardprincipal, Anderson
attended ColumbiaUniversity, summer 1916.Thale, Adelaide, pa 1826 North Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis
teacher in ruralschools two years before graduation
1900-1930 teacher in grades, assistantprincipal, and the last thirteen years,teacher of algebra, history and commercial geography, Emmerich ManualTrnining High&...
A.B. degree, Indiana University, 1909.Thomas, Willard H., pa Hazel DellSchool, Hamilton county
1899-1900principal of school, Georgetown
1900-1901 principal ward school, Huntington
1901-1904 teacher in rural school, Madison county
1904-1907 principal schools,Perkinsville: 1907-1909 principal andteacher in high school, Yeddo
1909-1910principal and teacher, Anderson
1910-1919 teacher in grades, Madison andHamilton counties
1919-1923 carriedmail on a rural route from Lapel
1923-1925 principal Bethlehem School
1925-1926 principal of Gilead School, Miamicounty
1928-1929 principal Hazel DellSchool, Hamilton county
attended Central Normal College, Danville springterms 1892 and 1893.Taber, George M., pa RFD 7, TerreHaute
1900-1901 principal of gradedschool, Seeleyville
1902-1906 gradeteacher in schools, Terre Haute
1907-1916 ward principal, schools, TerreHaute
1916-1928 teacher and farmerin Vigo county
1928-1930 teacher, Ashboro High School, Clay county.Turrell, Blanche, pa 419 West 118th St.,New York City, N. Y.
1900-1908 teacher of English, high school, Vincennes
1908-1910 student. Indiana University:1910-1916 teacher of English, highschool, Vincennes
1916-1918 student,Indiana University and Columbia University: 1918 substitute English teacher,DeWitt Clinton High School. New YorkCity
1918-1919 teacher of English, highschool, Paterson, N. J.
1919-1929 teacher of English, William L. Dickson HighSchool, Jersey City
received A. B. inEnglish, Indiana University
A. M. inEnglish. Columbia University in 1918.Underwood, Romeo J., pa 1504 Lans-downe Ave., Saskatoon, Saskatoon, Canada
1900-1930 assistant general manager.International Harvester Company, Saskatoon
farmer, general manager SaskatoonMilk Producers Creamery: student, StateUniversity 1892-1893 student State University, Saskatchewan Agricultural Department
student night classes in economics, Saskatchewan University, 1926-1927.♦Vines, Edgar J. nr.♦Waldorf, May, ha 915 North 8th St.,Terre Haute...
1899-1903 teacher inMarion Normal, Marion
1903-1904 inFlorida
1904-1906 Girls ClassicalSchool, Indianapolis: 1905-1910 teacherpublic schools, Terre Haute
1910-1914vice-principal, Deming School, TerreHaute
1914-1920 principal, Cruft School,Terre Haute
1920-1927 principal, San-dison School
deceased in 1927.Wickens-Kennerk, Mrs. Nora, ha FortWayne
taught as critic teacher FortWayne City Training School
married in1905 and homekeeper.CLASS OF 1901Agnew, Charles E., pa 1928-1930 FortWayne
principal of Harrison School,Fort Wayne.Allison, Otis W., nr.Anderson, Monta, lr 1914 at home El-dredge St., RFD H-l Box 362, Indianapolis.Appleman, H...
before graduation, teacher for two years in ruralschools, LaGrange county
two yearsprincipal of consolidated schools
1902-1903 student, Purdue University, WestLafayette
1904-1905 teacher of manualtraining in high school, Indianapolis
1905-1906 teacher of manual training inValparaiso University
1906-1921 supervisor of manual training at South Bend:1921-1929 director of vocational andspecial education, Columbus, Ohio
B.S. University of Chicago
M. A.Ohio State University 1925.Austin, William A., la Venice, Calif.
1903-1906 teacher of mathematics andphysics in Spiceland Academy, Spice-land: 1907 A. B. mathematics, IndianaUniversity
1908, A. M. mathematics
1907-1908 had teaching fellowship inmathematics, Indiana University
1908-1909 teacher of mathematics in highschool, Fresno, Calif.
1909-1913 teacher of mathematics in State Normal, LaCrosse, Wis.
1913-1923 Fresno HighSchool and Junior College, Fresno, Calif.
head of mathematics department foreight years
1923-1928 head of department of mathematics in high school,Venice, Los Angeles, Calif.
author ofLaboratory Plane Geometry and ATeachers Manual for Plane Geometry.Beard, Carol, pa Winamac
since graduation taught in several schools in Indiana
served as principal most of thetime and is now principal of FairviewHigh School, Pulaski county, post office,Winamac.Beem, lone F., pa 31 North...
1906 A. B. Indiana University
1913, M. D. Illinois UniversitySchool of Medicine: 1913-1916 specialist, practice limited to eye, ear, nose,and throat
1929 practicing in Chicago,111.Biggs, Joseph, la Bloomington, 1915
1901-1905 principal, Columbus
1905-1906 instructor in New Orleans University
1906-1908 principal at Vincennes
1908-1909 teacher at Vincennes
1909-1912 clerk in post office, Chicago, 111.
1912-1914 water inspector for City ofChicago
1914-1916 student, IndianaUniversity
lr 1915.Black, Homer F., pa 9 Axe Ave., Valparaiso
1901-1902 superintendent ofRoann Schools, Roann
1902-1918 deanof manual training, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso
1919-1929 professor ofmathematics and science in ChicagoTechnical College, Chicago, 111.
A. B.degree, Valparaiso University in 1916
Bossert, Michael, pa Brookville
1902-1905 assistant principal, high school,Brookville
1905-1908 principal of highschool, Brookville
1908-1912 teacherand acting principal of Uoilo High School,Iloilo, P. I.
1913-1916 superintendent