200THEA LUMNI DIRECTORY1930 not teaching, homekeeper, married.McCullough, Ruth A., 2IG, ha 118 South13th St., Terre Haute
pa same
1926-1926 teacher, elementary grades,Knightsville
1926-1927 not teaching,working in dentists office, Terre Haute
1927-1929 teaching elementary grades,McKeen School, Terre Haute.McGrew, Nathan, A. B., ha Clay City
pa Stilesville
1925-1928 teacher, physical education, Ft. Wayne
June, 1928 toSept., 1928 circulation department, TerreHaute Star
Sept., 1928 to 1929 salesman for Model Milk and Ice Cream Co.,Terre Haute
1929-1930 teacher of history and physical education, Stilesville.McKinney, Esther, 2IG, ha Frankfort
pa same
1925-1929 teacher, city schools,Frankfort.McKinsey, Mabel, B. S., ha Elizabeth-town
pa Bremen
1925-1929 teacher,home economics, Breman.Mace, Herbert, A. B., ha 828 South 7thSt., Terre Haute
pa Reelsville
1925-1929 owner and manager. Mace TireCompany, Terre Haute.Mahorney, Dorothy, 2A, ha 201 East 4thSt., Seymour
po 824 Eost 8th St., Columbus
1926-1929 teaching art andassistant supervisor, city schools, Columbus.Manson-Ranahan, Mrs. Martha, A. B.,pa 19 Jackson Blvd., Terre Haute
1925-1929 not teaching
homekeeper, married.Maple, Mary Frances, B. S., 116 SouthSection St., Sullivan
1925-1926 teacher,Merom College, Merom
1926-1929teacher in high school, Sullivan.Marketto, Don C, B. S., ha Universal
pa Cannelton
1925-1927 supervisor,music, Elnora: 1927-1929 supervisor,music, Perry county, Cannelton.Marlow-Cottrell, Mrs. Mildred, 2IG, haRFD E, Terre Haute
taught one yearat Spelterville before graduation
1925-1928 teacher, grades, North TerreHaute.Martin, N. Anormalee, 2HE, ha Poseyville
pa Mt. Vernon
1925-1928 teacherat Cynthiana and Poseyville
1928-1930teacher, home economics, Mt. Vernon.Martin, Rowena
21, ha Palmyra
paEast Chicago
taught one year in Coping, Ohio, before graduation
1925-1929teacher, grades, Washington ElementarySchool, East Chicago.Martin, Julia E., A. B., ha Dana
1925-1926 teacher. West Union, 111.
1926-1929 at home, not teaching.Maurer, Albert W., A. B., ha CenterPoint
pa 311 South 26th St., Lafoyette
1925-1927 teacher, industrial arts, Chrisman, 111.
1927-1929 teacher industrialarts, Lafayette.Maxwell, Mary Pearl
2IG, ha 713 South30th St., Terre Haute
1926-1929 teacher, elementary grades, Montrose School,Terre Haute.Meahl, Mary C, B. S., ha Vallonia
1927-1929 teacher, home economics, Linden
1929-1930 teacher,home economics, Bedford.Mehringer, Ardella
A. B., ha 1508Woodley Ave., Terre Haute
1925-1929teacher, Latin and English, Bentonville.Menke-Smith, Elma C, B. S., ha Elber-field
pa Orlando, Flo.
1925-1926 teacher, commerce, Linden High School, Linden
1926-1927 teacher, commerce, Orlando, Fla.
1927-1929, not teaching,homekeeper, married.Meredith, Gertrude, A. B., ha Stockwell
pa Colfax
1925-1926 not teaching
1926-1929 head, English department, highschool, Colfax.Meyer, Emile L., A . B., pa 1824 OhioSt., Terre Haute
1925-1929 teacher,Gerstmeyer Technical High School,Terre Haute
1929-1930 teacher, Warren School.Miller, Eva C, B. S., ha Odon
pa Indianapolis
1925-1926 music supervisor,Lyons
1926-1929 married, at home,not teaching.Montgomery, Mildred
2IG, ha Central
pa 89 Williams St., Hammond
1925-1929 teacher, elementary grades, Hammond.Moore, Albert J., A. B., pa East Chicago
1920-1922 teacher, rural schools, Newton county
1922-1925 principal. Rock-field
1925-1926 principal Camden
1927-1928 principal Browns Business College
1929-1930 teacher, English, East Chicago.Moore, Lowell H., A. B., ha Columbus
pa Poland
1919-1922 teacher, ruralschool, Brown county
1922-1923 teacher, Latin and history, Brown county
1924-1925 student, Indiana State Teachers College
1925-1926 teacher, math-matics and Latin, Concannon HighSchool, West Terre Haute
1927-1928principal Morgan-Jackson townships,Poland
1928-1929 county superintendent Owen county, Spencer
re-electedcounty superintendent, Owen county,June, 1929.Morgan, Hedley G., A. B., ha IndianSprings
pa Markle
1925-1926 principalUnion Center School, Union county
1926-1929 principal high school, Markle.Moss, Edith J., 2P, ha Center Point
1925-1929 teacher, primarygrades, Center Point.Myers-Flick, Dorothy M., A. B., ha 6638th Ave., Terre Haute
pa Box 234Coulee,, Wash.
1925-1926 teacher ofEnglish and French, Cuzco
1926-1928teacher, English and French, VermillionGrove, 111.
1928-1929 teacher, Spokane,Wash.
1929-1930 not teaching, home-keeper, married.Myers, Mrs. Mildred H., B. S., ha 2401North 9th St., Terre Haute
pa Midland
1925-1926 teacher, music and art, Brook
1926-1927 teacher, music and art, Monroe City
1927-1930 not teaching, athome.Myers, Wallace A., B. S., ha 2401 North9th St., Terre Haute
pa Midland
1921-1926 principal high school, Brook
1926-1927 teacher, manual training and science, Monroe City
1927-1928 teacher,manual training. East Chicago
1928-1930 teacher, manual training and principal, Midland.Nantz, Goldie
B. S., ha 1108 North 6thSt., Terre Haute
pa same
1908-1923teacher, public schools. Glen Ayr andTerre Haute
1923-1924 teacher in Kansas City, Mo.
1926-1929 teacher, McLean Junior High School, Terre Haute.Nash, Wanita E., 2IG, pa Princeton
1925-1930 teacher of grades, Lyles.Neyhouse, Alvin R., A. B., ha 2705South 7th St., Terre Haute
1910-1911teacher, science, Poseyville
1911-1917principal high school, Poseyville andTerre Haute
1917-1924 principal, Greenwood School, Terre Haute
1924-1925student, Indiana State Teachers College