A magazine dedicated to sharing the mission, spirituality and ministries of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.
2 HOPE // FALL 2011 www.SistersofProvidence.org 3HOwithinPEFeaturesCover story 4Spirituality of acceptanceCancer center chaplain 6A beacon of hopeNurse and...
Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana
The Glencoe627 North Pennsylvania Street1901Historic Description: Eugene A. Cooper had this six-unit Eastern flat building constructed in 1901 as an...
multi-family dwelling
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
The Glencoe627 North Pennsylvania Street1901Historic Description: Eugene A. Cooper had this six-unit Eastern flat building constructed in 1901 as an...
multi-family dwelling
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
The Glencoe627 North Pennsylvania Street1901Historic Description: Eugene A. Cooper had this six-unit Eastern flat building constructed in 1901 as an...
multi-family dwelling
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
On slide mount: Glencoe before, 627 N. Pannsylvania St. ARC, IHPC
The Glencoe627 North Pennsylvania Street1901Historic Description: Eugene A. Cooper had this six-unit Eastern flat building constructed in 1901 as an...
multi-family dwelling
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
On slide mount: Glencoe Apts., 627 N. Pennsylvania, Glenco after, IHPC
The Glencoe627 North Pennsylvania Street1901Historic Description: Eugene A. Cooper had this six-unit Eastern flat building constructed in 1901 as an...
multi-family dwelling
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
On slide mount: Glencoe Apts., 627 N. Pennsylvania, Glenco after, IHPC
The Glencoe627 North Pennsylvania Street1901Historic Description: Eugene A. Cooper had this six-unit Eastern flat building constructed in 1901 as an...
multi-family dwelling
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
On slide mount: Glencoe Apts., 627 N. Pennsylvania, Glenco before, IHPC
The Glencoe627 North Pennsylvania Street1901Historic Description: Eugene A. Cooper had this six-unit Eastern flat building constructed in 1901 as an...
multi-family dwelling
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
On slide mount: Glencoe Apts., 627 N. Pennsylvania, (S.J.), AC/ IHPC
The Glencoe627 North Pennsylvania Street1901Historic Description: Eugene A. Cooper had this six-unit Eastern flat building constructed in 1901 as an...
multi-family dwelling
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection