Search Results - (( a one ((book a...
Showing 1 - 20 of 2,904 results
Search Results - (( a one ((book a...
Showing 1 - 20 of 2,904 results
John Muhammad reading a book while on Hajj to Mecca.
Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community
Children’s Museum of Indianapolis Digital Archives
The third collection in a series of zines from JUSTARIP Press dealing with the early history of women in baseball, aviation, racing, and...
Herron Library Fine Press and Book Arts Collection
Children’s Museum of Indianapolis Digital Archives
A narrative poem illustrated with Pati Scobeys copper etchings (including one on a fold-out page) relief rolled and printed on Rives He...
Herron Library Fine Press and Book Arts Collection
Medium/Materials: Book, bandages, text on transparency, quote by Euripides; memory box. Holland-born, Massachusetts-based mixed media artist Merike Va...
The quote by Euripides, one of the great tragedians of classical Athens, expresses my feelings about why I joined the Al-Mutanabbi Street Co...
Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Coalition Collection
Imam Michael Saahir during a book signing for his book From Dusk to Dawn His Legacy Lives: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, A Social ...
Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community
Children’s Museum of Indianapolis Digital Archives
Broadside for the Indiana Saddle Horse Association annual fall roundup during October 5-6, 1957, which provides a schedule for events, entry fees...
Indiana State Library Broadsides Collection
Alan Goebes, age 7, reading the book People of the Snow by Wanda Tolboom while dabbing sweat from his forehead with a tissue during...
Indiana Album
Normal College of the American Gymnastic Union
Henry is in Honolulu. He still wants to get a job on a dredge elsewhere. He wants to save more money and is thinking of getti...
Clark County Collections
Colonel Welton M. Modisette, post commander, and 1st Officer Elizabeth A. Wilbern of the 3561st Service Unit, Womens Army Auxiliary Corps, standi...
Indiana State Library Photograph Collections
Henry will be leaving Hawaii for a job on a dredge in a month. He says he sent his ration books to Frank. He talks about ...
Clark County Collections
Flag book design, inside is monotype on Arches 250gsm, text is serigraph on papers vary mostly Arches 250gsm, covers vary; (handmade pa...
As a visual artist, book artist, papermaker, printmaker and lover of books, I am grateful for this opportunity to create book arts that ...
Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Coalition Collection
Betty Lou Amster Author of New Albany on the Ohio signing a book for Julia Holmes during the New Albany Sesquicentennial.
New Albany Historic Photograph Archive
A book that lists the names of men from Sullivan County who fought in the Civil War.
Sullivan County Public Library
Students and President Raleigh W. Holmstedt present a book to George Ball, chair of the Board of Trustees during the Book and Torch Cer...
Indiana State University Archives
Alumni, students, and faculty hold a banquet during the Book and Torch ceremony.
Indiana State University Archives
President Ralph Tirey, college administrators and students perform the Book and Torch Ceremony during Founders Day celebrations.
Indiana State University Archives